The sheep will still get the shot. They are too deeply programmed to wake up. Prepare for survival, there will be food shortages, energy shortages and massive deaths due to the vaccine.
The elite have been planning this for decades, it will happen.
This is actually a good thing, because Federal Government is our enemy now.
Our corrupt government needs the military to stay in power once the Red states have had enough and people start to stand up. With the Federal Gov't military led by those clowns it will be morally weak and physically weak too.
A morally weak military will not fully support the corrupt president, there will be division in its ranks, a physically weak military is a reduced threat to the citizens.
Then this happens. But honestly, I want all liberals/socialists to get vaccinated, double masked. Heck double vaccinated and quadruple masked, maybe with enough masks I wont hear them.
Oh look a reply from the soyboi, I am setting back watching the collapse of America as nimwits like you bring in socialism. Me and mine, will be okay, you well , you have no skills, enjoy starving. After all, there are no fat people in socialism.
A leftist troll took the time from watching his purple haired whale of a girlfriend getting jackhammered by Mohammeds in order to post a mean commit. Go back to your grandmas basement jerking off to tentacle porn. Pathetic schmuck
There is a cultural war to win. We should share information found on research , so less time is spent searching and more time is spent waking Sheople the heck up. I interact with 100's of people, in person a month, with my small business. I do not have the free time to research the accuracy and facts to every meme posted.
Without links to back it, you are posting rumors. I am too busy to research and verify your rumors. So take the few minutes to post the meat and potatoes of your research instead . Otherwise, just pretty, petty memes that accomplish NADA
The vaccine deaths will be "officially" attributed to natural causes and flu. Real deaths will still be counted as Covid.
This will give the pandemic death levels missing in 2020. Ignorant sheep will be rushing to get vaccinated
Only the upper elite and conspiracy theorists know the truth. Rich liberals (most hollywood) are just useful idiots. Expect a huge uptick of hollywood celebrity deaths
Prepare, do not bunker down, plan to bug out, to a rural area with someone who is already there. The loss of sheep will be tragic, but in a handful of years, the meek will inherit what remains.
They are now blaming Vaccine deaths as natural causes. This move is brilliant on their part.
All vaccine deaths are now listed as "Natural Causes" This will give the pre covid death rates back. There will be that many. FLu, heart disease, old age, and so on.
All non vaccine deaths will be listed as Covid. This will drive fear and give the pandemic death rate they need
And now the lying media and elites will have the numbers to blast. Normal deaths and covid deaths, Well played, the sheep will buy it.
The global elites are playing the tune for the mindless sheep to dance too. All non vaccinated deaths blame on covid to drive up fear, while vaccinated deaths are natural causes.
"Natural cause deaths" will be back up to precovid rates numbers year, while "covid" deaths will match 2020 numbers. This will nicely explain the dramatic increase in death rate that will happen in 2021
Well played on the elite part.
Look at the chart, See the pattern from 1924 until the December 2020, then boom. This proves something, unless of course you are a liberal, then by all means, please get vaccinated
The internet keep the sheep placated , the Cabal can not shut it down, they risk too many people waking up.