I do not believe that all our former White Leaders were all unwittingly duped by Jews. Some of them must have still had loyalty to the White Race, and saw some sort of rational reason or potential benefits in forming alliances with jews. Did jews already have so much power over the banks and global finance that Whites had no choice but to bargain with international bankers? Possibly, but doubtful. This was a time when White people could still pioneer and settle new land and get their own resources and not have to be associated with or have to bargain with international banks far away.
Did our White ancestors voluntarily give these roles to jews? What was the reasoning that so many White congressmen gave in 1913 for voting in approval of the Federal Reserve Act? What were the prominent voices in opposition and what did they say? Did the Federal Reserve Act make headlines in the newspapers or was it mostly not talked about? People must have noticed a new look to the currency. Can anyone find old news articles or discussions from that time period?
Also, what did White Christians think and say and discuss when hoards of jews began arriving after WWII? The nation was a dumping ground for so many refugees after WWII. Was there no opposition? It seems guys like George Lincoln Rockwell were the voices of that time but I don't hear enough about him. George Lincoln Rockwell couldn't have been the only one. We should amplify and revisit what they were saying about the direction of the nation back then to understand more how we got to this point.
Also I want to understand the RATIONALE why so many of our White ancestors allied and partnered with these jews. Were they all unwitting and fooled by propaganda or religion? Or did some of them know what they were doing and could rationalize it in an argument why it might ultimately be good for White people? Why would a thinking White man in 1913 explain to me why the Federal Reserve Act was a good thing for White Christian men?
Or was there no good rational explanation at all? I know that the devil can justify anything he does, which is how the democrat left can write long articles justifying genital mutilation of children or men dressing up in drag pretending to be women using women bathrooms and lockerrooms. The devil can rationalize too. Rationalization does not mean true. It's moreso the justification, whether genuine or not.
The answer I'm looking for might not be any different than what the answer is now. That most Whites are programmed and indoctrinated at too early an age. That most Whites like the enriched white bread and hollywood celebrity circuses. I can go on dailymail which is just paparazzi celebrity whore porn and the comments are probably mostly self-identified conservatives browsing that degenerate site.
But i do suspect that there's some White leaders who knew they were partnering with greasy greedy untrustworthy deceitful lying jews but for some reason thought a deal with the devil was better than the alternative. This entire post is sort of a huge cope. I'm trying to look for a reason some of our former White leaders sold us out hoping/coping that it wasn't just for money or power. But the answer is it was probably just for money and or power. Maybe they thought the jews were best at running banks so the White man's partnership with them would be a better option than Whites operating a failing bank of their own. Or perhaps Whites thought they would just use jews for things jews were good at, such as the details of the law (so many jew lawyers) or bank charters . Maybe they thought jews could be in these positions as long as White people kept an eye on them and then the world wars happened and suddenly you weren't allowed to criticize jews anymore so banking and law, with jews already being allowed to infiltrate, suddenly became unregulated jew cesspools? Or maybe they just did not have good NOTICING skills and couldn't tell a honest White man from a big nosed jew just by looks or behavior when jews began changing their names? Now i'm circling back to the idea that our former White leaders were all unwittingly duped by jews, and i don't necessarily believe that or want to.
The usual human flaws that are sought out for control-greed, vanity, lust, pride,….
Humans are easily programmable, too. The ones who are not do not get into positions of power.
That’s just it; they had no racial consciousness. It’s why they viewed jews as “being white” or at least “the differences not mattering.” Individualistic society causes people to only think of themselves and their own benefit, and the benefit to the individual rulers would have been… “Hey, I can get rich off this! I just have to do what Mr. Shekelstein says!”
By 1850 they owned all of Europe, and by 1913 they owned the entire world (by virtue of merely owning all white countries’ banks), yes.
They had plenty of choices. They chose sin over salvation.
It was almost straight party line voting, and the Democrats had a huge majority SOLELY thanks to Teddy Roosevelt splitting the GOP in 1912. That’s the only reason. Teddy would have been in my top five favorite Americans if he hadn’t run in 1912. Now he’s in my bottom five. If not for him, the GOP would have won Congress in 1912, Wilson wouldn’t have been president, and the US wouldn’t have entered WWI (which means no WWII, no Cold War, and the rest of the century wouldn’t have happened).
Ford, Lindbergh, etc. The usual stuff they said.
It was still illegal to say anything about it, so not much.
A pile of shoes existed in Poland, so it was illegal to oppose it under sedition laws.
Lack of racial consciousness. I’m serious. In a society that is 90% or 100% white (sans jews), the average person just does not even think about race at all. It’s totally outside his thoughts.
That’s the world we have to work toward creating. By physically eliminating all other races so that no one is ever threatened by them again, and so our brainpower never has to be wasted on self defense again.
Shit sucks, doesn’t it?
Christianity forbade lending at interest. Judaism demands it. And so kings could get “better” loans from non-Christians in order to suit their personal whims.
That’s really just it. It wasn’t a question of being “better” at running banks. Christian doctrine is objectively better, economically, for banking. It’s just not able to be exploited by a sinful few. So the sinful few (I’m talking about ostensibly “christian” leadership, not the jews) ignored it to bank as they pleased.
It’s not that jews are “good” (better) at these things. It’s that they write them the way the Talmud is written, allowing them to write in clauses that are unreadable to non-jews that mean they can do whatever they want and get away with it. And thus they take power.
Or more accurately, judaism claims that God is dumb and easily tricked. They see that He forbids usury, but in their bottomless arrogance the jews think they have loopholes that let them do what they want and trick God into blaming a chicken for it.
It's interesting that this coincides with the completion of global interconnection, not unlike how a virus spreads further if people travel.
I imagine, at the village or even city level, Jews were pariahs know to all because of the heinous shit they did, which would have limited their ability to fool people. Once travel to other countries and continents became feasible, suddenly they could pull their schemes on totally unsuspecting foreigners, like the African slave trade or the Opium Wars.
lol, the book of Ezekiel clearly categorizes charging interest on loans as a serious sin. You don't get to pick and choose which facets of Jewish morality are valid and which aren't.
Between jews. It’s a mandate to charge non-jews interest. Sit down and shut up, paid shill account. Adults are talking.
Wrong -- only in the Talmud is this specificity debated. A bible-thumping faggot like you still operates within the moral framework that Jews created. Now scream for me.
Apologize or delete your account.
Reported for paid shilling.
That's not a mandate.
Thanks for admitting it’s a mandate.
Looks like you can’t even read your own holy book, christcuck.
I'm not an expert on this, but my understanding is that jews are allowed to charge interest to goyim but not to fellow jews. In group preference and all that.
I'm thinking about HOW WE GOT TO THIS POINT.
How many of our own White leaders wittingly sold us out? Why do we not smear their names and name them now so that their legacies may be destroyed?
One guy that comes to mind is that fucker Woodrow Wilson. But then i look up the election of 1912 and the policies they ran on and realized you were just as fucked if Theodore Roosevelt won and would have got the New Deal socialist policies 30 years earlier. So it seems even back then there was a uniparty globalist agenda controlling both political parties.
And to read deeper into it, history rewrites it as being "capitalist trusts" that controlled both candidates. But that might really just mean (((capitalist trusts))). So apparently I have to go back farther than 1912 and probably back into the 1800s to better understand how jews infiltrated White nations and White national politics.
Greed. The love of money is the root of all evil
Yeah, people always forget that TR was the first (((progressive))) president.
I am familiar with the progressive new deal policies of FDR of the 1930s and 1940s.
Theodore Roosevelt, however, was always mentioned with folklore about how he was a hunter and lover of the outdoors. But what I've recently read is that he was pitching the same new deal policies that FDR eventually gave us as early as during the 1912 election campaign season. This leads me to want to research more why both these Roosevelts may have had such similar policies decades apart, and why the folklore around Theodore Roosevelt might be bullshit and he was just a progressive faggot like the rest.
Good questions. I wouldn't underestimate the power of money/kickbacks, blackmail via secret societies, and useful idiots. In the corporate world, I've seen many Yes Men who aren't that bright get elevated into leadership positions, while the ones like us who question things and envision stay in their lower-level positions where they can't disrupt the system. Nepotism of midwits who can't see the bigger picture.
