Can't believe chase actually got that honest towards the end. Shit is hilarious cuz he's such a normie but even he couldn't keep that one in.
This is why you ignore tallesttard. He is clearly talking about burning in hell. Unless she dies in the next two weeks that take makes no sense. Please step up your game nerd.
Lol their tech is worse than the chinese apparently.
Why are you engaging an either retarded troll or a paid shill lol.
That comment is an exposure of an idiot that believes the emergent porn genres are a reflection of reality lmao.
quick everybody dox him!
They're as good or bad as their ghost writers like literally every other rapper you've ever heard of.
Such an open ended question will just bring up long nosed answers in these parts.
Weird. I get bs downloads that are obv malware and pop ups but nothing forces me to do anything. Just a lot of tab closures. I miss my vpn lmao.
Don't do anything crazy like youtube dinesh dsouza party switch and put those fears to rest.
This is why I posted it. Thanks for the input homie. My working knowledge of these two incidents are pretty low so since it came up in the episodes I said fuck it and sat through it. When the q b roll footage was used it just gave me a chuckle and they tied it together towards the end. Shit is fucking hilarious watching them balk at "trusting the government, it's totes not the end of the world guys!!!"
I'm not retarded, I know this shit isn't above board due to being produced by Vice. Just thought it would be an interesting share since you guys will obviously balk at the anti-conspiracy narrative they push while also being anti q.
His apple eating clip is hilarious.
Inb4 anybody takes the bait. Sorry tardstein.
Cute reddit level posting tho. Hurrdurr r/pics is leaking hurrdurr.
'Member when homie submitted mein kampf with the nazi shit replaced with leftists nonsense and it got published?
It's a way to get more gov. money to spend on more off the books projects. That movie swordfish was pretty close to the truth despite the silly shit.
Wars cost money.
-Rich Scientologist
My fav part of this photo is it actually just looks like rothy boy is admiring dudes tie. Like how the biden on his knees in the oval picture is just him petting a dog.
TS could have his head in the gallows and still be yelling
I almost respect that.
No clue that place is just reddit for the right.
Idk maybe do some research and get back to us? naaah.
Guess I triggered some of the shizo larpers with this. My bad ya'll. I forget this is social media not a conspiracy board. DAE JFK??
Yeah but you got doxed or something bro kek.
False. They're here to bait you into giving them ammo.
Naw he's def gettin' pee'd on and shit.