PresidentOfTheApocal 3 points ago +3 / -0

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/11094854_Safety_Tolerability_and_Pharmacokinetics_of_Escalating_High_Doses_of_Ivermectin_in_Healthy_Adult_Subjects (See below for more links)

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From the study" Ivermectin was generally well tolerated, with no indication of associated CNS toxicity for doses up to 10 times the highest FDA-approved dose of 200 microg/kg. All dose regimens had a mydriatic effect similar to placebo. Adverse experiences were similar between ivermectin and placebo and did not increase with dose." See above anti ivermectin creeps!!!!!

This guy uses a study from 2002 that used 69 adult subjects at dosages of ivermectin 10 times higher than the ceiling of FDA recommended doses.

They found: No Central Nervous System issue No General Toxicity No Specific Toxicity No difference in negatives from placebo group.

He then figured out the FDA ceiling dose is literally the same as the durvet horse paste for ivermectin and used this same study. The horse paste follows 200mcg per kg of bodyweight. And so does the paste. So you are actually following fda guidelines if you say take 150 on the plunger... when you find out the other 4 ingredients which he gives in the video... all harmless when taken normally.

As the President of the Apocalypse he is a bit more extreme. Now knowing only innocuous ingredients inside and safe dosage, he wanted to take an entire tube.. From the study itself some adults were given 120mg one time a week which is more than entire horse tube of ivermectin at 91mcg per pound, 1250 pounds so 113,000 mcg of ivermectin roughly... and the study found 120000mcg had no harmful affect whatsoever. So he pounded and entire tube and feels great today too. Check it out!!!

PresidentOfTheApocal -2 points ago +1 / -3

I've felt covid myself I can assure you the heat i felt in the Tokyo Airport was not made up. This was not a flu it hit me like a truck. They want to genocide us too. It can be both.

PresidentOfTheApocal 2 points ago +2 / -0

Saw that. No use of anything else once Pfizer vaccines agreement signed. Insane.

PresidentOfTheApocal 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe you should save your crayons for all the kids you invite over to your house.

The bacteria produces an anti viral anti parasite crystal that they get ivermectin from.

Did no one read the title? Again they keep saying poison control, but I'm not seeing any poisons listed here.

I think you should also draw it. What you said doesn't make sense. Try to calm down you should have a few months before International tribunals begin to be formed to arrest all of you for trying to genocide the planet.

PresidentOfTheApocal 1 point ago +1 / -0

*no known function in the soil. Hmm. And do you understand what a poison is... or?

PresidentOfTheApocal 1 point ago +1 / -0

A strain of soil bacteria. Pay attention. A genus of soil bacteria that is hunted around the world for different strains as to it's unique and beneficial properties wherever it is found.

I'm happy you know soil.

I already warned you deceitful idiots not to argue, you already lost... let's see about what you listed

"Gas gangrene is most commonly caused by infection with a bacterium called Clostridium perfringens. Bacteria gather in an injury or surgical wound that has no blood supply. The bacterial infection produces toxins that release gas and cause tissue death. Like wet gangrene, gas gangrene is a life-threatening condition.Feb 11, 2021"

So for this bacteria to be dangerous.. you need:

  1. An open wound;
  2. No blood supply.

Yeah that's nothing like what we are talking about given the unique constraints required. Turn in your shill badge. Come join us on the Ivermectin train and save your future wife you haven't met yet

PresidentOfTheApocal 3 points ago +3 / -0

Definitely:) Thank you. Just support and spread my videos and I will be very appreciative. Www.presidentoftheapocalypse.com will take you to my bitchute.

I am someone who had offers of fame younger in life and turned them down for family and solace. Since no one has solved Covid and I cannot reach the right people until I am famous in this system we live in, I am doing this to save people and literally take the helm of the nation if necessary through a peaceful and legal process. I won't stop until Covid is over and we are all safe. Vaccine mandates pushed me from my reserved position. I'm not watching us all fade away because they think they can destroy humanity on a whim.

