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A lot of truth there. Have you read the Talmud or Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike?
River Phoenix died on October 31, 1993 and the moon was full.
Right. I am wondering who is not a gate keeper, according to the posters logic.
I am thinking that a group knows there will be a catastrophe soon and they are trying to position themselves accordingly.
Fascinating. Got any more related information?
Someone was crucified in one video. Very difficult to watch any of them.
Weird that Giuliani dressed in drag.
The Lord God is not the Father of Jesus.
What happened to the warrant. Also, read about the Baines Act. The police cannot legally cover the camera.
Baines Act violation.
Knocked up his sister or his mother?
Yes, and it is interesting.
That building has stripes like the temple on Epstein’s Island, Weird.
Ask the AI if yahweh is the Father of Jesus. If not, then who is?
Agreed. Be good friends with a doctor, lawyer, and mechanic.
Guess the religion?
I know people who still go to sporting events. It is like they already forgot that they were being forced to get a deadly “vaccine”.
True. I was just going to say that William Cooper warned everyone about Alex Jones.
Looks like an interesting book. Got more?
Read Clock Shavings by Tracy Twyman.
I have thought that before. In what way are the clown costumes related to the Nephilim? Do they dress as clowns and provide entertainment when kids are being sacrificed?
Another great post and great research.
YHWH is a transexual, like Dr. Frankenfurter in the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
A lot of truth there. Have you read the Talmud or Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike?