Interesting question. I never researched it.
This is weird.
Ostachiewicz, Elsie, New York Unnamed passenger flying with Elsie Ostachiewicz
Nobody else really stands out to me.
Remember the Sears CEO who gutted the company? He sold of assets, like Craftsman, etc.
“Eddie Lampert not only ran the company; he was also its largest creditor and the guy who sold major Sears assets to … Eddie Lampert.”
“The company that pioneered the 20th-century version of e-commerce—the catalog—did not succumb to 21st-century innovations like Amazon and Walmart. Rather, it was dismantled piece by piece by Eddie Lampert, the hedge fund titan (and former Yale roommate of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin) who purchased it in 2005. Lampert and his hedge fund engaged in relentless financial engineering to suck out all the value from Sears and leave a desiccated husk, which now could face possible liquidation in bankruptcy.
But just how much did Lampert vacuum out? That's a surprisingly hard question to answer, if only because of the variety of schemes he employed. Lampert was at one point simultaneously Sears's CEO, board chairman, transaction partner, landlord, and banker. (Upon the bankruptcy filing, he stepped down as CEO.) Because of his outsized role as Sears’s number-one creditor, he stands to gain in a bankruptcy even if his shares of Sears stock get wiped out. Through this ploy, Lampert has been able to transfer to himself all the salvageable assets of the company. And so far, it’s worked out.”
Understood. The people in these parties are in the same secret societies. They are all new world order.
I am in America and I do not know what to tell you. I wish I did. You outnumber the controllers and they know it. They use the order followers to implement the lockdowns and to keep people in control.
Most of the police will be freemasons, especially at the command level. I don’t know how you can wake up the lower level people.
Have you listened to Mark Passio? He has a lecture on order followers.
Keep posting here. We will figure something out.
Sounds reasonable to me, especially after it came to light that she was involved in a movie related to Sandy Hook.