sexlexia 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was going to say check a previous comment of mine, it took me a while to find it, but it's easier to just paste it:


It's at the bottom of that page under "Individuals" and then "Harassment Techniques"

I went through a whole process of trying to find the link to it, you can either find it by searching the main site for "gangstalking" or check the link to see where it's linked on the website.

sexlexia 2 points ago +2 / -0

Haha oh lord. Sometimes I just want to be like "HIRE AN EDITOR OR HIRE ME (since I'd probably work for less than a real editor, lol) FOR THE LOVE OF GOD."

sexlexia 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reputable sites and news write ups contain errors in nearly every article... EVERY article. Grammar, syntax, run-on sentences, and SPELLING.

It has truly been getting worse. I mean, I'm no grammar master myself, but I definitely try to spell correctly and use grammar correctly everywhere I type. Whether that's text messaging or posting on forums. And it boggles my mind how really big websites can end up having really simple spelling or grammar mistakes that my eyes go to almost immediately.

I've literally e-mailed websites before pointing out errors because it's just embarrassing, especially in a world full of spellcheck that's always right there. I'm not really a grammar Nazi to regular people though, unless they're trying to specifically work on their English because I get that on forums a lot of people just don't care or are lazy. You'd think technology would actually help with that kind of thing, but somehow it doesn't seem to.

And yeah - when society collapses, people are going to be absolutely screwed.

sexlexia 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wait... people thought gang stalking was just a conspiracy?

Oh absolutely. These poor people would have people mostly just calling them schizophrenic and stuff, when everything they'd be saying matches everything in this one document to a T.

sexlexia 1 point ago +1 / -0

No - I have known it's a real thing for a long time. I meant that this shows it's a "real thing" to other people who believe it to be bullshit, as in this could be used as a source since it's under "Torture" on the UN Human Rights website, which is probably the only source non-conspiratorial people would actually believe (most likely because they actually believe the UN is a "good thing" and have no conspiracies or problems of their own.)

Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

sexlexia 5 points ago +5 / -0

I remember on reddit long ago in r/conspiracy people claiming they were being gangstalked. They'd describe a lot of the things on this document but a lot of the comments would be people basically telling them to see a psychologist and basically making them sound insane because "it doesn't exist", which obviously, since this document exists, it does.

I was looking around https://www.ohchr.org/EN/pages/home.aspx trying to find how exactly to get to that document through their various links, but couldn't find it. Furthest I could get was here under Torture: https://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Pages/ListOfIssues.aspx

But none of the links under Torture, or the links in those links could I find this specific document. I could just be missing it though.

Anyway - I was able to find the document, but I specifically had to type in "gangstalking" in their search bar on the website.

At least this shows it's a real thing and not just something made up by so called crazy people. They list a lot of things in there that I vividly remember people saying was happening to them on reddit over the years, especially the directional speakers part.

Edit: Ah! I finally found the page it's actually linked from through a lot of searching: https://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Torture/SRTorture/Pages/CallGA75.aspx

It's at the bottom of that page under "Individuals" and then "Harassment Techniques" (Except they spell it "harrassment" - is that a European thing, or are they just misspelling shit on the UN website? lol)

sexlexia 7 points ago +7 / -0

This kind of thing makes me really nervous about them attempting this in the States. I'm worried there's going to come a time where they're going to take away medicaid, medicare or disability from unvaxxed individuals in order to force them to take the shot or risk losing access to healthcare or other benefits that will literally end up killing them if taken away.

So we'll end up with a choice of "Do I risk taking this vaccine that I can never take back, could kill me, or do god knows what to me in the future, or do I risk losing my essential medication which could also kill me?"

All their "If it saves just one life!" bullshit is turning out to be just that: bullshit.

sexlexia 2 points ago +2 / -0

What, you don't go to a baseball forum and constantly shit on baseball?

Right? There's people over there complaining now that there isn't enough about aliens or bigfoot (and when I check their profiles, they've of course contributed nothing to the sub other than bitching).

And I literally get downvoted for telling them to either make their own posts about aliens and bigfoot, or go to the alien and cryptid subs that have quite a lot of subs and are active. Which, to make another analogy, is like going to r/animals and bitching that there aren't enough posts about ferrets instead of checking out an actual subreddit dedicated to ferrets.

It can be slightly maddening.

sexlexia 1 point ago +1 / -0

OP this means a great deal and was really timely. Thanks so much for sharing.

You're really welcome. And I'm not the only person over on reddit who misses you. People are finally not being immediately downvoted to oblivion for talking about you and/or defending you: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/pfkexa/another_person_shared_this_on_another_sub_sharing/hb5190p/

And thanks for confirming Amos is the real deal. I really do feel for him. It's gotta suck trying to take care of all of this basically alone. I've suggested many times at this point that they need to add some more mods, especially for the rule 2 violations that are just plaguing every post and thread, but I've heard nothing in response. 🤷🏻‍♀️ And I doubt I will.

sexlexia 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's so god damn sad.

The song used in that video is great, btw. The music videos for the song "If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next" by the Manic Street Preachers have people from years ago in the comments saying "this is prophetic because of Trump", etc because they literally thought he was a fascist and was going to put everyone in death camps and because the band themselves were "socialists" (which I find ironic).

BUT - the newer comments from the past few months have been saying "No, now this is appropriate and prophetic" regarding the vaccine, mandates, all the shit going on in Australia, the rest of the world, etc.

People act as if fascism only comes in one color, but it doesn't.

sexlexia 1 point ago +1 / -0

They never made a new tweet on their twitter though where they linked this article saying "Hey, we made a mistake on this article, it's now updated" - because most of the people just read the tweet and don't bother actually clicking on the article and thus never see the "retraction" or update.

They should've updated their twitter if they wanted most people to even see that they fucked up. At least people in the comments on the original tweet are posting screenshots of their update though so that's something.

sexlexia 2 points ago +2 / -0

And yet now people are literally begging for posts about lizard people and aliens. That shit is okay for a conspiracy community, even pinned roundtable threads about it. But not that?

sexlexia 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol, oh shit, is that hair? I definitely thought it was a crown, like a king. It's possible I'm retarded though.