BlackDay2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you want to store food but don't have so much money to do the above, do this third world version:

  1. Grains (wheat is among the most nutrient dense). Use boric acid to kill insects. It's safe to eat if you wash thoroughly before you eat.
  2. Milk powder (make sure it is full cream - you need those fats)

All of the above stuff can last 20+ years with correct storage (don't believe me? Read these (sources: https://theprovidentprepper.org/food-storage-how-to-store-wheat-so-it-is-still-delicious-31-years-later/ https://www.thespruceeats.com/does-powdered-milk-go-bad-1388298#:~:text=Most%20manufacturers%20recommend%20using%20powdered,Some http://npic.orst.edu/factsheets/archive/borictech.html#env)

  1. Soil has minerals and some other nutrients, but you need to be careful about contaminants like heavy metals and parasites. Or if you can afford it, multivitamins (freeze them - the colder the better).
  2. Water filter
  3. For fiber, greens, nuts etc. just grab them off trees (A yard full of food will attract government attention). You can ferment or sprout your food (including grains) to increase micronutrient density and make it easy to digest (those leaves are otherwise going right through).
  4. Dried animal dung is quite useful and portable (for fire etc.). You can learn many such tricks from the third world (when your survival depends on it, its funny how quickly you lose social conditioning of what is clean or dirty).
  5. Hunt animals which come your way. You will appreciate why the Chinese eat anything that moves once you live through a Communist revolution.

Learn from squirrels: https://www.livescience.com/64104-how-do-squirrels-find-buried-nuts.html and bury your food in multiple safe spots (with proper water proofing of course) because your guns aren't going to protect it from government seizures (this is what happened in Bolshevik revolution). Guns are good for guerilla warfare etc. but no good if armed government agents come to search your house.

If you can't afford piles of silver, remember food and water too can be traded for medicines etc.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

They won't let you be. Look at Italy: No vaccines no jobs (and probably they'll cut your unemployment benefits too).

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah I agree. I became suspicious when Nicki Minaj started opposing vaccines. They want this. Look at Italy: No vaccines no jobs.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

The vaccines reinforce the separation of the two groups created with Trump (makes you wonder if his election was really an unplanned event). The side effects of the vaccines are entirely intended, they surely knew about those during testing. It would help separate those who took them anyway (loyalists or those putting career or money first) from those who do not value either of those.

Do you really believe Nicki Minaj went against the elite on this one? The suppression of those who speak against vaccines only lends more credibility to them (reverse psychology), so those who think for themselves will take note and act differently. Same as the media going after Trump gave him more credibility as an anti-establishment candidate.

BlackDay2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

Plot twist version: Some dude swapped his saline shot for the real one.

BlackDay2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

Creating a demonic/doomsday cult and associated symbolism can be useful for much more practical reasons than to please the devil, in case you don't believe in that stuff: https://conspiracies.win/p/13zfva3Uf3/x/c/4JFoFsbm6YE

Also religion is this site's blind spot. They'll question every narrative except the Christian narrative.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

EDIT: Just realized you didn't copy the links properly my man. For example take the second to last link https://www.reddit.com/r/travisscott...ssmf&context=3. You seem to have copy pasted, but Reddit shortens long URL texts, so you need to actually copy the URL address (right click the link -> "Copy Link Address").

BlackDay2020 12 points ago +12 / -0

I think u/axolotl_peyotl is onto something. Given the date, might be some kind of ritual sacrifice thing.

Blaming it on the vaxx alone is taking attention away from the occult aspect.. could be intentional misdirection. Sure the death count may have been lower if people without damaged hearts were in the same situation. But that doesn't mean situation wouldn't have occurred in the first place. The fact that it was happening in front of Travis and the crew and they kept going undermines the vaccine theory.

The twitter thread is extremely insightful and worth archiving in case it is deleted. I think the girl who's seen climbing up to the cameraman is the same one I posted an eyewitness account of (see here). Here's her video climbing up: This is dystopian stuff.