PresidentOfTheApocal 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you, me too. Pull in as in focus on Wolbachia? Yes, we have multiple fronts of unnatural bombarding us into this current state designed for that purpose.

I believe we are under parasitical attack. I believe we have inception points in history of something similar. I think this covid time around is the most egregious. They have literally designed a cocoon to make us more susceptible. I don't even discuss blue light does or capacitative touch screens.

We are waking up. Ivermectin is a huge loss for them so we have to keep going. I cannot reveal too much because people won't understand until their minds are free. This was a tug of war and we held in there as a country since jan 2020. We are starting to win.

Wolbachia is a great place to start. Always work to make your mind and body stronger as they do behind the scenes, and it will never fail you.

by schris4
PresidentOfTheApocal 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not sure what you're actually trying to say here.. but the people denying Ivermectin and trying to kill us are now trying to repivot into their old diatribe of convincing everyone Covid is nothing again to erase this path they made by overpushing their death vax by use of Covid fear which instead pushed us to ivermectin. Do not let them backpeddle. Here is reality, remember this:

  1. Covid is real. It is not a nice disease and like the vaccines we do not understand the long term health effects. Places like Japan and India wouldn't make it up.

  2. Everything that actually stops covid is being suppressed to make it worse and keep it going. Whether it is natural herbs they all take in China or something that is not poisonous, is anti cancer, won a Nobel prize, and proven to help heal wounds like Ivermectin, they won't allow anything to gain steam.

  3. The entire thing is being coopted and pushed disingenuously into one tiny nuanced direction, forced gene therapy larping as vaccines that make covid much worse with no long term testing and a board of CEOs straight out of 1984. One minute they pretend to be the right and advocate it is mot dangerous to further push others and make those who might resist look dumb or become more unwell the next minute they push the fear to try to get more of the middle and right center on the gene therapy roster. All in all you must reason yourself and the truth will stand in apparent obviousness.

It has already started with ivermectin. This sudden influx of covid isn't real posts again should give second thoughts. Either they convince everyone again covid isn't real to spurn infection and deny overwhelming ivermectin momentum that would cause them to lose emergency use or they push the gene therapy out of covid fear and mandates while subverting ivermectin as a horse paste. They must lose on all fronts and we can hold them accountable for the largest genocidal campaign in world history.

by pkvi
PresidentOfTheApocal 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is interesting as CEO of reuters sits on Pfizer board of directors.

PresidentOfTheApocal 1 point ago +2 / -1

Don't listen to this person or any other shade or version of the lie peddlers. Covid is in fact real and has an impact on the mind. They were counting on us all standing down but the resistance got India and other countries to use ivermectim which ends what covid really is... a parasitical attack disguised as a fake virus by elites. Ivermectin makes them crap their pants because it works either for their narrative or the real one and has shown efficacy both on parasites and viruses. You will feel better because it works!

PresidentOfTheApocal 4 points ago +4 / -0

Please watch my video. This is the product of years of research and thought.

The video walks you through what is posted below.

Why is it they say The Spanish Flu never really ended? www.history.com/.amp/news/1918-flu-pandemic-never-ended

What came next ? Great Depression. Mass Starvation. Ww1, ww2.

Could it be this "invisible enemy" (Trump kept alluding to, is in fact a real enemy however invisible to the naked eye) ? In the end, the answer starts with Ivermectin. It will not only crush Covid, it may free us from something much more sinister. However you can see the fear of Ivermectin. What will it really do besides stop covid and kill parasites? Why is Merck now cutting off supplies suddenly? Funny I just started speaking about it 8 days ago.

"And now poison control centers across the country are being overwhelmed with calls related to this off-label ivermectin use, because like most drugs that are used to kill pathogens, ivermectin can also easily be toxic to human life." https://www.nbcnews.com/think/amp/ncna1277830

Poison control is called for something that is anti cancer and accelerates wound healing?