You mention 1913 and the federal reserve, but I found evidence recently that they've been working to replace our precious metals currency for much longer. There was a segment on antiques roadshow where they brought out a womans' protest dress that had the words "we want silver and a free lunch" embroidered on it. I believe it was from the 1880s. Apparently at that time, the government wanted to get rid of our silver coins and make it so you couldn't use it as legal tender anymore. Using the same playbook as today, tptb ridiculed the people who criticized that plan by saying they just wanted a free lunch, hence the slogan on the dress. There were protests against it but you know that doesn't do anything. I tried to find a link on it but all I'm seeing is the silver confiscation act of 1934. But the point is there was a slow eradication of our real currency and replacement with fiat money. The people who spoke against it were ignored, as usual, because they're just a nuisance and not a real threat. Maybe the people who foresaw the problem were too few in number, or otherwise unequipped to do something effective. I don't know, it's puzzling and disheartening. I also recall how our brethren tried to do something about the coup on 2020, but once again they were used as pawns to show the world what happens when you stand up against the Plan. So no one would dare do any like that for a while for fear of being locked up and having their lives ruined.
Notice that all the evidence of these protests and all the controversies surrounding big policies of the 1910's or 1930's or in the case you explain in the 1880s - it all gets removed from the history books and presented as something historical that had large support from the country and general consensus.
Someone should write a book just on the many historical failed rebellions and failed protests. The uprisings that failed to ultimately win out. The uprisings and rebellions that DID win out were likely psy-ops or astroturfed by those in power in a Problem-Reaction-Solution strategy.
Yes that would be valuable. A similar topic are the Jacobites (failed), I still struggle to find what their criticisms were and why they fought deadly battles. Or in other words, what was so important to them about the faith or tradition that it was worth dying over. Same with the Puritans, even though they didn't lose persay. Their history in England against the crown and King James says they published pamphlets critical of the king, were banished to the Netherlands where they continued publishing before making the voyage to the New World. But I haven't found those original sources. You'd think someone would have kept a newsletter for posterity, and that the letters were taught in public school.
Free Silver Coinage https://library.fiveable.me/key-terms/united-states-history-since-1865/free-silver-coinage
Free Silver Movement late 19th century https://www.britannica.com/event/Free-Silver-Movement
I think i need to study this late 19th century era over again, and maybe restudy the industrial revolution up to the late 19th century. This time pay more attention to who is jew or not jew, and the decisive changes in policy and banking through that time period.
Thanks and if you find anything useful please let us know!
Nuff said. This be it
Too many followers choosing want (suggestion) over need (perception), thereby selling themselves out to a jew; who utilizes leaders to distract followers from their own choices.
Want vs not want...while ignoring need. There cannot be another ratio within a reasoning mind.
Religion/religio - "to bind anew" prevents roots from growing.
A jew suggests what to believe; and if a consenting gentile holds onto it, then he follows a lead by another.
Christ aka to christen (anoint) implies a setting apart from one another...not following others around on an leash.
Current sets being apart from one another...a jew suggests currency to bind gentiles together. Each gentiles consent to a suggested currency implies religion/religio - "to bind anew". Reason implies the conflict among gentiles (rich vs poor) after consenting to suggested currency by a jew.
A follower doesn't see aka use sight...a follower follows what is shown. A leader only sees ignorance of followers, while showing them what to follow.
A jew sees how easy followers can be led astray, and how cheap leaders can be hired to lead followers astray.
Meanwhile a jew knows that ALL doesn't have ALLies, and that suggested ally/alligare, from ligare - "to bind, bind one thing to another, tie" can be exploited to tempt followers to bind themselves to leaders.
Still are...any lead life follows, while being moved from inception towards death, leads towards DEATH.
Origin inspires life to resist...choosing to follow implies ones choice to ignore resisting.
A directing jew suggests play-acting gentiles to take the roles of leaders and followers.
In reality...only nature acts, and each being within reacts. A reaction (perception) cannot take action (perceivable), yet each others reactions (suggested) can be taken...doing that establishes fiction.
