Absolutely agree. I always try to give people a chance to prove their point, and always consider that I might be wrong about something, in full or in part. I prioritize truth first, above all else, so I can learn. It's the reason why my profile name is what it is. However, I'll always challenge someone's position in a debate, usually through poking holes in their logic, as I hate getting into the back and forth posting of articles that each side tries to dismiss. Almost invariably, it results in people getting vitriolic, they start name calling, and resort to all manner of logically fallacious arguments. It's sad. They treat their opinions like an anchor. They cling to it even if it'll drown them, thinking they have no choice. Everyone has free will and can change their minds. Most refuse to, though, at least at first.
Even people who consider themselves right wing, will use the exact same globalist propaganda and arguments as the far left when you challenge their conditioned assumptions. That's probably why it's more infuriating to debate a normie right winger than a lefty. The right winger already knows the news, media, and government all lie, about everything, but they still cling onto lies they were taught in school, especially about history, or what the "authorities" say on medicine. They fall victim to the same logical fallacies as the left, appeals to emotion, popularity, and authority.
This is why my research into conspiracy theories was so crucial in red pilling me. It opened my eyes to all of this, with how corrupted the world actually is, what the people in power have done, what they've said, and what they're willing to do. I found out who I could trust, and who I couldn't. It wasn't even intentional at first either. I was more interested in stuff like bigfoot, ghosts, and aliens. Instead I learned way more about political and historical conspiracies.
I've also discovered a lot of shills too. Honestly challenging someone, their ideas, and not relenting, is a really good way to find out who a person is. They almost invariably get emotional and let things slip that they normally wouldn't. You can also infer a lot by what people say and how they say it, with just a modicum of experience and understanding of human motivations. I've changed quite a lot of my views over the last 10 years, some subtle, and some major, due to coming across better information and arguments. So I know from experience it's not impossible to change one's mind.
Also notice how they downvote us, even in c/conspiracies, while not refuting anything we've said. They're weak, have no counterpoints, and they know it. They can only survive in a censorship heavy environment. It won't matter, though. Lies always fail.
On the contrary. Virtual particles is how Hawking postulated that black holes evaporate, via Hawking radiation. It's mostly accepted in the scientific community. You may disagree with the method of energy extraction, but it's based on sound science.
Agreed. For people that were banned off of Reddit from undue and hypocritically applied censorship, they seem to embrace it wholeheartedly here.
It's also a blatant logical fallacy. Espousing for the truthful telling of history doesn't make one an advocate of the side that the truth casts a better light on. For any other historical topic a historian doesn't have to defend himself as being pro-[anything], for merely telling the truth about it, except for WW2. A historian about the Roman empire doesn't mean he's pro Roman empire and anti anyone else. A historian about the American Revolution doesn't make him pro U.S. and anti-British. Just because I believe in the truth about WW2 doesn't make me a "Nazi" or "stormfag". That argument is ridiculous just on the surface.
I got banned from patriots.win for talking about verboten WW2 info, not even talking about any specidic demographic, but the hinky stuff about Poland. My comments were removed by mods, so I started my own theead there asking why the mods deleted my comments, since they didnt break any rules. One of the head mods, f-b-i-, tells me I broke 3 specific rules, which I clear didn't, and told him so. He proceeds to tell me I'm brigading (even though I've been a member of that forum since 2016 on Reddit), and that I'm a "stormfag". I press him further on his hypocrisy, and then he says "do you know who I am?", quickly deletes his comment, and then perma bans me.
That mod isn't the only one either. About a week or two ago, I saw a post pinned which mentioned "schlomo" in the title. One of the lower upvoted comments asked why it was pinned, due to the evil antisemitism, to which doggos replied it was a mistake, and they don't tolerate evil antisemitism.
They tolerate people talking negatively about any other demographic, except Jews, even if the information is true. They allow conversation about pretty much anything, except WW2. They're a bunch of hypocrites and liars. It's clearly a false right wing trap, like a lot of normie right wing stuff is nowadays (the Republican party, Fox news, Daily Wire, PragerU, etc.). I've also seen blatant vote manipulation and rampant alt usage.
