posted ago by Vlad_The_Impaler ago by Vlad_The_Impaler +21 / -0

I do not believe that all our former White Leaders were all unwittingly duped by Jews. Some of them must have still had loyalty to the White Race, and saw some sort of rational reason or potential benefits in forming alliances with jews. Did jews already have so much power over the banks and global finance that Whites had no choice but to bargain with international bankers? Possibly, but doubtful. This was a time when White people could still pioneer and settle new land and get their own resources and not have to be associated with or have to bargain with international banks far away.

Did our White ancestors voluntarily give these roles to jews? What was the reasoning that so many White congressmen gave in 1913 for voting in approval of the Federal Reserve Act? What were the prominent voices in opposition and what did they say? Did the Federal Reserve Act make headlines in the newspapers or was it mostly not talked about? People must have noticed a new look to the currency. Can anyone find old news articles or discussions from that time period?

Also, what did White Christians think and say and discuss when hoards of jews began arriving after WWII? The nation was a dumping ground for so many refugees after WWII. Was there no opposition? It seems guys like George Lincoln Rockwell were the voices of that time but I don't hear enough about him. George Lincoln Rockwell couldn't have been the only one. We should amplify and revisit what they were saying about the direction of the nation back then to understand more how we got to this point.

Also I want to understand the RATIONALE why so many of our White ancestors allied and partnered with these jews. Were they all unwitting and fooled by propaganda or religion? Or did some of them know what they were doing and could rationalize it in an argument why it might ultimately be good for White people? Why would a thinking White man in 1913 explain to me why the Federal Reserve Act was a good thing for White Christian men?

Or was there no good rational explanation at all? I know that the devil can justify anything he does, which is how the democrat left can write long articles justifying genital mutilation of children or men dressing up in drag pretending to be women using women bathrooms and lockerrooms. The devil can rationalize too. Rationalization does not mean true. It's moreso the justification, whether genuine or not.

The answer I'm looking for might not be any different than what the answer is now. That most Whites are programmed and indoctrinated at too early an age. That most Whites like the enriched white bread and hollywood celebrity circuses. I can go on dailymail which is just paparazzi celebrity whore porn and the comments are probably mostly self-identified conservatives browsing that degenerate site.

But i do suspect that there's some White leaders who knew they were partnering with greasy greedy untrustworthy deceitful lying jews but for some reason thought a deal with the devil was better than the alternative. This entire post is sort of a huge cope. I'm trying to look for a reason some of our former White leaders sold us out hoping/coping that it wasn't just for money or power. But the answer is it was probably just for money and or power. Maybe they thought the jews were best at running banks so the White man's partnership with them would be a better option than Whites operating a failing bank of their own. Or perhaps Whites thought they would just use jews for things jews were good at, such as the details of the law (so many jew lawyers) or bank charters . Maybe they thought jews could be in these positions as long as White people kept an eye on them and then the world wars happened and suddenly you weren't allowed to criticize jews anymore so banking and law, with jews already being allowed to infiltrate, suddenly became unregulated jew cesspools? Or maybe they just did not have good NOTICING skills and couldn't tell a honest White man from a big nosed jew just by looks or behavior when jews began changing their names? Now i'm circling back to the idea that our former White leaders were all unwittingly duped by jews, and i don't necessarily believe that or want to.