mustangjayyyme 2 points ago +3 / -1

oh and magically they lifted the curtailment....fascinating...but he is correct...that will just prolong the inevitable...if they don't close now, they will eventually.

mustangjayyyme 4 points ago +4 / -0

on the same day protestors shut down one of the entrances to the port of Houston....

mustangjayyyme 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great reply to OP.

I think many of us are actually open to new ideas and going down the rabbit hole with an open mind. I know no one specifically talked us into believing anything. We read a lot, and stumbled upon information which then lead us to do more searching... And it just went on from there. Most older people aren't willing to do that. I know one older lady like that, but she's going a bit deep and I think she may have been sucked into some that may be a bit farfetched. It's harder than it sounds. I made a comment to someone else on here that brought up good points. I referenced specifically an episode of stranger things where they talk about how people like the curtain that covers everything up and they don't want to look at most things. They'll listen to anyone of authority who tells them it's bullshit.

mustangjayyyme 4 points ago +4 / -0

This comment was interesting to read and I don't know if you've seen stranger things, but they cover the topic of how most people handle anything shocking or "too much".

People like a curtain that covers up all the real extreme shit. They aren't willing to believe it, and if anything with authority says it's bullshit, they will believe it. If you want anyone to believe anything, you have to start small with a little bit of the truth. You have to "water it down" or they won't take it in.

Just try to talk to anyone about Jews, Israel, Germany, etc... they instantly go to those regurgitated talking points. Even our neighbor goes "Israel is our greatest ally"... It's fucking sad how brainwashed these people, and odds of changing their thoughts process is slim to none.

Many people also like living in their comfort bubbles and not looking at anything going on. Yes, there's not much we can do about many circumstances we have going on in our country, state, city etc.... but that's not a reason to avoid being informed. Yes, don't let it consume you or depress you to the point of wanting to die... That's time to step away... But sticking your head in the sand ostrich style doesn't work.

We try on a regular basis to educate our neighbors, friends, and family... But at a certain point they usually stop wanting to listen or talk about it.

mustangjayyyme 1 point ago +1 / -0

That sandwich sure looks blown out, just like all the faggots.

mustangjayyyme 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's not true. They don't do that here. The local farm we go to is very open and honest about their cows and their farm. Yep, some can't digest pasteurized dairy because the enzymes that allow you to break it down properly are destroyed in that process. I've never had a problem with milk either way. But raw milk is a whole different experience, and store bought milk now smells rancid even "fresh" That's why they came out with that lactose-free milk where they just add the enzymes back to it to help you. What an odd thing, and then charge more money for it. When they removed it in the first place. My husband used to have issues with store bought milk, so I used to buy that. I read up on it a bit because I wanted to know what made it "lactose-free" Pasteurization destroys everything good in the milk then they add in vitamin d to make you think it's still nutritional. Then there's the whole milk fat junk where they pretend whole milk has tons of fat... But it doesn't. They just convince you to drink milk water because "fAt Is BaD" lol

mustangjayyyme 6 points ago +6 / -0

What's gay is that a lot of states outright banned the sell or even trade of raw milk...I'm glad I don't live in those states. We have a local dairy we buy ours from. Once you have raw, you can't even enjoy store bought milk anymore. We buy 6 gallons at a time and freeze 4...2 go pretty fast in our house.

mustangjayyyme 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hate cats, so I would never set my photo as that...but not about to change it to a real photo.

mustangjayyyme 1 point ago +1 / -0

I fucking hate cats...and hate that it's a cat. but I'm not about to post a legitimate photo.

mustangjayyyme 2 points ago +3 / -1

I saw these a long while back at a ghetto Walgreens near me...I don't remember anything about the waving hand thing. It just said you were being recorded and they'd prosecute theft. They've done stuff like this is certain areas of things that are stolen a lot. At the Wal-Mart, they locked up all the makeup.

mustangjayyyme 3 points ago +3 / -0

Learn to feed yourself, then you don't have to pay for food...then someone pays you for food in something you might need or want...like soap or anything else.

mustangjayyyme 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also don't buy toothpaste with fluoride... You don't need it. I haven't used anything with fluoride in a long time, and my teeth have been fine. We used earth paste which actually cleaned our teeth a lot better than conventional toothpaste. I recommend an electronic one. It does a lot better cleaning than your manual one. My dentist always tells me I barely have plaque or tarter buildup.

mustangjayyyme 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I don't think Brita filters crap. You need something that's 3+ stages, reverse osmosis. You also need a TDS meter to check your water periodically just to make sure your filters are still good. They do last longer than they say. I have an RO system I have next to my sink and it links into my fridge. So all my ice is filtered too. They have under sink ones or a counter one too. It's really up to you. I'd like a whole house one, but our house is old and it's not really set up well for something like that.

mustangjayyyme 2 points ago +2 / -0

I never got a jab, but I did get "covid' in April 2020... And my smell/taste are still not back to normal. I've tried quite a few things to help... But no luck. I went to an ENT and a neurologist... Because I had other issues too. At the beginning I have severe sinus pressure or what felt like it. ENT said my sinuses were " beautiful" and neurologist said I was fine... It would just come back whenever it did.

mustangjayyyme 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah wtf... Who uses that phrase?

