BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah I see what you meant. Thanks.

BlackDay2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

Also, when people invest in a mutual fund, the fund has no choice but to buy at whatever price the market is at. So when you constrict consumption through curfews, the savings end up in the market, instead of in the economy, and it doesn't drop as much as it should.

This is happening where I live, even though borrowing is not cheap here. Funds buying into a ridiculously overpriced market, which has long since overshot it's theoretical worth (as valued by discounted cash flow method, let's say).

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

What do you mean by that, especially the second part?

BlackDay2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

This provides one theory for the push for boosters. If true, they'd need new variants of concern every year to justify the excess mortality. For example, the CEO of OneAmerica justified the 40% jump in death rate as long term COVID impacts. The deaths in turn are used to fear monger the vaccines.

This may not be the end goal though. The deaths might just be a set up for The Great Reset or something.

BlackDay2020 5 points ago +5 / -0

They are kicking out those who won't comply i.e. the opposition (to the elite). Thus left with those who are compliant.

This was expected. The vaccine mandates-but-not-mandates helped to identify (whether by design or unintentionally) those who will bend the knee. After that, the easy part and also the logical next step to increase power, is to kick out those who won't.

A theory: https://conspiracies.win/p/140cgLUmO7/x/c/4JJgf5qiq3c

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Santa Klaus is coming to town...

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

FYI Delhi metropolitan area is ruled by a CIA puppet. So not surprising.

Uttar Pradesh is ruled by a Hindu monk (his parents and siblings live a lower class lifestyle still, so probably not sold out). EDIT: He said this recently "Omicron common viral fever, Covid nearing end" https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/lucknow/omicron-common-viral-fever-caution-adityanath-7703781/

Different states are using different treatment protocols.

BlackDay2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree. They probably think they can crash it quick and do a Great Reset. Might not end up that way. Too bad the people in public view (Klaus Schwab, Fauci, Bill Gates etc.) are probably not the powers behind the scenes (the real head of the snake).

People will go after the public figures, and ignore the head of the snake.

BlackDay2020 3 points ago +3 / -0


As your example shows, constant change of environment (before you identity with the current one) and lack of uniqueness (makes it easier to form an identity) is one method. Disorganization (lack of structure) is common among depressed individuals. There must be no structure to life, nothing unique from one person to the next, one place to the next etc. to anchor the person's identity. Solve et Coagula.

Another method is to give hope and then yank it, and keep repeating that (eg: Trump gave hope and election fraud took it, Q gave hope and failed predictions took it, end of lockdown gave hope and more lockdowns will take it, vaccines gave hope for end of pandemic and vaccine failure took it etc.).

Another method is to drain your energy in useless social media fights, riots and other incidents designed to maximally provoke you etc.

But also be careful of too much Black Pill -> might lead to detachment and acceptance of "fate", nihilism, depression (not enough strength left to resist) etc.

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, from what I understand, viral vector vaccines eventually also (internally) produce the mRNA required for spike protein production, they just do it by rewriting cellular DNA as opposed to injecting externally produced mRNA.

The additional problem with mRNA vaccine is the lipid nanoparticles, which bypass protective mechanisms and get into every cell, something viruses can't do. Those cells manufacturing spikes have to be killed to save the body, even if they are heart, lymph node or brain cells (stuff which might not regrow). Viral vector vaccines, being viruses, won't do that - they're still bad because they dump spike proteins into the blood stream causing clots: https://www.ft.com/content/f76eb802-ec05-4461-9956-b250115d0577

Basically, natural immunity is the best by far.

BlackDay2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

News can be verified here: https://youtu.be/5AOHrZHG5L0?t=1265

Trying to spin it as deaths from long term effects of COVID and hence the need for mandatory vaccinations.

I guess I might be wrong about the purpose of the vaccines, and depopulation is possibly an objective. Really indiscriminate way to go about it though, unless the workers important to them were warned and/or only given saline at their workplace (eg: Big Tech workers, military, police, judiciary, media etc.).

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Inactivated virus vaccines are different, they don't hijack body cells like a live virus would. The most damage they can do is produce a different immune response vs. what natural infection does, making you susceptible to an immune overreaction: https://conspiracies.win/p/140cSCy0UK/2012-paper-describes-lung-failur/

The other toxic chemicals they add to the vaccine ("adjuvants") can perhaps cause damage too, if they haven't been screened for long term damage. They're added for an "enhanced" immune response (obviously, since they are toxic).