Why so many attacks for something that has been shown to heal wounds and peripheral nerves?


"Ivermectin Promotes Peripheral Nerve Regeneration during Wound Healing"


"Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug"

Could it be those that seek to inject us with dangerous things serve another master? One that fears ivermectin? What does a suppressed immune system mean for parasitical infection?

Why are we so surrounded with 3g 4g 5g emf? Shouldnt we be concerned that this emf suppresses something very important in our body that is antiparasitical and antiviral called calcineurin? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28818275/

"Electromagnetic fields may act via calcineurin inhibition to suppress immunity, thereby increasing risk for opportunistic infection: Conceivable mechanisms of action"

Why launch 5g knowing this? Why continue to push it during covid?

Why is it that the Spanish Flu only died out in the USA after we had a constitutional convention to prohibit alcohol and literally passed the 18th amendment to the Constitution? January 1920 alcohol is banned, Spanish Flu "ends" in the USA April 1920. Fascinating timing isn't it? Did the Americans alive at the time know that alcohol creates a breeding ground for parasites?

"Tiny amounts of alcohol dramatically extend a worm's life, but why? https://phys.org/news/2012-01-tiny-amounts-alcohol-worm-life.html"

Not only this but alcohol itself is an immunosuppressant. Yet in the middle of the Spanish Flu Americans gathered to ban alcohol consumption and just 3 months later it went away. That cannot be a coincidence.

Why are they still releasing GMO mosquitoes in Florida May 2021? Since 2015. Why did Bill Gates and Google release them all over the USA? Why did they use a bacteria GMO'd into the mosquitoes called Wolbachia? A bacteria that parasitical worms literally need to spread and proliferate? Why would we want to send millions of mosquitoes all over the USA unnaturally infected with Wolbachia then? Really? https://www.nbcnews.com/science/weird-science/genetically-modified-mosquitoes-be-released-florida-after-years-planning-n1265512


Strange synchronicity.. the study above discusses how Wolbachia allows the parasitical worms to proliferate that cause River Blindness.. Bill Gates: "Using disease to stop disease"...Wolbachia GMO mosquitoes... or is it just using disease to spread more disease? https://www.gatesnotes.com/health/using-disease-to-fight-disease

https://www.nature.com/articles/news020304-9 Which is so fascinating as Ivermectin in medicine was in fact used to cure River Blindness. Coincidence?https://www.who.int/tdr/news/2018/moxidectin-approved-as-treatment-for-river-blindness/en/

They just dropped millions of GMO mosquitoes on Trump's home state of Florida in May 2021, unnaturally infected with a bacteria that certain crippling parasitical worms need to reproduce.. and in the other the same people attack Ivermectin that destroys this bacteria and the worms while they push a vaccine that potentially makes you more susceptible to all sorts of crap worms included and at the same time... from behind the scenes use the media and various disgruntled anti American groups to attack Ivermectin and make it sound unsafe.. they very same medicine that beats Covid and destroys Wolbachia. When does this stop being a coincidence?

The Spanish Flu really ended. Chagas parasites were just found in Pfizer vaccines were discovered just years before the Spanish Flu as well as Toxoplamosis another very powerful parasite discovered just over 100 years ago.. and yet precovid had infected 40% of the world's population. Both candidates for real Covid. Was the Spanish Flu the latest attack of a parasitical hivemind we are now dealing with present day? It would fear Ivermectin.

PresidentOfTheApocal -1 points ago +1 / -2


PresidentOfTheApocal -1 points ago +1 / -2

"Comes from the ground." According to your logic so did Adam dumbass.




PresidentOfTheApocal -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yes pby. You buy the strain Streptomyces Avermilitis and follow what they did. What they did just literally increased the component that works as ivermectin does... but naturally streptomyces av does have similar properties.

PresidentOfTheApocal -3 points ago +1 / -4