  1. Travis saw the "sinkhole" in the crowd and smiled: https://twitter.com/prettycvntt/status/1457163897530687497

  2. Was informed by two guys and saw the ambulance, and decided to go on: https://twitter.com/OgGwuap/status/1457870226498863107

  3. Kept singing "Yeeaah, Yeeaah" while looking at a body. Sang louder after people screamed to stop the show: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qod15o/multicam_edit_of_travis_scott_calling_to_have_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

  4. Symbolism similar to hellmouth: https://twitter.com/toritawes/status/1457432953907257349/photo/1

  5. What's that on his shirt? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FDnVWMxXoA0aOe2?format=jpg&name=large

  6. More symbolism:

    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6nuXzbSkiI
    2. https://www.instagram.com/travisscott/?hl=en
  7. Some very interesting coincidences in this thread (this goes much deeper): https://twitter.com/theNDExperience/status/1457008185320091649

BlackDay2020 5 points ago +5 / -0

Eyewitness reports:


It seems the security guards, cameramen (especially the one pointed into the crowd) and organizers definitely heard heard the screams for help and saw the stampede, but ignored it. Even when they were specifically told about it and the exact location was pointed out.

Another report: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CV7DxlOlJlI/?utm_medium=copy_link

Isn't the movie "V for Vendetta" is about a revolution on 5th of November? Isn't it also set in 2020 (source)? Except in real life it was a coup in the name of a pandemic and also the election, rather than a revolution in November 2020.

EDIT: I also remember Q people were saying to wait for 5th of November... because Trump said (see video) the best is yet to come /s Watching that again made me feel like a sheep for having believed they might be right, given our situation today.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, that might be our reality.

But mathematics, in principle, is abstract and has nothing to do with our reality. Mathematics exists within its own universe (a universe created by a mathematician with its own language, logic and rules aka axioms, all chosen by the mathematician). Our limited human minds can wrap around this simplistic universe and thus gain some kind of intellectual satisfaction from understanding it, and in seeing some kind of aesthetic beauty in it. Of course non-mathematicians don't see this beauty and don't feel this satisfaction, and only see the drudgery of thinking hard and manipulating symbols on paper, so they aren't attracted to mathematics.

Of course, we can unabstract it with respect our own universe so as to apply it to our own universe. This is because it was abstraction arising out of phenomena in this universe in the first place that we transplanted into our artificial universe as mathematics, though not all of it. The rest of mathematics arose from playing with and abstracting from pre-existing mathematics within the artificial universe.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have become so bitter in these 2 years

I understand you fren. When nothing works, it's frustrating. However, if you can afford it I recommend you to experiment with supplements. I don't know your symptoms, but I've heard of people who were about to be amputated, who then saved themselves by taking supplements.

For example, if you have clots, try Nattokinase. Try N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC). Try Vitamin C (200-300 mg five to six times a day). Try Citrulline etc. Whatever you can afford, experiment with it. If you find something that needs to be injected (like hydroxypropyl beta cyclodextrin or disodium EDTA), see if some doctor agrees to give it you

I encourage you to do your own research. Don't give up yet. Your body has the ability to fight this, but it has lost it's way. With a little help it might get back on track. The knowledge you gain could save another person. Good luck!

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +3 / -2

and if he isn’t, then it truly is the end of the world

LOL. Maybe if your world revolved around one man. Think about it: If you rely on one person to save you, you're already doomed. If that person dies, you've got nothing. A very fragile safety net held together by one link..

Invest in fixing your safety net while you can.

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude if the companies go, there will be mass unemployment. Not everyone works for the government.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yeah this lines up with what we're seeing (was also a common hypothesis on this site). Majority of the people are not getting adverse reactions (think entire US military which is mostly vaccinated).

If only some lots are poisonous, it looks like the adverse reactions are random occurrences as opposed to all vaccinated people getting sick. I'm basing this on the fact that only certain lots of Moderna were found to be contaminated with magnetic substances in Japan.

Imagine the security of America and its elites if the (mostly vaccinated) US military just drops dead. It would be interesting to see where those batches were sent. Makes sense they would protect those workers who are essential to them (bureaucrats, military, police, Big Tech workers etc.), but also seems certain states are being protected:

As you can see from the above table 4,289 different lots of Pfizer vaccine were distributed to 12 states or less across the USA...[with] an average of 2 adverse event reports per lot and 0 deaths and hospitalisations.

However, a further 130 different lots of Pfizer vaccine were distributed to between 13-50 states across the USA... [with] an average of 1,278 adverse event reports per lot number, alongside 22 deaths and 109 hospitalisations.

