to add: Titanic was insured by the same company that insured the Hindenburg AND WTC on 9/11 (also MH17, MH370)
as with the WTC/HB they paid out without investigation
the exact! coordinates to the Titanic wreck are NOT public (you would need to ask James Cameron)
Jew media had the story already prepared and pushed it way too early
the water in April is 15 degrees celsius in that region (member icy lips DiCaprio? that was bullshit)
Icebergs were NEVER spotted again in that region where she allegedly sunk
wreck footage was filmed in a studio that explains why there are NO fishes seen anywhere
the wreck was literally found by a monkey (((they))) are fucking with us)
now they say they found a bacterium on the titanic that eats the steel away so the wreck will vanish in 10 years
this bacterium was only found to eat on the titanic wreck (sure Moshe)
according to the story Guggenheim a Billionaire jew refused to enter an empty Lifeboat (46 places were free) and instead sunk with the ship and let his wife escape with the money, hello? nigger are you awake?
(((Jacob))) Astor also rich billionaire gigajew industrialist allegedly sinks with the ship, his life insurance is paid out (he only faked it same as Guggenkike)
Titanic ship was moved to Germany where it was rebuild, mothballed and then sold to the US after WW1 and it became the USS Imperator
My hurbharb!
Did You Know The Gay Flag Is Jewish?
at this point, if it contributes to corrosion or divisiveness, easiest to assume jewish origins.
not "free" energy, but OP might dig this guy
viktor schauberger and his repulsine engine are pretty good rabbit holes.
lol. used to live there (brady/farwell; later on KK). things weren't awful in the 80's or early '00's. check up on old friends via FB every once in awhle. it's entertaining how they dance around just saying "it's the blacks". mex neighborhoods don't have any of that shit. can't imagine going back there now. Grand Ave has to be a fucking zoo/safari park.
their backup/rescue sub was "The Lusitain"
none of the beacons went off. imho, that means catastrophic failure, but i guess one has to consider the possibility of capture.
or being devoured. there's some great pics of one of our missile suns that got attacked by a giant squid. big huge scratch marks all over the outer coating.
virus denialism? you're using the same language that the jews use.
Hitler infected nothing wrong :)
there was a recent /pol/ post about Putin being OK with such an escalation.
that's opening a pretty big can of worms as nobody'd undersea cables are armored or fortified in any way. if part of the globalists' plan is to make everyone reliant on some sort of Starlink or satellite tech, (which is alot easier to gatekeep/restrict), eliminating undersea cables for international comms would be a great step.
been here since day 1 with diff accounts. if u haven't seen this account then you haven't been paying attention.
and are apparently incapable of deciphering my user name.
Why do we have an FBI?
to protect pedos, subvert the Constitution, and keep American Citizens from enjoying genuine prosperity. they're terrorists, parasites, and traitors.
good article. also rage-inducing, regarding U.S. throwing money & material away.
not even close. much better here:
i was thinking the very same thing. PLC was around in the beginning then pretty much disappeared for what...? 2 years? now it's back and saying how things are going to be run?
sounds like there's a crime in there somewhere if the agent used a fake name.
at this point, anyone working for any of the 3-letter agencies is pretty much a traitor and a terrorist.
i think we could all learn a bit from florida. crazy, given how jew'd the urban areas are.
god forbid anyone want to control their own food supply, land, and/or not live near blacks
edit to add:
anyone at RFKjr's level who isn't naming the jew...
interesting stuff. thx OP!
Poles gonna Pole.
"fighting terrorism"
lol. teaching India's denizens to poo in a loo would save more lives than terrorists have taken. the recent train crash/collision that killed 500+ was due to track ballast being so fouled with shit, drainage was affected and the bed undermined.
it's totally fucked our military. and, iirc, either Finland or Norway recently had a destroyer run aground and sink with an all-female crew.
there's no way this shit isn't intentional. (((they))) know exactly what (((they're))) doing to corrode/destabilize the west's private/public institutions and infrastructure.