Unconnected to this, I've also had weird run ins with the mods of c/Christianity. I'm pretty sure two of the mods there (SwampRangers and CuomoisaMassMurderer) are the same person. It started when CuomoisaMassMurderer replied to one of my replies in a random ConPro thread, which was 3 months old. It was weird as hell, considering how this website works. Someone would have to dig for a long time to find that specific thread. A newer ConPro thread had tons more comments by CuomoisaMassMurderer, which made me curious, so I looked through his comment history. It was clear he was shilling the forum, so I posted the info I found in that newer thread. When I did that, SwampRangers comes in, and tries to defend Cuomo, saing he's a genuine user (very odd thing to say), that he frequents ConPro all the time, and other lies. I prove that's not the case, while also continuing the debate with Cuomo in the 3 month old thread. When I post a lengthy reply to Cuomo in the old thread (where SwampRangers had never been in), SwampRangers comes in, almost immediately, and says "TLDR". He forgot to change out his account between replying to me in the newer thread, and replying to me on his alt in the 3 month old thread. This made him extremely pissy, and he then spammed tons of replies at me.
The inverse is going to happen in the future, a lot, and be far worse. Western civilization is headed toward inevitable collapse. There are too many downward forces at play. Western civilization was built by White people. The more non-whites are imported and promoted (i.e. affirmative action and diversity quotas), the greater we'll accelerate toward collapse. We're already seeing it a lot. It's just not published in the mainstream media. White people are dropping out of society in droves, refusing to uphold the current system, which has revealed itself as being insanely anti-White and evil. Military recruitment is way down. The non-white replacements can't maintain it.
Anti-semitism, racism, far right views, and White collectivism are already on the rise, a lot within just the last few years. It's going to keep accelerating. Even normie tier White people see that something bad is coming, even though they don't see all the connections, and are prepping for hard times.
The globalists will do everything they can to stop it, but they were destroyers and liars from the beginning. Everything they "build" (read: corrupt) destroys itself. When civilization collapses, when the violence starts, White people will collectivize and fight back. Those that don't will die off. A lot of people are going to die (I don't wish for it, I'm just saying what's going to happen). I don't know exactly how it's going to happen, whether through secession, balkanization, or the slow increasing boil, but when the shackles come off, when the reality hits, when White people realize what the people in power have been doing to us, the anger will be Biblical, and unforgiving. We're not going to ask the non-white Kalergi plan enforcers to bend the knee. When that time comes, the media isn't going to be around for longer either.
I disagree. The people in power absolutely don't want violence to erupt. They're trying to delay it as long as possible, so the demographic shift is so massive that White people have little chance to succeed when we inevitably do collectivize and fight back. It's called the Kalergi plan. They want to mass import non-whites to White countries, miscegenate, replace, and genocide White people, replacing us with a permanent, low IQ, easily controllable brown underclass, controlled by Jews (his words, repeated ad nauseam by many others in power).
Every single wargame scenario the U.S. government has run on a 2nd Civil War shows them losing, because the right wing (White people) live in the suburbs and rural countryside, and the left/globalist supporting useful idiots all live in the cities. This means the right controls the food supply, and can easily cut off supplies to the cities. This would force the government/globalists to mass police their own supporting base, to prevent mass riots and starvation (which would probably happen anyway). Almost all truckers are hard right wing. Most critical infrastructure is woefully susceptible to sabotage. The right wing owns most of the guns. Every military leader knows that 3rd gen warfare is dead (modern armies), that it's beaten by 4th gen warfare (entrenched resistant populations; guerrilla warfare), which is why they're using 5th gen warfare against us (information control and dispensation of propaganda). Also, the wargame scenarios show most of the military grunts defecting immediately, taking huge amounts of military hardware with them, while around 5-10% would remain inside and sabotage it from within.
This is why the people in power (Democrats and Republicans) are propagandizing White people to be self destructively individualists, so we don't collectivize and protect ourselves. This is why the people in power lie about history, and demonize and undermine White people in every sector of society that globalists control. It's meant to keep us weak, atomized, lazy, poisoned, pacified, inactive, and accepting of our own genocide.
Very similar situation occurred with the government at the Oregon wildlife refuge standoff in 2016. The people were innocent, and being screwed over by the government for decades, leading to the arrest of the last family living in the area under bullshit reasons. The people come to the family's defense, and the government tries to kill them (actually murders LaVoy Finicum in a trap when they tried to get help with a local sheriff because the feds are pure evil). There was a very long blog post by someone that lived in the area that detailed all the bullshit the federal government was doing and had done, but I can no longer find it. However, this is a pretty good rundown of the events:
The same kind of situation happened at Ruby Ridge.
When we retake power, there is only one solution for the people involved.
Yeah, I remember that story. Luckily that guy lived, though. There was another video around the same time where some black people stole a car from a White person, and dragged them because they got stuck (can't remember if they survived).
