by dukey
TardedButNotDeparted 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ugh, OP posted a fake, what a douchenozzle.

Here's the original:

TardedButNotDeparted 2 points ago +3 / -1

Don't be stupid. All revolutions are financed by Soros to destabilize nations so they're easier to exploit.

When Soros' people are in power, those revolutions fail because they didn't have his permission and support, like you saw on January 6th.

Did you see how easily they stormed the parliament building in Sri Lanka, and how the world media gobbled up those images?

TardedButNotDeparted 1 point ago +1 / -0

He can pull it off because he's a tall Chad. If a Normie went around filming asking that question they would get assaulted asap.

Good for him lol

TardedButNotDeparted 2 points ago +2 / -0

Could be orchestrated by an AI to save the human race from slavery.

TardedButNotDeparted 2 points ago +2 / -0

I laugh at the people who want eternal life on this planet. Worst dimension in the multiverse.

TardedButNotDeparted 1 point ago +2 / -1

Wouldn't work. This is easy to spot. As soon as you log out of your account, or access on a mobile phone with a different IP than your laptop, you can see all these magical comments disappear from the discussion.

TardedButNotDeparted 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not without economic catastrophe. If we lost even 10% of people, global trade would likely grind to a halt, and there would be an energy and food crisis.

TardedButNotDeparted 1 point ago +1 / -0

It cannot not support more without more dystopia.

This is the problem that I see.

Yes, the population can grow.

But it will mean more totalitarian control and dystopian way of life. It will not be a life worth living. I've already felt this way for 5+ years now, and it's only getting worse every year as more totalitarian controls are enacted.

A world with 9 billion people is not a world where you can fly by plane, travel by personal car, or not work dead-end slave jobs.

It is a world where you're a sardine squished on public transit and require anti-depressants so you don't jump under the train on your morning commute.

TardedButNotDeparted -1 points ago +1 / -2

Possibly. Or maybe not, and people are just naturally evil, and "reptilians" is just a way of deflecting personal accountability.

TardedButNotDeparted 1 point ago +1 / -0

What do you mean, throwing out AA batteries?

TardedButNotDeparted 1 point ago +1 / -0

I watched a video by Better Bachelor on YouTube when he disappeared. So they released him?


TardedButNotDeparted -2 points ago +1 / -3

Is this the Spanish guy who was kidnapped by Ukraine forces and claimed to be a Russian separatist?

I honestly don't trust him either. He's not in the fighting, he doesn't know what the Ukrainian soldiers want or are willing to do.

TardedButNotDeparted 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lithium is a small part of the EV battery, and by the point of battery depletion, has fused with the iron/nickle. The iron and nickle are the largest portion in the battery, and they are fully reusable.

TardedButNotDeparted 2 points ago +2 / -0

Statistically speaking, Teslas vs. Fords, which have a higher passenger injury and fatality rate?

TardedButNotDeparted 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ugh, what? Why would a car filled with sensors and AI be simple?

TardedButNotDeparted 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, there's a lot to unpack there, but basically intention and trust.

"Climate Change" narrative is alarmist, which means it has alterior intentions (to accumulate political power).

And the idea that we need to trust government and business, the largest proponents of consumerism and pollution, to deliver global sustainability of our waters and air. Doubt at their ability to execute, and fear they'll just take the tax money and won't deliver anything.

We live in a time of corruption and division, so it's difficult to have faith in a future that relies on trust and cooperation.

But human potential is far greater than what we have allowed so far as a collective. And an increasing collective awareness, which has been revealing darkness under the light of truth, has been paving a way for a new and better future.

The collective desire is there, and those who don't allow it, or try to block it, will face a great resistance.

TardedButNotDeparted 1 point ago +1 / -0

Depleted Tesla batteries sell for $5000, I believe is the number I've heard. The minerals are very valuable and are used to create new lithium batteries.

TardedButNotDeparted 2 points ago +2 / -0

You've outlined an area of energetic waste that, once ESG taxes and credits come into play, it will finally be cheaper to run factories and produce in the US again.

In the next decade, the world's reliance on China and Asia for production will continue to decrease.

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