If a three letter agency wants to target us, they need only increase the noise to such an extent that the signal is lost (i.e. fill the site with so much low value content/bait without substance, it becomes a chore to find anything worthwhile).
There are two ideas in your statement here.
The first is the idea: we must self censor or government will shut us down. Tyranny doesn't shrink, it grows when the people capitulate, compromise, and acquiesce to it. It doesn't matter how much we self censor, it will never be enough. Lies beget more lies. That's why the establishment and the left are in a self defeating purity spiral, why their narrative is accelerating well past insanity. If you compromise truth with a lie, if you censor truth in the name of a lie, if you capitulate and acquiesce to tyranny, you only defeat yourself. It is wrong in every situation.
The second is the idea: all speech devolves into meaningless speech. This is outright false. There are other considerations involved. The right prioritizes, or at least it should, traditional values and virtues. One of the most foundational, necessary, requirements for civilization to exist is merit. Merit means that bad things are overcome by good things, that inefficient things are overcome by efficient things, that good things are overcome by better things. If one doesn't believe in merit, they don't belong on the right. The globalists are antithetical to merit, as a foundational philosophy and as a means to control us. It's why they push affirmative action. Weak and stupid people are put into positions they don't deserve, pushing good people out of those positions, and degrading the infiltrated institution.
I imagine you wouldn't disagree with this, but it's relevant to the discussion, and you didn't include this consideration into your argument. Specifically, here, we have upvotes and downvotes to praise the good, worthy, efficient, virtuous, and good comments and ideas, and downvotes to castigate things that are the opposite. Furthermore, the adage "the left can't meme" holds true. It's ridiculously easy to spot feds, leftists, and their shills. I highly doubt they could effectively infiltrate a genuine forum if people held to merit, and all other virtues taught by logic. The disingenuous more effectively infiltrate and subvert by subtlety. However, beyond teaching everyone what the left's foundational philosophies are, what their effects are, how they act, and how to spot their signs, there will almost always be such infiltrators. There will also always be useful idiots using the same tactics and arguments as the left. Even then, the best course of action is to hold to merit, because then their bad ideas, posts, and comments will be properly downvoted.
It's easy to suck all of the mods' time into deleting child porn, that there's no time to manage the content. If your first impression of a site is that it's a lot of meaningless content, or looks like an echo chamber of one type of ideology (eg: every other post is about "niggers") that you don't hold, you're not likely to visit again.
All forums are echo chambers. Why do people congregate in the first place? It's to pursue shared goals. That means all communities, by their very nature, necessitates homogeneity. In some way or another, all communities of people are more alike to each other compared to the people outside that community. While the people may be different beyond their shared goals, they only work together because of their similarity. Websites, hobbies, jobs, countries, peoples, forums, they all follow this rule. A forum may exist to talk about Star Trek, and it can allow all discourse about Star Trek, making it an echo chamber about Star Trek. Or, a forum may exist only to praise Star Trek, and only allow discourse which praises Star Trek, making it an echo chamber about praising Star Trek. The same goes for any topic and forum.
Forums with large scopes can be host to a wide range of related topics (i.e. politics, science, conspiracy theories, etc.), and they can also change over time. For instance, TheDonald.win changed to Patriots.win, because the scope changed. Lots of discussion, most of it now, doesn't even involve Donald Trump. Even though we mostly agree politically, there is wide range of opinions on certain topics, actions we should or shouldn't take, what the causes are, what's related, and so on.
A site is vulnerable when it is small, because it doesn't take much manpower to derail it. See Voat. Once you're past a certain size, it becomes increasingly expensive to keep the signal-to-noise ratio low. Perhaps Gab was there at the right time and the right place to get enough real users to avoid becoming Voat. Who can say Voat wasn't trying to get the truth out there as much as Gab? IIRC, Gab ran for years without being known for conspiracy theories, while Voat was doing pizzagate etc. from the beginning (like us). Thus Voat attracted more attention from 3 letter agencies, like we will.