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agree with the part about rapid vaccine development (COVID showed us pandemic propaganda can last maybe a year).

Another angle could be that they also wanted a suspicious vaccine to separate those who trust what they are told from those who don't ("compliant" vs. "resistors"). Now the resistors may be kicked out of jobs of importance (government, military, media, police etc.) with mandates, depending on Supreme Court.

BlackDay2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

You're mistaken if you think all that "aid" is really reaching those people. It's often a way to launder money into those countries for whatever purposes (not much different from Greenpeace, Ford Foundation, Clinton Foundation etc.).

So actually those countries might be better off as well if all that money stopped coming in. Aid also keeps people from becoming self-sufficient (i.e. country will stay weak and dependent).

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Link works for me, try using a web proxy to get to it (eg: copy-paste link in https://hide.me/en/proxy).

Interesting that all jabs were in traditionally blue states. Thanks for the info.

If the link is correct, then most people who get the vaccine won't get adverse effects. Here's a theory as to why: https://conspiracies.win/p/140cgLUmO7/x/c/4JJgf5qiq3c

I didn't downvote you btw.

BlackDay2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

Look at the photo. When you get a shot, aren't you instructed to let your arm down and keep it loose, rather than flex it? So did he get the shot, or was the person injecting incompetent?

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most of the adverse reactions were from a few lots. I guess you didn't get one from the dirty lots:


If you don't mind, which state did you get the vaccine in, in case you live in the USA? I'm asking because the "clean" lots were sent to only 12 or fewer states (see link).

BlackDay2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

Edited. I meant I learned from the whole Q debacle. Q followers abandoning personal responsibility waiting for a hero to save them. I learned the danger of being complacent, of getting too comfortable, waiting for someone else to make the first move, of relying only on hope...

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey u/axolotl_peyotl FYI bot account. Don't click the link ;)

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also while we gloat over digital assets (NFT, crypto etc.) they're buying out real world assets (eg: BlackRock buying homes).

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah you kinda have to expect they'll go after the resistors, having identified them through vaccine mandates. Here's why I think the adverse effects in a few lots were intentionally created to separate the resistors from the compliers, rather than for "depopulation" (would kill indiscriminately destabilizing the system they've carefully built): https://conspiracies.win/p/140cgLUmO7/x/c/4JJgf5qiq3c

It's the natural next step to further their power. Even if Omega doesn't hit, we may see unvaccinated (read resistors) expelled from all branches of government, media, military, businesses etc. with the help of mandates. No jobs, no unemployment benefits, and locked down: a death/poverty sentence.

Of course, with a deadly pathogen lockdowns, they could achieve much more, possibly like this (ignore the part about cryptocurrency being banned which now seems wrong to me, among others): https://conspiracies.win/p/140JK8vnQm/new-theory-on-how-the-great-rese/

EDIT: One possible oversight in your theory is natural immunity. Both vaxxed and unvaxxed have been exposed to various strains including the 2020 one, so immunity-wise it's not as clear cut as vaxxed vs unvaxxed. Unless the vaccine provides immunity to a variant/new disease not yet released (eg: Omega)...

BlackDay2020 7 points ago +7 / -0

Doom porn negative chicken littles masked or not and their hypervigilant antipodes can be dismissed as sore losers who've had shtty lives and thus are embracing their new sense of purpose.

Careful with that complacency. I learned from Q debacle not to get complacent and never to rely on hope or on others to do what must be done. Optimism and hope are feel good tranquilizers. They tend to make you underprepared as you overweight the odds in your favor, and they take away your ability to view what's happening with cold objectivity.

The inbred elite are using AI to script this show because they're not very bright

Underestimating your enemy. So you think any fool can just subvert a civilization and take over their institutions? And yet no one is able to fool the supposedly foolish elite into giving up their power and control?

Any fool can just build an industrial-academic-military complex with the power to conquer the world, gain ridiculous amounts of wealth and power, and have much smarter people do their bidding? Why didn't any of us do that then?

Their success has no correlation with their iQ?

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