lbrt 2 points ago +2 / -0

So your argument basically is, they made the people buy worthless trash. But who. then is making the profits (excepts the one who own cheap stocks and then sell them at high price)? And when I buy physical gold, I have the commodity, and no one else.

lbrt 2 points ago +3 / -1

The market is rigged. That is why the shorts do not have to recover. As soon as the market works like a real market, it is game over for the shorts.

If you look at the guy heading the SEC, Gary Gensler, he is the one who never did anything at the Comex rigged market pripr to his new function.

Q said, "gold will kill the Fed." I am waiting for that moment. Expect an ounce of gold at 100000 dollars.

by pkvi
lbrt 3 points ago +3 / -0

it is by now a proxy war. if you are not blind.

lbrt 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just burnt some books myself this winter in my wood stove. Difference is, I bought these books and found them so useless, that burning makes more sense. I have read thousands of books but now I stick to only a few, the best one. As the famous writer, you know whom I refer to, said: "I have a simple taste, symply the best."

lbrt 4 points ago +4 / -0

The correct answer is: " you will find out."

lbrt 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are other people saying that they do not want to have civilian casualties and therefore it takes more time. In a month it will be over and Ukrania will be free of Nazis and have peace for the poeple.

lbrt 6 points ago +6 / -0

Thank you for this post.

We are allready in WW3. It is a war against humanity and the people, worldwide. But people wake up, and it seems, that the cabal is loosing grounds. I hope that the Nazis get defeated.

lbrt 5 points ago +5 / -0

The government has a solid majority in the Bundestag, and they didn't make it. A slap in the face of the government.

lbrt 2 points ago +2 / -0

But one who sure was not killed was the cabal spy Adolf Hitler. He escaped to Argentina where he lived the rest of his live.

lbrt 3 points ago +3 / -0

Isn't there anyone who knows someone with 3 Covid shots. If yes, let them do an Aids test.

Rumor goes, that the "vaccine" induces Aids.

by pkvi
lbrt 3 points ago +3 / -0

Even better, they will sell gas for rubles.

lbrt 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know many works of the libertarians like Mises, Rothbard, Rand etc. And it seems at first, that they are anti-Communist etc. They really are. But one common denominator they have, it is their base belief:

Money is necessary to build a society.

Let that sink in.

lbrt 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is a movie playing. I am waiting for the aliens from outer space as the next hoax. But of course nobody would want foreign rockets near his boarder.

lbrt 1 point ago +2 / -1

My theory:

The shots are used to make you an antenna for 5G.

One thing is the mRNA. That is where Dr. Malone can speak truth. But the other thing is graphene oxide or more graphene hydroxide. This stuff is supposed to have 2 things that are interesting:

  1. It is 1000x faster than silicon.
  2. It needs 1000x less energy than silicon. That means it could be an ideal medium to perform computing. 5G has the problem that it is only transmitting on short diameters, it needs many antennas. And it cannot cut trough woods etc.

But the human body is also producing electricity. By using the human electricity with the graphene oxide one can turn humans into antennas for 5G or even into computers (look up the patents). Therefore the jabs may here to use humans as antennas and computers. Just saying.

lbrt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Someone said if voting would change anything, it would be forbidden.

lbrt 1 point ago +1 / -0

But then again, how to get out of this Dystopia?

lbrt 0 points ago +1 / -1

As long as people believe in a creator instead of being atheists, it is not a gad sign, that organized religions loose members. As a Christian you can gather a few and you have a church of your own. You can even be alone and have the relationship to God. As an atheist it is impossible not to believe in science. Trust science?

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