I agree that a small force is more easily attacked and conquered than a larger force, but that's not the only consideration here, especially since this isn't war, it's a forum. There are important differences. More important than size, is the strength, wisdom, and virtues of the leaders of this site, and its users. If both the leaders and the users are strong, the forum will grow, that is of course if there are people who would belong on that forum who haven't found it yet. That's why Voat failed. The leaders were weak, and they were the ones that shut it down. They said "one of our investors backed out and we can't afford to run it anymore", but most of the user base said "run a funding campaign, we'll donate", to which the Voat leaders refused. That's why Voat failed. That's also why Gab is growing, even with all of the discussion of "niggers", "jews", and conspiracies, even with how much backlash they've gotten from the mainstream, and from banks and money lenders, and from infrastructure providers. The Gab leaders are strong, and thus were willing to tackle the obstacles in their path, and they've succeeded. Have you been there? Lots of people talk about conspiracy theories. Most modern conspiracy theories are related to politics, and vastly shape understanding of the modern world. Gab is growing because its leaders are strong. Andrew Torba and all the other Gab devs haven't capitulated to the globalists, or compromised, or acquiesced. They fought. That's why people flock to them. We're in such dire straights because of weakness. People are seeking out strength, and will support anyone that shows strength in adversity, especially for those that show strength against the people ruling over us.
Gab is not a threat as much as we could be, because we're hyper-focused on dismantling the establishment's foundations (very high signal-to-noise ratio for getting the red pilled).
I disagree strongly. This site has already acquiesced, not allowing its users to discuss plans to overthrow the government. It may not be "legal", but it's right. We live in the United States, a country founded by righteous men that talked about, organized, and violently fought against tyrannical government. For us to say we're not "legally allowed" to discuss such things is a compromise with lies, evil, and tyranny, a betrayal to the very country we live in and how it was founded. THAT'S why participation in this forum has dropped so drastically after January 6th. People want to act, but they're not allowed to talk about it here, or organize here. You don't defeat tyranny with peace. That's why shills are so quick to yell "glowie" any time someone wants to fight back or organize. It's a means of control to keep us peaceful and apathetic, thinking we can win this war with memes online, and not actually fighting. Sharing information is the first step, action is the necessary next step.
Furthermore, Gab is more successful than us because it allows people to more openly discuss all topics, including the most verboten topics: differences between the sexes, racial disparities, and Jewish involvement in globalism. Regardless of how you feel about the topics, the very allowance of the debates enables, over time, to expose more people to truth, whatever side is proven right or wrong. That's why the globalists must censor, curate, and control so much, to control what people see and don't see, to make us think, speak, and act how they want us to. That is why free speech is so vital: to pursue truth.
I never advocated for lying. Come on. And not all censorship is bad. Censorship that improves the signal-to-noise ratio improves efficiency of information dissemination. The only issue is having well defined rules for removal. A post that does race baiting with no useful information is just noise without substance. A community that values it's right to exist on par with a post with lots of useful information, for the sake of free speech, is a community that values noise on par with the signal for the sake of free speech.
I never said you advocated for lying. It's relevant to the larger topic at hand, which is why I included it. The very core tenet/philosophy of globalism, of evil itself, is lies. That's why globalism is evil, and why evil is what it is. It's why good people prioritize truth above all else. This distinction, more than any other, helps differentiate good versus evil. Furthermore, truth (logic) will tell us what is virtuous, right, moral, ethical, efficient, and good, and what is not. Logic dictates that some censorship is good. For example: porn. Also, as I said above, all forums must censor certain topics that are beyond the mutual shared goal of the people on that forum. A Star Trek forum should censor discussion of football, if it's not relevant to the discussion at hand, or if it's being done intentionally to sow discord in the forum. Even if censorship wasn't used, or if it didn't catch everything, as I said above, the simple use of upvotes and downvotes can dissuade discussion that's irrelevant, in bad faith, or with ill intent. Again: merit.
There are many people, even here, that are making bad faith arguments, especially over censorship of certain topics. When a certain topic is brought up which they don't like, instead of debating in good faith to "defeat" their opponent's argument, they yell at them, call them names, and advocate for censorship. Such actions don't disprove anything a person says, it doesn't teach any bystanders the nuance of the different sides, and it doesn't further anyone's understanding of truth. That's why the left is so apt to use logically fallacious arguments and censorship. It's the only way for their ideas to remain, unchallenged.