This is one of the reasons why the Clintons have so much political clout, and why so many people around them "commit suicide". When Bill was governor of Arkansas he and Hillary helped the CIA smuggle South American drugs into the U.S. via the Mena airport.
Reading the details of what the black people did to Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom helped to change my view on black-on-white crime. The brutality, depravity, lack of empathy, violence, and horror. If you haven't read up on the details, you should. It'll haunt you, but help you understand the world.
The massive disproportion of inter-ethnic crime is reaffirmed everywhere. The crimes in South Africa against the Afrikaners. The crimes in Europe committed by the "migrants". The crimes in North America committed by African Americans. The videos of black behavior not covered in the mainstream media (or even most right wing media) on 4chan. The constant barrage of stories of White people being attacked and murdered by non-whites. And the people in power approve of it and try to cover it up. If we say anything, we're demonized and have our lives ruined. The Kalergi plan is in full swing. I hope the pendulum swings back soon.
I know it's an uncomfortable topic for some, but Jesus identified at least one party allied with the devil. In John 8, Jesus was questioned by the pharisees (Jewish religious leaders), and Jesus told them that they were children of the devil, who is the father of lies, and they do as their father (i.e. they're liars, followers of the devil). In older versions of the Bible there were distinctions between the various peoples of that area. Hebrews, Israelites, and Jews were different groups of people. Modern translations of the Bible muddy the waters, because they refer to all of those different people as "jews".
The Bible also refers to ancient Canaanite Gods, one of them being Remphan. This god has other names too (I don't remember the spellings), mentioned in the Bible, that are due to mistranslations through the different languages. The Israeli flag has a 6 pointed star, and it isn't the star of David. It's the star of Remphan. Many modern Jews are, knowingly or not, worshipping Remphan. There are very strong connections of Remphan to Baal, Moloch, and Saturn, all with heavy connections to Satan. Ancient Canaanite religions involved sexual degeneracy and child sacrifice. Alex Jones found evidence for Moloch worship at Bohemian Grove. Hillary Clinton said she would make a sacrifice to Moloch in one of the Podesta emails released by Wikileaks in 2016. The pizzagate investion uncovered rampant Satan worship and iconography all over Washington D.C. and Hollywood, including blood and sexual magic/rituals, like with Marina Abramovic. The Talmud, the writings and interpretations of Old Testament laws by Jewosh leaders, also has some abhorrent teachings in it.
Are all Jews or only some? There's lots of vigorous debate on that. However, it can't be denied that Jews hold massively disproportionate representation in every single entity involved in globalism, which is pushing nothing but lies (they do as their father). The central philosophical tenet of globalists is to lie. They're antithetical to truth.
Another problem with you theory occurred to me. In the video you linked about why the sun isn't visible to the entire flat plane earth, it's due to a refractive lens covering earth. However, if this is true, that refractive lens would also refract the light from the stars and other celestial objects in the sky. This means that they wouldn't produce clearly circular orbits in the night sky. It would also produce a lot of distortion in the sky near the horizon, at least from the refractive lens example shown in your video.
you do not need to believe that everyone in the south is lying. they get 17 hours days in their summer and the FE model shows that. what part of FE model is causing the confusion here?
That's because there are miles and miles of open water between Antarctica (where there would be 24 hour sun in their summer months) and the southern tips of land (where they get 17 hour sunlight during the summer). The northern hemisphere does have land in that region (Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Scandinavia, Russia), where we can see the gradual change in sunlight changes by latitude, on land, throughout the year.
No body on an Antarctica cruise has seen a 24 hour sun, and i doubt you can trust a website that has one passenger say he say it. 17 hours is still a long day. but it does get dark there.
Thank you for confirming that you believe everyone that lives and works in Antarctica, the organization and companies, the pilots, the Antarctic cruise line companies, and everyone that goes on them, are all lying.
i can prove the sun doesnt stay up for 24 hours in the antartica just by looking at the path the sun takes while i am here in the northen latitude. just look at the arch. if the sun arches away from you, you are inside the circle of the suns path, if it arches toward you, you are outside the circle.
This doesn't have enough descriptive detail to understand by the words you wrote. I can't confirm or refute it currently. I do know, however, that the current model of the solar system, with a globe earth tilted at 23.5 degrees, explains the sun's path in the sky perfectly.
here is the proof of the doctored videos: https://conspiracies.win/p/16a9zoe4qA/proof-that-the-24-hour-south-pol/
Reasonable doubt and explanation was given in that very thread for why the video appears "doctored".
The visual aid did refute what you said.
I'm a moderately intelligent person, and I couldn't figure out how your visual aid video refuted anything. Would you mind explaining it for me? Sincerely and truly, I don't mean to mock.
People in the antartic circle DO NOT experience or observe a 24 hour sun.
Just so we're clear, for your flat earth theory to be correct, are you suggesting that everyone that lives close to the south pole (southern South America, New Zealand, the various islands), the Antarctic cruises, everyone that goes on those cruises, the people that live and work in Antarctica, the companies and organizations involved, are all lying? Are you suggesting that all videos of the southern summer sun are all doctored and fake?
If what you say is true, has any flat earther gone to Antarctica, or on an Antarctic cruise (many of which will let passengers step foot on various parts of Antarctica) in December to prove that it doesn't get constant sun?
If the flat earth theory is true, why isn't the entire plane of earth illuminated by the sun? Except for reflection, refraction, diffraction, and gravitational lensing, light travels in a straight line. This means, according to the flat earth theory, that if the sun is in the sky, above the flat plane earth, geometrically, all areas of earth should be illuminated 24/7, because no area would be shadowed by curvature. Even if light diffuses through more atmosphere, the sun would still be visible, but more dim, and the area would get less light, but the sun would never set beyond a horizon. According to the video you linked, this is explained by a refraction lens covering the earth. Is this the accepted theory among all flat earthers? Do you not realize that adding additional layers to simple explanations makes it less believable?
If the flat earth theory is true, why does the sun illuminate different areas of the moon throughout the lunar cycle, dependent upon where the earth, moon, and sun are?
What explanation does the flat earth theory have for lunar and solar eclipses?
If the flat earth theory is true, and the sky rotates around the fixed northern star (Polaris), according to your own videos, why does anything in the sky dip below the horizon? The sun, moon, stars, planets, etc.? According to the theory, this shouldn't happen.
If the flat earth theory is true, why do the northern and southern hemispheres, above and below the 30° latitude, experience the different seasons and weather dependent upon the sun's location? According to globe earth, it's because the tilt of the earth, relative to the sun's rays, increases, thus dispersing the same number of rays over a wider area, reducing the photons per area, which reduces heat transfer. As an example, shine a flashlight perpendicular to the surface (the illuminated area is small, concentrating the photons), and then tilt the surface or flashlight (the illuminated area increases, dispersing the same number of photons across a greater area). This phenomenon is in combination with the shorter daylight hours, again, which requires the sun to dip below the horizon, which shouldn't happen under the flat earth theory.
In the video you linked, relating to why the sky appears different colors during different times of the day, are you suggesting that all experimentation and scientists involved in spectroscopy have lied? That is, why would angle of view change the color of the same ionized gas in the atmosphere. Wouldn't this necessarily require the gases of the atmosphere to change dependent upon sun location and each individual person on the planet? Furthermore, spectroscopy is a studied and repeatable science that shows certain elements and compounds reflect, absorb, and emit specific wavelengths of light, which is how we can determine chemical composition of far away objects, and by identifying unknown samples of things on earth. Are you suggesting that everyone involved with these sciences, companies, and organizations are lying?
How do flat earthers explain satellite imagery of space? According to your videos and theory, space shouldn't be pitch black. How far away does this supposed lens covering earth go? Are all satellite images of space faked, and everyone involved lying? Are all deep space satellites, especially those that have traveled to other moons and planets fake, and everyone involved lying?
There are certainly conspiracies I know are true which require large numbers of people to remain quiet and lie. I also know there are hinky things with Antarctica. I also love to delve into weird and out there conspiracies, like ghosts, aliens, weird ancient history, and cryptozoology. I'll always entertain an idea, give it a chance and hear people out, especially things I don't know much about.
I can't, for the life of me, believe that every single person living in the farther corners of the southern hemisphere are all lying, and doctoring all of their pictures and videos. Southern South America, New Zealand, all of the Antarctic cruises, everyone that goes to Antarctica, and all of the organizations and companies involved. How many people is that? Millions? In combination with what I've learned in astronomy and meteorology (and I even have doubts about some stuff taught in those sciences), and the lack of sound logic and clear explanations for why things occur in the flat earth theory...accepting flat earth is too far of a reach, even for me.
You're trying to suggest I'm not open to out there stuff, when I am. Even if the video you point to was doctored (when people in this post have given reasonable explanation for why it "appears" doctored, but isn't, due to how those cameras work), it's still only one doctored video. I don't base a universe altering opinion on one doctored video.
Your visual aid video didn't refute what I said, and didn't explain why people above the arctic circle and below the antarctic circle experience opposite day/night cycles of the sun in winter and summer.
