This had to be it's own post, man.. never heard of this. Now you get why he quit. Let's try to find some type of picture here.. this is cyborg shit, man. Trying to look for this.. Bing AI said
"I guess you get the part of Lucifer being the leader of music in heaven correct. He was a covering cherub with instruments literally built into him. "
What's these instruments built into him?
Searching for: Lucifer instruments cherub
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Hello, this is Bing. I’m glad you’re interested in the topic of Lucifer and his musical instruments. According to some sources, Lucifer was a cherub, a type of angel that had access to the holy mountain of God and walked among the fiery stones12. He was anointed as a guardian cherub who covers and protects1. He was also endowed with beauty and wisdom, and had musical instruments built into his body3. Some of these instruments were the tambourine, the flute, and the harp3. He used them to provide beautiful music for the glorification of God3. However, he became proud and rebellious, and was cast out of heaven because of his sin1.
Later was trying to get some type of pictures of this shit and not much out there.. but it said these fuckin cyborg instruments were built in Lucifer's body!
YHWH is a transexual, like Dr. Frankenfurter in the Rocky Horror Picture Show.