California? New York? And you all were thinking the woke masses would kill themselves by taking all these vaccines. What a plot twist.

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

The entire idea behind a corporation is to separate the debts of the firm from the debts of the owners of the firm. The firm is legally considered a distinct person. It incentivizes entrepreneurs to take risks knowing their personal wealth is protected if it all falls down, and investors know they're only entitled to the firm's assets and not the founder's assets.

Without that kind of separation, who'd want to start multi-billion dollar industries like oil, mining, chip manufacturing etc. and possibly own nothing for the rest of your life if it fails? If this happened in America, companies would move out and the business's American transactions would probably be insured, making everything very expensive. I could see other businesses getting uneasy over this and foreign firms moving out.

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

As I understand, a reverse repo is financial institutions buying securities from the FED, hence giving money to the FED? It takes money out of the market? If it's going up, it means they're pulling money from the market, right? And stopping means, no more pulling money out of the market? Hence the dip in 2020, when they were pushing more money into the market?

The economy would crash if they kept pulling more money out. But if they're stopping then how is it gonna crash the economy? Or are you saying that there's still too much money in the market, and if they stop now, there'll be hyperinflation?

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 6 points ago +6 / -0

Is it like a buy in? As in, if you get the vaccine, you're less likely to oppose it for everyone? Or maybe even want others to suffer with you?

Kinda like religious conversion (under manipulation or force). Once you're in, you then begin to support that side.

BlackDay2020 3 points ago +4 / -1

I think the virus is real. I (and also my family) lost my sense of smell for 3 weeks (and no, our noses weren't blocked). Additionally, I had difficulty standing for the first two days, oxygen saturation dropped by 3-4 percent. Never had any of that happen with the yearly flu ever, which generally has very mild symptoms for me. It definitely was not "just" flu.

This was during the "delta" wave. Notice, I didn't even mention anything about the RT-PCR test. Just the symptoms were enough to tell me this isn't the ordinary "flu".

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd be scared of prions. You can't destroy them even if you cook your food. Your body can't break them down and they're infectious too.

Haha by dukey
BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah I totally want to be a consoomer /s

BlackDay2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes certainly. Up until almost the end of nineteenth century, mathematics was pretty much based on constructive methods (i.e. a mathematical proof could not use any object that couldn't be defined in a finite number of steps).

Cantor introduced the idea of working with objects that were infinite (could never be defined in a finite number of steps eg: the complete decimal representation of pi - we can only calculate it till a finite number of places). Today his ideas form the foundations of all of standard mathematics.

But at the time, there were strong objections to it. Basically one group of mathematicians were so sold on their "ideology" of math should be that they publicly made personal attacks against him ("charlatan", "corruptor of youth" etc.). Dude suffered mental breakdowns and left his work/job to start lecturing in philosophy instead. Died in poverty in a sanatorium.

Sounds like 2020 in some ways: group gets scared of "dangerous" idea, cancels propagator of idea, propagator's personal life is ruined.

BlackDay2020 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is actually good for science. The consensus oriented, publish or perish cultured, funding-seeking, Institution of Science(TM) today actually gets in the way of breakthroughs (one recent example: https://www.reuters.com/article/nobel-chemistry-idUSL5E7L51U620111005)

You'd think mathematics was safe from this attitude since they are the most careful about assumptions. But nope. Look at what was done to Georg Cantor.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Could you, if possible, briefly explain what the conspiracy theory is about Jesuits? I only know them by name but nothing else about them. Thanks.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or this was just the conditioning/live simulation round. Next they release a deadlier strain or new virus entirely and we go into lockdown again. Not saying this will happen, but if the elite really wanted a lockdown, this would be one way.


BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't believe those numbers. An IQ of 70 is one of the symptoms of mental retardation. Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK332877/

Since IQ occurs on a bell curve, if the 50 percentile occurs at IQ 70, then half of them are below that number and thus suffering from mental retardation (1 in 2). This number does not meet anyone's real life experience with Black people.

These numbers are probably based on Richard Lynn's work. You'll be laughed at by psychometricians if you were to employ the methods he did in his work to determine a country's IQ. Even the relation of IQ to intelligence is debated, though IQ does correlate with many things that are socially considered to be "successes".

If you insist, keep in mind this same work also shows white people are "inferior" to Asians in terms of "IQ".

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