The goal of debate, of speech itself, is the pursuit of truth, even above our own preconceived ideas. If you prioritize truth above all else, even if you're proven wrong in a debate, you still win. It's better to be proven wrong and realign with truth than to forever hold onto bad ideas or lies. However, for this to occur debate must be constructive, meaning it must be civil, honest, and logical. Anything outside of these bounds solves nothing, and usually makes the situation worse. If people enter into a discussion or debate without truth as their highest priority, it means they're denying their own humanity. With a few important exceptions (not relevant for this discussion), we're imperfect, mortal, finite, and have free will. We don't know everything. We can't know everything. Some or much of what we know is wrong, partially or totally. Even if everything we knew was right, it can be taken out of context because we don't know all the other relevant information, making us reach the wrong conclusions. That's why half truths are so dangerous. Without someone telling us, or experience to teach us, or questions to seek it, or debate to find it, we'll keep believing things that are wrong, we'll keep believing the lies and propaganda we've been taught, and we won't change and align closer to truth. To intentionally participate in destructive debate is to deny the purpose of it, and in so doing is to deny our own humanity. It's a proclamation that "I am God, I am not wrong".
We have a right to freely express ourselves about political topics without an opposition political organization adding off-topic content to make us look like violent homophobes, xenophobes, racists, misogynists, bigots, transphobes and antisemites,
Each forum is free to do as it pleases. However, the right prizes itself on prioritizing uncomfortable truths (red pilled) over easy lies (blue pilled), of being able to break from the conditioning we've been brainwashed into since childhood from all manner of corrupted institutions and outlets.
The left calls us "racist" because we quote crime stats and differences in IQ and culture between the races. They left calls us "white supremacists" because we want our own countries, and point to the hypocrisy that open borders, mass immigration, diversity, and multiculturalism is only being pushed on white countries and people. They call us "conspiracy theorists" when we bring up the globalist's plans to replace and exterminate white people in their own countries, and have directly said as much for over 100 years (the Kalergi plan). We're called "antisemites" for showing the inordinate Jewish involvement in the upper echelons of the globalist movement and all of its arms. We're called "homophobes" for pointing to the failings and degeneracy of the LGBTQ movement, which is also being pushed by the globalists. We're called "mysoginists" because we point to the biological, physical, and mental differences between the sexes.
Banning and censoring all of these topics, at the fear of being labeled a name by our enemies, is the height of stupidity. It's an abandonment of constructive debate and discussion, and the central pursuit of both: truth. Different forums are free to discuss different topics, but this site is largely devoted to such topics, and this specific forum is devoted to conspiracies, which coincidentally everything I listed above is about. If you don't know about these topics, then I sincerely question either your experience or your authenticity.
Free speech does not boil down to "everywhere is a graffiti wall." Moderated discussions are free of censorship even if they spam, trolling, child porn, pranks and other disruptions. The same is also true for groups of people attempting to undermine the discussion itself, particularly for political gain or to put the participants in legal jeopardy.
I never said unlimited free speech was correct, or that it shouldn't be organized, or that it shouldn't be constructive (honest, civil, and logical), and I never suggested all censorship is wrong. If you took that from my comment, that's on you. I merely asked pertinent questions to poke holes in the previous commenter's argument.
Ageed. I think its the main reason why Gab exists and has so many people that it does. The establishment has had to clamp down more and more to keep people in line, they're censoring and banning more and more people off the mainstream controlled platforms, forcing more them into these once small corners of the internet that actually prioritize free speech, the only places that talk about conspiracy theories and unsavory topics that most normie right wingers have never heard of, exposing more people to this information. Then, when an actual actual free speech large social media platform comes along like Gab, it's populated by all those people who were exposed to the censored content, and exposing even more people to it, the exact opposite intent of the establishment.
Lies always destroy themselves. Truth is immutable.
You sound like the meme:
"Fellow free speech people, if we don't embrace censorship we will not survive."
If free speech and "extremist content" drive people away, why is Gab doing so well? We're in this shit position today because we abandoned hard truth for easy lies. The evil people are in charge and rule by propaganda and lies. They're evil precisely because they've abandoned truth. You don't get out of such a position by more censorship and lies. You get out by searching for, understanding, defending, preaching, and aligning with truth.
