posted ago by LeoLittlebook ago by LeoLittlebook +11 / -1

Here is Patrick Byrne's account of how Donald J. Trump lost the White House to Biden's stealection:

Byrne was a Congressionally-appointed secret investigator who assisted Sydney Powell and was prepared to overturn the election.

Powell and Byrne found evidence of foreign election interference sufficient to justify the military recounting the ballots by hand. The Dominion servers were hacked from overseas.

Powell and Byrne's plan was foiled by the impenetrable senility of the 76-year old alcoholic Rudy Giuliani, whom Trump implicitly trusted to handle his legal campaign.

After totally failing to get through to the crotchety lazy drunk, Powell and Byrne crashed the White House to talk to Trump directly. Trump delegated the decision to Giuliani. Giuliani perused the evidence for under an hour and declared it bunk, so Trump banned them from further visits.

Patrick Byrne wrote several posts about this which he later combined into a book:

This tale of incompetence is so incredible, it requires corroboration to believe. Yet that corroboration has come via the NY Post. This account is anti-Powell, yet it admits the central fact: Trump didn't even look at the evidence; he let Giuliani decide on the spot.

Trump and Giuliani never fell for Sidney Powell’s 2020 election ‘Kraken’ — but the left sure did | NY Post

I watched Giuliani sweat out his hair dye at his press conference. I watched his podcasts where he shilled cigars and didn't so much as release the papers he was reading from. Byrne is correct; Giuliani is now an ineffectual fossil.

So if you're wondering why a senile Biden is Resident, it's because the senile drunk Giuliani didn't know when to retire.

Maybe, and this is a wild thought, we shouldn't let 70+ year olds run our country. The average age of Fortune 500 CEOs is 58, since they have to actually deliver on their promises.