It has been trained on tons of existing text written by humans, and so a large enough neural network can learn all kinds of low-level and high-level patterns that exist in it, from groups of words all the way to abstract concepts. When given a new input it basically fills in what an response would look like based on the patterns it learned. Basically there it goes the other way, from abstract concepts back to individual words, which is similar to how a human would think of something and then formulate a sentence. But its concepts are based only on all the texts it that it has been trained with, and not on anything else. So it only ever reinforces existing memes or consensus.
It's obvious since the beginning that the whole thing is organized top-down, and the goal is to give everyone mandatory RNA shots every few month in the future, for whatever purpose. It's kind of an "unknown known", something you know from common sense, but you're not supposed to think about.
And Belgium will soon mandate vaccines for all citizens (all the news sites talking about it). Which would maybe mean the police come to your home to take you to get vaccinated by force, or something similar...
Even though the great majority is already fully vaccinated (75% in all of Belgium, 81% Flanders), they are blaming the coming fourth wave on the unvaccinated. And saying that if people were not vaccinated, the wave would be much worse than the earlier ones for some reason.
And it you look on any forum, 99% of people are completely for it.
The personal home pages or websites people made using web hosting services like Geosites, Angelfire, etc were mostly a fad of the 90s, and most are offline now. So most of the internet today is commercial web sites, social media, wikipedia, scientific papers, and maybe some blogs. And a lot of this is fake or censored by Google or by the hosts.
Google filters the results to show what is most relevant to your location, or anything else it knows about you (based on the whole profile it build of you about your interests, connections, etc.)
When you enter the URL as (start is the argument that gets increased when you go to next results page), it openly says "Sorry, Google does not serve more than 1000 results for any query.")
It seems that the "About results (0,65 seconds)" is mostly a marketing bluff to give the impression that there are very many results, and Google is very good at finding them. It may mostly be an inside joke at this point. Or at best, a rough statistical estimate of how many pages there may in total be containing the query.
Even if google knows that many pages containing the word "pizza", it would be computationally almost impossible to list and sort them all that fast.
The model assumes that 95% of people will be vaccinated by the time the second spike of hospitalizations and death occurs. (on page 23). So logically the percentage of vaccinated people in that spike if much higher. In the hospital admissions graph, the unvaccinated make up almost half or the total number, even though in that model they are only 5% of the population, meaning that vaccinated people are less likely to get sick. The graph does not imply that vaccines cause the hospitalizations and deaths, only that they are not 100% effective in preventing it.
same image (from nasa website) after doing "auto color" in photoshop and adjusting saturation:
whoever said it was a jogging injury never went jogging...