lbrt 3 points ago +3 / -0

The problem with it will probably be that many people are so filled with heavy metals, so the soil will be polluted.

lbrt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Buddha says, the self is what is unchanging. He derives it by logic.The cosmogenesis of the gnostics dervies from the Vedas.

lbrt 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Doctrine of the Buddha is the fruit of George Grimm's intensive studies and practical realization of the Buddha's teaching on the nature of reality and the self. First published in German in 1915, SunWise Books is pleased to offer this new printing of the 1st English edition, completely re-typeset and re-edited.

Buddho got it right.


lbrt 2 points ago +2 / -0

Funny, the teachings of Jesus resemble what Buddha said long before him. The catholic church took out the teaching of reincarnation out of the bible, in order to build an organisation, where the individual cannot find the truth in himself, instead needs a mediator.

lbrt 2 points ago +2 / -0

you know the bible really well, thanks.

lbrt 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can't defy logic. I assume that logic is not used much these days.

lbrt 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Bible has been tampered and still is. One can research that easily. And we have other sources of cosmogenesis, for example the Vedas, much older than the Bible. Besides the Bible speaks in symbols, if you take it literally, you get it wrong, I suppose.

lbrt 2 points ago +2 / -0

I do not take my truth how the shape of this PLANET (mark the word) is from the Bible, but I hope, that a book speaking the truth for millions, gets it right. I also dont believe, that for example Moses was using 40 years for a distance of 300 km, except it was a social experiment someone did. I make an excel sheet pro and contra and weigh the arguments. Which theory explains the phenomenas better? I must say it is Flat Earth at this point.

Science is never settled, that we should know after the Corona plandemic years!

That is why I did not get the DNA altering shots, although pressed by family and others. How could they say or politicians, that the PCR test was gold standard, they who did not even know the word before? I have made my research 15 years ago, so no ignorant has to tell me " his truthes".

lbrt 2 points ago +2 / -0

At least Persia has a long existing history, and even if the people who live now there are not the same, at least, they have not been planted as the Zionists in Israel. When I was in Egypt the people painted on the walls did not look like the people who live now in Egypt. I am very caucious to history, because large parts have been rewritten. Could well be, that there are other species among humans.

lbrt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where shall they settle after it, in Ukraine?

lbrt 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Zionists are the most dangerous Mafia that has ever been. A real jew will not support the state of Israel or at least seek a real peace with the palestinians, in two separate states, where Israel would go back at least to the boundaries of 1967. I think that could be acceptable by all parties.

lbrt 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am not a doctor, but still knew from the first pictures of Wuhan, where people dropped like rice sacks, that it was a scam. Of course I knew about PCR-tests. The videos of Kary Mullis, the inventor, were all available at that time. I also knew about so called vaccinations in general. And I knew on what shaky grounds the virus theory itself was standing. At that time I used to go for lunch with a retired German virologist (a former professor). As he kept telling me, how dangerous this virus is, I stopped and never met him again. People like Dr. Malone et al. might speak against vaxxes, but they still make fear viruses. Viruses are the least to fear, with bacteria it is different, but there is so much you can take to keep yourself healthy, for example Chlorine Dioxid (ClO2), which you can produce in gallons for a few pennies.

lbrt 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Templars were the blueprint for having an own state. They faked their death but had a contract with the aboriginal Swiss, which suddenly had better weapons and other stuff. There is still the name Lienhard in Switzerland= Lion Heart.

lbrt 1 point ago +1 / -0

So why does the elephant not eat animals.

lbrt 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do not deny that, but to be armored for the next time...

lbrt 0 points ago +1 / -1

You better boost your immune system!

by doing your research and:

avoiding poison (fluoride, etc) getting healthy eating habits (plant based, organic,not much animal protein). Vitamin supplements, especially Vitamin D3 in large doses.

lbrt 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right he was. And so the one who know, posses gold, silver, land, etc. So do I. Land for the living, incl. house, barns etc. Gold and silver as a backup against inflation. No debts.

lbrt 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is free energy, and it is here in abundance. That is my claim. Let me explain.