Exploitation requires ignorance. Notice/notitia/gnoscere/gno - "to know" implies ones perception of all perceivable...that's what one ignores when giving consent to the suggestions of another, who in return exploit ones ignorance.
Inception sentences life towards point of death. As long as one's alive; one hasn't reached the end of sentence (point) yet. A jew suggests points to tempt gentiles to seek the end of their life sentence.
Only within a line can a point be drawn...
a) Each one. There can be only one.
b) One cannot own. All moves each ones potential apart from one another.
c) Our implies a suggested pluralism by a jew tempting each singular gentile to ignore self for others.
a) That implies your consent to suggested information, hence inviting his-story into your mind, and holding onto it throughout your life, while ignoring all perceivable inspiration coming through each ones mind.
b) Fucker/fugger... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fugger_family
When a mason combines bricks (suggested information) and mortar (ones consent); then the in-between joint; seam is called a fugge/fuge/fuck. That's how a jew tempts gentiles to get fucked.
The RE implies ones re-sponse to his written story.
It probably wasn't all of our ancestors that were duped, and any that weren't were almost certainly complicit in some manner. What I can say for certain is that those that spent the most time in the German theater of WWII became the first American noticers.
If you haven't read any of his books, Eustace Mullins was an Air Force veteran that served 38 months during WWII. He published his first book in 1953 - Secrets of the Federal Reserve
Money, power and a lot of blackmail.
Because of Protestantism mostly.
Haha well the Catholic church looks pathetic today. One of the organizations that just got recently cut off from funding from USAID was a Catholic organization that was helping traffic illegal aliens into the USA.
Yea, that is true.
But it's also true that Protestantism cucked to the and here we are.
But, wasn't it run by Jews.
If you don’t take the money, they will kill you and your family— the next person will be given the same offer—
These are Mayer Lansky mob niggas. They only wear the “Jew” label when convenient.
Muhammed was right.
The race thing, Jew thing, it leads to a dead end that doesn't make sense after you finally realize this whole place is a hoax. All the ansestor history you trust could be half fake, all fake. We have to trust academia and that's just retarded.
We got placed here, we are all not related and we did not evolve. We are in a human holding area, the Jews are like prison guards, they know more than we do, but they are just slaves too. No one knows who our overlords are, who put us in here and who makes up this ridiculous plan and narrative.
If you can't figure out the world isn't a globe, then the rest won't make sense either. When you know this place is t what they tell you it, and know because you did your own reasoning, math, proofs. That connects the rest. The knowing this that we are lied to about where we are, what we are, how we got here and why did they do this to us. And what we could be if they didn't.
All of these become real impossible to answer. People arent even looking for these answers.
And that's what they do to you, they make you so confused that you can't ask the right questions
Well the sun and moon both appear circular. That doesn't mean they are globes, but it does mean they appear circular and round. And round from any view point on earth that i've been.
As for the shape of the earth it does all seem flat to me. It doesn't feel like i'm spinning but then again being in a car at constant speed doesn't obviously make it feel like i'm moving either. The globe theory, even if wrong, is very convincing. I am led to believe that people have flown completely around the earth in one direction and ended up back in the same place. Maybe that was a huge psy-op.
The political questions i ask and the dilemmas from these problems seems like they would have occurred regardless if the earth were flat or sphere. It does cause one to wonder, though, if at some point in time no one was told that the "New World" existed. Maybe the elites knew but the common man did not. Then suddenly they revealed North and South America. This makes me wonder if there are other lands out there that they are not telling us about and that do not appear on our maps. And our maps might be manipulated and a great deceit. Perhaps when maps excluded north and south america, people believed those maps to be complete at the time, though we now know they were not.
That's where science is your friend.
You can calculate the circumference of the world youself using the same methods and observations the Greeks used. You can observe the movement of the Sun relative to your position to determine the shape of the world using simple geometry. You don't need to rely on "experts" for any of this if you have a proper classical education, which teaches you how to think.
Reality is not created by what we're told but by what we, as divine beings, perceive for ourselves.
This thread is like a giant billboard advertising low IQ.
low IQ is not having learned anything since WWII and wanting to storm Normandy beach again like a storm faggot to rescue your satanic jews and faggots from the bottom of a White National Socialist's boot.
Is this English?