Are you the one from voat? If so, hello again. You could be the one who told me that the last name of the Bush family is really Scherff.
Would Satan be one of the Anunnaki? There was a post on 4chan yesterday about a book put together by the Germans in WW2. They went into the German masonic lodges and found out what they were doing in there. There were a lot of references to Jehovah being the god of the Jews. I am certain that Jesus said that Jehovah/YHWH is the devil/satan. I wonder which one of the Anunnaki this would be? I think that at least one of them did not leave.
It could also be that all the Anunnaki left and then Nephilim at the top of the pyramid filled the power vacuum and kept the slave system going. The one at the top would be the Pindar of the Draco.
No. I think that Battlefield Earth is an accurate depiction of the Anunnaki. They are severely flawed and did not expect humans to surpass them, but we have a divine connection that they lack.
We are an abomination to them, and we are also susceptible to mind control.
Black man exposes Communism/explains why he WAS a Communist: