probably sent in by the CIA to sabotage the NSA... interagency wars...
"experimental mRNA injection" thats what it says in the emergency authorization
thats not what trump says... he would never lie...
my gut says .. probably.. or a triple backstabber...
621... what an odd and specific number...
he died of AIDS... allegedly...
i think he was a closet fag...
dude .. trump is low energy .. hes been spewing the same ol sorry speech for the last 3 fucking years... dudes a broken record...
he's literally rehashing his 2016 campaign "promises" . other then getting the USA out of TPP .... he hasn't achieved anything.. and pedo biden reversed every single thing he did the first 48 hours in office..
enjoy idolizing your worshipper of mammon
you make millions.. cant afford drapes.. sure
they are not christan churches.. by definition
Steve Jobs Security Clearance Story
its real.... he was killed cause he knew way too much... the whole system runs on blackmail...
JEEEEZ i wonder ((why))
you're just a cultist..... muh Q .. muh 2 weeks.. muh plan..
aint no plan.. and no one is coming to the rescue... trump is a khabbalah cultist . (chabab lubovic) and he worships mamon (money)
all he wants is your $$$ . he doesnt care if you die or not... and hes not a fighter.. hes a grifter...
this is the correct answer...
"you wont do shit" - communists election stealers...
"we'll never let that happen again" sergi brin day after trump was elected...
backstabbing.. snivel... coveted... yah covers all bases...
demonrats or republicants... they're all on the same uniparty team
"Our Greatest Ally" - Lord Zion Don/Ron/Bush/Obama/Bush/Reagan/Carter/Ford/Nixon
JFK got his head blown off for not saying it...
people are so stupid they'll accept it... btw.. 76 shot in Chicago this weekend.. not a fuckin peep on the news...
America is done....
(pikachu shock face)
my zionist is better than your zionist!
never every argue with a flat earther... do not stoop to their idiocy
they believe in a conspiracy thats never censored on normie platforms... IT HAS TO BE REAL . THERES A 12 HOUR NONSENSICAL VIDEO!
everything... fake... gae...
move along.. nothing ever happens..