megalithicallstar 6 points ago +7 / -1

I dont think we know these people at all. Matter of fact I know I don't. The fact that Ballard is a freemason and you understand the dark history of freemasons and the chip program they have in place for young children I wouldn't trust it.

Just because we would never do such and evil thing doesn't mean these people haven't and are not. Satan's rabbits are everywhere even propped up as light bearing and saviors.

megalithicallstar 2 points ago +3 / -1

People forget that to get to that level these actors and people in the Hollywood machine make a blood oath. You don't get to these levels without selling their souls to get on the big screen and idc if the guy played Jesus Christ on the big screen in Passions. Doesn't make him holy for making weak pleas for help and speaking out against blood consumption. Adrenachrome or whatever.

megalithicallstar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why would it now be allowed to show it to the people? It was once suppressed and with all the censorship in the world today especially these past few years why has it been allowed to view to the masses today? Do you think that money will help solve the issue or do you think it will make parents aware and desperate of the issue and microchip their kids to help "prevent" this? Freemasons are funding this new outreach program in multiple states. What is the history of the freemasons ans should people trust them? Not everything is innocent and evil is slicker than you and I think but I see it. Safe and effective. Remember.

megalithicallstar 4 points ago +5 / -1

To be clear child trafficking very real. The people and supporters behind the film itself are not angels. They want your children chipped. https://open.substack.com/pub/anonfamous/p/the-tim-ballard-rabbit-hole?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

megalithicallstar 0 points ago +1 / -1

I think more and more people are waking up to the fact that the zionist jews run everything and are involved in everything satanic. Protocols of Zion. With all the information circulating on the internet I think that's what's going on. People see it, research it, and with controlled ops like Kanye, Nick Cannon, Mel Gibson opening up about it and then bending there knee it proves that they're right. We see the ADL acting as an authority and it's all run by satanic jews that need to be executed. That's what they want for man kind so fuck em.

megalithicallstar 1 point ago +2 / -1

All of Hollywood had their way with her. Sex rituals I bet

megalithicallstar 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's more obvious both sides are controlled. Then Trump all calmly talking about it and how it's disgrace and blah blah blah. It's mote distractions while the jews and freemasons carry out NWO Agenda. Keeping the people on edge about politics lgbtqxyz b.s. and manufactured fires and new variants.

More people are seeing the show for what it is and are not buying it.

megalithicallstar 0 points ago +1 / -1

WWIII is already here.

megalithicallstar 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yup. They had a fear plan. It was needed to inject people with the poison. Many bent the knee dor one reason or another and thats how it worked. Others used their brain. For those not outwardly impacted by the inoculations like others have it will play a part later on the next plandemic most likely where it will then mess people up. Source: trust me, bro.

megalithicallstar 3 points ago +3 / -0

but but but 45 million years ago this bug inside a clear amber stone.... /s

megalithicallstar 1 point ago +1 / -0

I personally don't think it's actually 5G they way we've been sold it. They say it's 5G and sold to us the consumer side of it but I dont even think there is actually a 5G chip per se in the phones (any noticeable and significant jump from 4G that you noticed?). It's the towers and it's gonna fuck people up in a way we aren't ever gonna be ready for. The frequencies will continue to play a role in killing people and no one will ever put it together that it's radiation, frequencies and the jabs combined. Families will cry, wonder why and then move on never questioning it. Similar to what just happened to people's loved ones ans friends these past few years. They think it was covid 19. Poor fucks.

megalithicallstar 4 points ago +4 / -0

The zionists jews for sure

megalithicallstar -1 points ago +2 / -3

that's why we need to kill them. they plan on killing us as they're doing strategically so fair game, mfers.

megalithicallstar 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's perspective. It's completely flat. Again, water doesn't bend.

megalithicallstar 0 points ago +1 / -1

Trees, buildings, hills, mountains, smog.

The real question no one is able to discredit is water physics. Water finds its own level. Think about that for awhile and people will begin to understand that it's level. Sea level. Air plane. Water doesn't bend on a curve it would naturally travel to find its level. Similar to a puddle or glass of water. Tilt the glass the water finds its own level.

For example, if you watch videos on YouTube think of your favorite channels of people vlogging outdoors for their channel. Pay close attention to the background or a scenic segment in the video. My example would be Kurt Caz channel. He travels the world. Watch the backgrounds in the horizons of beaches he visits in the countries he's in. Everything in a panoramic view is level. Ask yourself, "when does the bend start??"

If you have time this weekend please watch this documentary level with me 2023 https://www.bitchute.com/video/LeSS8zbG0NIp/

If you like to read books check out Flat Earth FAQ by Eric Dubay. Color picture paperback. Phenomenal read and breaks down all the questions globers have (I had at least before i realized earth is flat). We've been lied to about everything since birth. Its hard to accept and to unlearn it all so i understand the fight back. I used to be one of those. I thought flat earthers were retarded. Now im retarded and believe the earth is flat so....thx

Enes Yilmazer is another channel. Real estate broker with a huge following with the nicest homes and mansions on earth. Watch oma few of those for enjoyment but also pay close attention to the distant backgrounds to the scenic views of the city skylines or the ocean/water. Ask yourself more questions on why we never see the curvature? Answer, because it's flat.

megalithicallstar 1 point ago +1 / -0

What do you see when you look up?

megalithicallstar 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nope. Not as stupid as you since you believe what most of the world believes that it's a globe. You'll never question it though will you. You just accept things because that's what you were told.

megalithicallstar 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hope his sideburns are trimmed. The 80s called and wants it's curls back.

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