You do know that there are cruises to Antarctica and the Antarctic circle right? They tell you on their websites what to expect for the cruise. The cruises are done around November to February, because it's the southern hemisphere's summer, it's warmer, and there's less ice, and depending on how far south the cruise goes, the people will experience 17-24 hours of sunlight per day. Simultaneously, people closer to the north pole experience almost constant nighttime during those months. I've yet to see a good flat earth explanation for this. How could these cruise lines serve thousands of people every year while lying to them about the weather conditions? How could no one on these cruises report the inconsistency of the daylight hours?
Here are some links to Antarctic cruise websites which specifically mention the daytime/daylight hours:
In the austral summer, expect at least 20 hours of sunlight a day. As a result, you may experience some insomnia for the first day or two.
At any time of the day or night (because whether you’re in the Antarctic in the Southern Hemisphere’s summer, or the Arctic in the Northern Hemisphere in its summer, because there’s daylight most of the time.
The summer sun bathes the continent in 20-24 hours of daylight in December
With over 17 hours of daylight per day
Here's two timelapse videos of the 24 hour summer sun in Antarctica:
Here's info on New Zealand daylight hours throughout the year, proving they have a lot more sunlight hours during December:
Close to the south pole has 24 hour sun during the summer months of the southern hemisphere, which are between November to February.
I wasn't basing my opinion on that user's video, one way or the other. I was basing it on what people who live near the poles experience.
Here are two websites which catalog the length of day and night for cities in Chile (closer to the south pole), when the sun rises and sets, for Santiago, Chile, and Punta Arenas, Chile. Santiago is in the middle of Chile, and Punta Arenas is at the southern tip, close to Antarctica. They both show that they have very long daylight hours around December, and short daylight hours around July, the exact opposite of areas close to the north pole. This is amplified at Punta Arenas, because it's closer to the south pole.
There are some homesteaders in Alaska that I follow on Youtube, and they show video proof of the difference in daylight hours throughout the year. They have lots of videos and timelapses of nature within their videos, and even talk about the wild changes in length of day throughout the year in some of their videos.
During the summer months by the north pole, the sun remains in the sky 24/7, while at the same time is below the horizon by the south pole. During the winter months by the north pole, the sun remains below the horizon 24/7, while at the same time is above the horizon by the south pole. This is due to earth's tilt, and relative position to the sun throughout the solar year.
Furthermore, timelapse photography shows the stars rotating one way at the north pole, and the opposite way at the south pole.
Neither phenomenon would occur on a flat plane earth. To make them work with flat earth would require intricate convoluted excuses in contradiction with other observations. Every other planet and moon in our solar system that we can observe shows them to be spheres. Even if world governments and space agencies were all lying, we can still see this with our own telescopes.
We all know the people in power lie. They try to brainwash us to not believe our own eyes. They shouldn't be trusted, but a healthy distrust can be taken too far.
I've seen a lot of farmers switch to goat feed to fix the problem. Glad your sister was able to fix it.
Have you ever heard of people eating eggs with a runny yolk? Yolk cooks at 165°F, below the 212°F required to denature proteins according to your link, thus, the IgY would remain intact.
As I said, none of the scientific articles I've found discussing IgY mentions anything about people consuming eggs. They only mentioned extracting it from the yolk, concentrating it, and administering the concentrate. I assume with your prickly attitude that you don't have a source specifically on IgY and human consumption?
This is the only article I found which mentioned the heat tolerances of IgY. Still, it mentions nothing about human consumption.
Would you mind linking a source for this?
I was trying to research this last night, but every single scientific article and study failed to mention anything about eating the eggs for the IgY benefit, whether it would work or not. All of them discussed extracting the IgY from the yolk, and concentrating it through various processes. I was only able to find one compendium article which said IgY is temperature stable around 10 to 70 degrees Celsius (if I remember correctly), and it became less effective and began to break down at higher temperatures, but it never mentioned if higher temperatures conpletely destroyed all of it, or only a percentage of it, variant upon temperature.
If only some of it is destroyed by temperature, then people could still gain the benefit of the remainder, moreso with specific cooking techniques (where eggs would retain their runny yolk).
To be fair, every farmer using those feeds isn't experiencing the problem. Perhaps the situations are different. However, lots of people, who are experienced with chickens, have suddenly been experiencing problems with egg laying, and everyone that's cured the problem has said it was after they switched feeds. This can't be blamed purely on inexperience.
You too. I've always enjoyed your comments.
Also, from what I've seen of your comments the last week or two, you seem to have attracted some obsessives that are downvoting all of your comments.