The brainwashing has gotten so deep that people are quite literally denying the things they see with their own eyes, and instead believing the opposite as it's told by the mainstream media. You could say "the sky is blue" and you'd get idiots saying stuff like "source?", or "where's your peer reviewed double blind study?", or "that's a white supremacist narrative", or any of the stuff in the OP.
*This is going to sound like a shill advertisement, but I honestly think they're amazing.
I highly recommend getting a Berkey water filter. They're gravity fed, remove almost everything bad, including microplastics, pharmaceuticals, bacteria, viruses, parasites, chlorines, pesticides, heavy metals, etc. (but retain the beneficial minerals), they're third party tested, the black filters last for years, and you can purchase PF-2 filters which remove fluoride, and are amazing in a SHTF scenario. They're some of the best filters on the market outside of reverse osmosis (which are a lot more expensive).
I use a Royal Berkey (3.25 gal), and usually have to fill it up twice a week. A set of black filters lasts 6000 gallons, which means I can use them for about 15-17 years. I only have to take them out once a year, scrub them, and put them back in. The PF-2 filters last about 2 years for me.
While the initial investment is expensive, it's very cheap in the long run. I never used to be able to taste the difference in water, until I got a Berkey. They can even filter pond, stream, and lake water in a SHTF scenario, with the only caveat being that the black filters need to be scrubbed more often.
Isn't Fauci just talking about ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) without saying ADE? We've known about the possibility for the vaccines to cause ADE for a while now, even before they began to be administered. It is surprising that Fauci would talk about it, though.
I've seen quite a lot of evidence of vote manipulation the last few weeks on certain posts and comments. It's at least possible one mod is involved.
I'm not so sure. There was a post stickied by a moderator right after the BLM terrorist attack in Wisconsin about "based" Nigerians, with a bad sideways pic, and lots of comments that were calling out the post and the sticky were getting mass downvotes and their comments deleted by a mod(s). It was highly suspect.
This could be true, and does increase the likelihood of whistle blowers, but keep in mind that such people can't be trusted. These are people capable of keeping their mouths shut to the evils they help perpetrate by being assuaged with money. They should not be supported, at least monetarily, and what they say should be judged according to their character.
Right on Axol. At its most basic form, it's a logical fallacy. It suggests that if you're part of a certain group, you're inherently wrong, or if you're part of the other group, you're inherently right. Then comes the virtue signaling "I'm not___, but..." which placates to this lie, this fallacy.
Ideas stand or fail on their own, they have no connection to who believes or disbelieves them. Belief is not a necessary requirement for truth, nor is the inverse. If a Nazi believes 2+2=4 it doesn't make it wrong. If a communist believes real communism has never been tried it doesn't make them right. If a globalist believes MAPs deserve to live it doesn't make them right either.
We are literally in a war of good/truth/logic versus evil/lies/illogic.
Perhaps God is angry?
I don't deny that nature provides a great many aids and cures, and that the globalists and pharmaceutical industry intentionally censors these things. However, I'm telling you that pursuit of pleasure is a false path. If it can be used in moderation to aid rest, to then allow better pursuit of productive paths, then yes it becomes useful, but we see a lot that drug use, even with marijuana, can be destructive. I lived with such people for a year and they gave the same excuses you did, while wallowing in drug fueled stupor their entire lives, much of it with marijuana. They were pathetic, and lashed out at anyone who differed from their worldview, or even refuse to partake of their mindless pursuit.
Pursuit of hollow pleasure is a philosophy of the globalists. It's literally hedonism. Who do you think is pushing people to take drugs? Conquering our faults and imperfections through dedication, strength, character, and self improvement is the righteous path. I don't denigrate rest, however, and the multitude of ways people achieve it, but it shouldn't be extolled or pursued as the primary purpose. That path leads to corruption and degeneracy.
Some states are better than others, but this isn't a state versus state issue. This is a suburban/rural versus cities issue. This can be expanded upon a lot, but in general cities become corrupt and degenerate very fast. All cities are Democrat controlled, all rural and less dense suburbs are hard red. The more densely packed people get, the worse people become.
Blue states are only blue because they have a higher proportion of population that lives in cities. Red states are the opposite. So, find a state that has a lower percentage of the population that lives in cities, and better yet, find or build a home as far away from a city as possible.