Typically they just tell you about the weather and advise to stay home and don't go out if possible. That sounds like a weird way to say "what freedom"

mustangjayyyme 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well tell me why men are stopping on their own? And why more isn't being done to keep kids off porn? Where is the action then? What action will be taken if this isn't implemented? Nothing, correct?

mustangjayyyme 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean I can say yes to not wanting surveillance state...but why is everyone so against letting go of their porn addiction? Porn is extremely dangerous for everyone....Even the women if you want to be honest with yourself. Women are affected here just as much as the men addicted to it. Couples and society are suffering because of "but MuH pOrN"

It's fucking sad and says a lot about society. If you have a problem with it, stop consuming it. Yes I realize you can say it tramples on your rights. I am all for LESS government, but men aren't fixing the problem on their own. And the internet hasn't always been here. Nor have smart phones. So maybe that's a bigger issue that no one wants to look at.

Go buy some porn dvds or magazines if you want it so fucking bad you simp.

Here watch a debate on porn ban...it's funny that there are NO positive points brought up on the other side. Because they aren't any.


I know you won't because you want to live in your porn bubble. How is that affecting your sex life?

They agree with the negatives, but their solution is to throw money at other issues claiming those are the cause of porn addiction. Porn addiction leads itself to many other problems in men. Look at where we are now as a society. That is majorly attributed to porn, social media, and anime (porn too in the right guy's eyes). Every "man'" is a fucking soyboi faggot who can't do shit for himself. I don't care if you go to the gym and lift....if you are masturbating all the time...or filing your time with tv or football you're a faggot. You need real skills, real hobbies. Things that bring you real joy and fulfillment.

mustangjayyyme 3 points ago +4 / -1

Thanks for calling this shit out. I didn't want to be the only one doing it.

To pretend like porn isn't a problem for adult men is naïve.

mustangjayyyme 2 points ago +4 / -2

I mean America has a porn problem....maybe just maybe it will get adults to stop using this trash too. It's rotting everyone's mind...including but not limited to children.

Seeth harder you degenerate. Porn is probably rotting your brain and your nerve endings....

You need some John Doyle in your life.


mustangjayyyme 4 points ago +4 / -0

There was a big long video that dissects all the footage that was available back then to people. It's real sketchy and looks staged.

mustangjayyyme 4 points ago +4 / -0

There is a YouTube channel that touches on this recently....no one wants to talk about it. Some of their stuff is a little meh, but you take what you want and leave the rest.

But it's also just what they do to our food now (EVEN if you ate real food) Food doesn't taste the same anymore to most people. Even the real stuff.


mustangjayyyme 4 points ago +4 / -0

Very, VERY true. So many parents no longer want to parent. This is where public school stepped in, and then women working. Now most can't even afford to live on two salaries, let alone one. Daycare is expensive and typically only offered for kids too young for school. So bring in the age of public school.... YAY...NOT. Parents should be involved in any aspect of their child's lives...including and not limited to their education (whichever way it might be) Maybe some also have thought "oh they're safe at school" I just need to monitor their activities online and outside of school. Welp, YOU'RE WRONG...this is why it was such an easy target for all these crazies. Sitting ducks...

I'd do the exact same IF I did end up sending our kids to a public school or EVEN private school. No school is to be trusted ever. You need to keep on their ass and make sure what is going on there. If only everyone would realize that...

I remember the teachers I had as a kid. I had a few weird ones, but many were traditional, sweet teachers. I can't imagine having these things they call teachers today...I'd want to leave if I was a kid. They look insane.

mustangjayyyme 7 points ago +7 / -0

I don't know why parents are so lazy... Even our conservative friends. They continue to allow their kids to go to public school "because it's fine" no it's not. Homeschooling doesn't even take a lot of time either. It's max 3 hours when they're older. You can also find other parents and share teaching. I plan on doing it by any means necessary if we have a child. Still working on that part. I've already decided that way before because I've seen the horrors even from our local schools that they claim is one of the best school districts in the state. It's not. They're asking kindergartens about pronouns and saying these kids who identify as cats need litter boxes. It's gross. That's probably the lighter issues too.

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