I came from there over a year ago because I read of this place. I still read both, but I cant post there. Though, I'm at a point in life where posting lost its purpose since the majority care less and less about marching in the streets for the right reasons.
It's why the Fed and DNC usurped antifa. To cause a stink to get support for their authoritarian legislation to suppress decent. And the people that helped get them there, dumb as shit chickens bouncing around into each other. perfect tools.
After reading this comment I had to check it. No one has posted in WatchRedditDie for over a year. Wow...
Reddit is dead! It's going to be bots and few people that dont know they are talking to bots.
There will be lots of people that will never know when they are talking to a bot.
Wagner group - Russia: [Dmitry Utkin, founder of Russian PMC "Wagner Group"] https://i.redd.it/ehbujf7xmny81.jpg
Azov Battalion - Ukraine https://i.redd.it/km4izycqtly81.jpg
Getting people aware of the power struggle between two groups of fascist. Who will equally be used as fodder by both nations, as well as the unfortunates trapped in the middle.
All one can do is get people aware, so we become one big, unstoppable force.
Seems really hard to do that with assholes though.
If you are not denouncing your tax dollars going to fringe Ultra-Right wing militias, then you are sucking them off. There is no middle ground in this fight.
I can be conservative and still hold to account.
I just watched 2000 Mules. Seems local and federal law enforcement have the cell id's of the people in the surveillance videos who are recorded stuffing ballot boxes. Threaten them with felonies if they don't provide names of people that put them up.
These people committed felonies for less than $200. If they knew this would be the country it would be after their crime, would they do it again?
IIRC, 167 were at multiple antifa buttplug celibrations.
The evidence? There are 8+ years of video explaining the nazi'ism of Azov. Solution; getting people aware.
You: Treating people like shit on the Internets because you are hurt... Expressed by your entire interaction.
On top of that, you are not even aware how fake your diatribe has made you look. Though, from your diatribe, it's highly likely you don't care.
If we cant agree that we are here to learn and converse about subjects that are niche-fringe-minority-taboo, what exactly is the point of dividing into a bunch of communities where people with such personality disorders can be motivated to create strife across the platform, sitting with the analytic and moderation tools that allow such types to create diabolic strategies that most of us dont see until they are played out, cause we are not privy to the play book, and our lives are too busy to contemplate 'what if strategies' against the dastardly deeds of a basement authoritarian?