However, as others have said, you should really stop running. I understand the want to protect your family, but if everyone on our side did this we would steadily give ground until we only had a small patch of dirt left, and would be quickly conquered and killed off. There is nowhere left to run to. Turn around, face the enemy, and fight.
There are a few exceptions to this. One is when it comes to public indoctrination of your kids. Get them out of public schools (and don't let them watch modern TV, movies, music, games, internet, etc. unless vetted by you), and home school them if possible, or share the cost with your neighbors to pay for a private tutor that you trust who won't propagandize your kids. However, this should be paired with activism against public schools in your area, and purifying the school boards, because you're still required to pay taxes for schools, so you're obligated to confront their corruption with your money that funds them.
The other (more general) exception is that running away from a corrupt/lost area is fine, so long as it's done to build a strong home and defensible position with like minded people, to give you a secure position for your family, and a good position to strike out from. This applies to violence in warfare, and more peaceful times and pursuits. It is never meant to constantly give ground, but to build strong homes to strike out from, to push outward. Letting others fight on your behalf is hypocrisy and cowardice.
I'm sure NAC does more, but glutathione helps your body recycle vitamin C, and if NAC helps increase glutathione it'll increase vitamin C as well.
What, you don't go to a baseball forum and constantly shit on baseball? You must be a right wing Nazi terrorist.
Seriously, there are so many brigaders, trolls, shills, and bots on r/conspiracy that it stops all genuine discussion about conspiracies. The same thing has happened to pol on 4chan.
While this is an accurate prediction, it isn't the final revolution.
It's partially due to fewer people wanting to work, which is caused by the laziness bred by becoming too successful and the inevitable failures of a society that enforces altruism, and destroying it's homogeneity through diversity, but it's also because these corporations are lying through their teeth. I'd bet that most of the big corporations are allied with the same globalists that are pushing diversity, multiculturalism, and mass non-white immigration into every white country on the planet, in every sector of society.
For example, I used to work at Arkins Park Stone for a few years, a sandstone rock quarry in Colorado. They employed a lot of Mexican immigrants, and the execs and top managers always claimed they couldn't get help from local white people, claiming "they don't want to do this work". However, one of the office guys told me once that it was a complete lie. Legally, to get workers from Mexico, they have to run help wanted ads, and whenever they do they get tons of applications from people who want to work, but they throw all of those applications in the trash, claiming "we got no applicants", and then bring in the Mexican laborers through work visas. The only reason they do this is because the Mexicans work for much lower wages. The only white guys they let in are the ones that work in the saw shop and run the heavy equipment, which requires higher intelligence so you don't fuck up millions of dollars worth of equipment.
I can't remember exactly when r/conspiracy starting being brigaded, I just know it was a bit after Reddit changed. Before 2016 Reddit was a lot more normal, and skewed more libertarian, even supporting Ron Paul a few times. However, the day after Hillary Clinton won the Democrat primary in 2016 it's like Reddit changed overnight, like a switch was flipped. It was incredible to see. There was this massive influx of bots and shills, supported by the most of the mods, admins, and execs at Reddit to push "the narrative", and that has continued ever since.
It's really funny too, because sometimes there are moments that the shills haven't gotten their updated programing, so they back off Reddit until they get their new marching orders. One such time was when Hillary passed out at the New York 9/11 memorial in 2016, which looked really bad on video, and for an entire day after the event Reddit returned back to normal and everyone was amazed with the change, but then the day afterward the shills and bots returned.
R/conspiracy used to be one of the few mid sized subreddits that was free from brigading by bots and shills, but that began to change, and it's slowly gotten worse over time, to the point that now they've almost completely taken over, and most of the genuine users have left.
If the Covid variants are covers for the vaccine injuries, and if they cause ADE (antibody dependent enhancement), then not getting their booster shots will kill a lot of them if an actual Covid variant sweeps through Iceland.
You took too many black pills. Come back brother. Go outside and enjoy nature, and exercise and get fit. It will do wonders for your mental well being.
The demographics of those who signed it and those who refused match the voting demographics almost perfectly.
Thanks for the rundown. I've never heard of this.
Also, makes you wonder if anything we've been taught about history can be trusted.