muhqtardtho 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol primate actually fell for gooner bait. The amount of double speak that has come out of this particular controlled opposition can't be ignored.

muhqtardtho 5 points ago +5 / -0

How is it a question if the people who create money out of thin air will pay a ransom with funny money? Lmao.

muhqtardtho 3 points ago +3 / -0

Even non citizens have to get a tax ID number. It's how illegals pay taxes to bolster their citizenship application and prove they've been in the states for x years and paying into the system and not mooching off it.

muhqtardtho 1 point ago +1 / -0

What are your opinions on the patents that are classified by the government? A lot of conspiracy minded people think our energy problems have already been solved but since it would collapse an entire part of the economy by providing low cost energy to the masses it's been hidden. Anything too revolutionary that affects the status quo can easily be kept from the public while the inventor gets the old Pablo Escobar question

Silver or lead?

Meaning you can take the payoff or disappear.

muhqtardtho 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is how I know you don't live on the coast. Hurricane's mostly cause structural damage and are expensive. They are surprisingly not deadly due to our building codes and early warnings. I do believe they are used as a tool by bad guys so to speak but if their goal was reducing population they have continually failed to do so.

muhqtardtho 1 point ago +1 / -0

Damn that sucks. Used to get his YT shorts and they were always neat AF.

muhqtardtho 9 points ago +10 / -1

You're terrible at this job. If you read more than what is highlighted you will see the implication is that Israel has an agreement with the United States not to draft their dual nationals. If you actually had a good attack vector you'd be exposing that they do not in fact have this agreement with the tiny hats gang. You didn't do they clearly do. Enjoy your fractions of a penny for the successfully baited reply. Don't say I've never done anything for ya.

muhqtardtho 1 point ago +1 / -0

I got a random call from someone/thing and it came up as "POLITICAL CALL" Thought that was pretty funny.

muhqtardtho 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is the approved thought process to give you a carrot to chase. That way you ignore all of the customers in epstein's list that are not controlled financially, but through sexual blackmail. The only ones who get dealt with are the ones who stop taking orders and step out of line. Diddy would still be digging out random bootyholes if he didn't piss off the wrong people. Nothing is an accident. Don't let them give you an approved thought when the rabbit holes are always deeper than they let on.

muhqtardtho 3 points ago +3 / -0

Chan posts that don't include the minutia like date/time stamps are always sus. Neon has a post about an incident where the feds tried to use their own posts as evidence but were so ignorant about the boards they didn't realize it exposed them as the authors of the post itself.

muhqtardtho 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did you know the Chinese government has a method to reimburse their companies to cover any tariffs they pay? That's why you get Temu commercials all day and night. Cheap Chinese goods stay cheap regardless of what we do. It's just another cost of doing business for them. Enslave the lower class and let everyone pay to flood the markets to drive out competition.

muhqtardtho 2 points ago +2 / -0

My deaf ex said it's pictures in her head and when she dreams they communicate telepathically instead of signing or writing in a notebook/phone. Always thought that was interesting.

muhqtardtho 2 points ago +2 / -0

It corrects itself without outside pressure where there is a means to do so. Unless you kick the father out of the home the government will not provide you with the means to afford a child. Times are changing and the value of your money is sinking faster than the majority can earn a higher wage. The consolidation of power over what I assume is most of our lifetimes has drastically changed the landscape. What has usually been true will not always be true. Unless you're expecting WW3 to pull us out of this downward spiral it's not gonna happen.

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