the real gateway drug is booze...
im a dual ... but yah... i lived in both and i was proud to say the pledge of allegiance with UNDER GOD still in it
japanese love there knives bruh.... theres still swordsmiths in japan...
the kennedys are a sick family... simple as...
ive seen oxy ruin so many people... truly evil
you cant even use the word "idiot"
when you could walk across the border with a birth certificate
i was just gonna say this! haha... dudes never cooked a meal in his life...
true... India has surpassed them in population and the financial situation and food production in china is a horror show...
people PAYING for homes not built and left holding the bag 2 years later... its absolutely insane in china
these people are terrorist... and no one is stopping them
im old enough to remember that we've been AT some kinda war since 9/11/2001...
technically... we still are
goat herders in afghanistan won.... the vietnamese dug tunnels and won..
and they were dirt poor making guns in caves...
we have billions of rounds and God on our side... theres a reason the Japanese never invaded the homeland...
nets are good for those drone dogs...
ive seen makeshift RF "missle launchers" on youtube... they look like RPGs with a directional antenna on them..point and shoot.. and they fall outta the sky like flies..
problem is the range is only about 500 yards... im sure some cleaver hackers can get em to work about 1000ft.. which would be a good killshot distance...
its not the troops im worries about.. they're dumb as rocks.. and the CO's are even dumber and full of shit..
if the ukie war is any preview of things to come.. its the drone warfare thats completely changed the battle field... its beyond cowardly...
im def knee deep in RF jammers and research...
also being able to communicated and manoeuvre with no electricity for weeks ....
"eArTh Is fLaT"
stuff like that eh?
the problem is .. whoever "shoots first" loses... aint no "shot heard round the world" in this war...
the good thing is .. if they pop off first... the numbers are overwhelmingly in our favor... so for now.. keep your powder dry and practice... and love thy neighbour
supreme is a joke and full of pedophiles...
found the black hebrew israelite
been happening in canada already
aussies are cucks.. THEY HAVE COVID CAMPS
"we've investigated ourselves and found no wrong doing"
Trump is a fucking terrorist
Elon is a satanist.. simple as
its all satan...