  1. We have to define the term "free". If we use the term as gratis there is not much free energy, there is some only, such as the sunlight you can warm your body, make a campfire, if there is wood. But as you see already the campfire needs some work and technology, only not much a lighter or else make it like the ancestors with stones etc.
  2. If the define free as cheap, then we are getting closer. You need more technology, like a saw for burning logs and a stove etc. Or you need to dig coal etc.
  3. There is also cheap energy, when you grow your own vegetables and have animals. But you need the land, the time and your work. Not doable in a big city or difficult.
  4. Then there is cheap energy from natural gas and oil. But here you argue, that is not cheap, right? Yes, but why? Because you believe it is scarce. Is it? As long as you believe, that the oil comes from fossiles, dead dinosaurs etc. itmmight be like that, because it is limited. But this theory was brought to the world by Rockefellers. About 70 years ago some Russina scientists claimed, that oil comes from the inner of the Earth and is practically unlimited. So it would be cheap. Not good. So they invented the CO2 myth, in order to make it hight priced again.
  5. We know for good, that there a huge gas fields in the Aegean Sea. So they divided Turkey and Greece about who it belongs to. Result: Neither country can use it.
  6. There is cheap Energy in the use of Uranium or Thorium. So they scare the shit out of people about the radiation and the what they call the waste problem. It is no problem One can reuse that "waste" many times so that the end radiation lasts only about 500 years.
  7. The use of electricity from the Ionosphere needs also knowledge and a technology, which might be accessible. Could be done relative cheap.

But overall the cabal thinks: No cheap for the sheep!

lbrt -1 points ago +3 / -4

Unlike the globe model, which I have to believe, I can test and see the flat earth with my own tools and reasoning. Make a spread sheet with two rows and then look at all the phenomenas, and decide on each, if the flat earth or the globe model can explain it better.

And If your are a flat earther you are not a globalist.

lbrt 1 point ago +1 / -0

I prefer Telegram, not because it is safe, but I don't care if the Russian Secret Service can read my messages, as long it is not our Godfathers.

lbrt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes I have, it is ancient knowledge, but only available in a German book By Lothar W. Göring, which I translated by DeepLpro to English. I can send it to you for personal use and study or it it is possible I can put it on a server, any idea? Pls. ask by email to info@ frht.ch with subject "myon neutrinos"

lbrt 0 points ago +1 / -1

no, only some, because the body frequency of most can withstand the myon neutrinos sent out by others. It id true, thst the germ theory of Dr. Koch is wrong. Another professor at that time came into the lesson and drank a glass of Cholera infected water in front of the students and stayed healthy all the way.

lbrt 3 points ago +3 / -0

The virus theory has some big flaws, so to say, it is debunked as junk science. But as we all know, there is contagion. What is causing it? The debris of some others? Yes, I would say, but how? An overload that our bodies can't handle? And does a sneeze of your neighbor cause it? The truth is, it is the Myon neutrinos. They go thru everything, concrete walls everything, by the billions. So, if you are exposed to a sick dood, next to it, he well send his neutrinos to you and vice versa. You get sick, when your body gets an overload of "bad" neutrinos. So contaigon is done on a subatomic level. That is why we should stay away from people who send out bad vibrations, i.e neutrinos.

lbrt 2 points ago +2 / -0

As long as people believe in the common virus theory, you can force them into becoming a GMO (genetically modified organism).

As long as they believe in the theory of oil made of fossiles, you can charge them for each gallon alot.

Deseases in my view are transferred by Myon Neutrinos.

lbrt 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have been in electronic music for 41 years. My conclusion is, it is all about frequencies. They matter alot.

If I listen to equally tuned music on 440 Hz, it hurts my ears, be it electronic music or classical, in the latter, most of the works of classical composer have to be rerecorded, so bad are most recordings we have now. Most electronic suffers the same, we tools are here, but how they are used shows ignorance at its best.

A very interesting approach is from robertedwardgrant.com, the precise tuning and the wonderfull sacred geometry behind it.

I have tested his tuning, and there is a huge difference to conventional tuning.

I also made on FM-VST sounds like a Fender Rhodes only with two operators, which I pan one to the left, the other to the right. The frequency differs by 5 Hz. This difference puts the listener in a calm state of mind.

The field is huge, and I am sure there will be alot of good music in the future as we keep digging deeper into frequencies and tunings.

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