posted ago by BladesLastBottle ago by BladesLastBottle +39 / -0

Create account with Archive.org

  1. Install Adobe Digital Editions - https://www.adobe.com/ca/solutions/ebook/digital-editions/download.html

  2. install Calibre - https://download.calibre-ebook.com/4.23.0/

  3. download the DeDRM Tools - https://github.com/apprenticeharper/DeDRM_tools/releases/tag/v6.8.0 (unzip into a folder)

  4. Open Calibre, go the preferences, then go to the bottom where it says plugins, click the button that allows you to add plugin from file, choose the DeDRM tools. restart the program.

  5. Now Borrow the book you want FIRST. scroll down and find the identifier code. it will be listed on the page or you can take it from the url of the borrowed book page.

heres an example -https://archive.org/details/sunkingsunexpect00clar/page/n9/mode/2up the identifier for this book is "sunkingsunexpect00clar".

  1. once you get the identifier copy it and add it to this link (https://archive.org/services/loans/loan/?action=media_url&identifier=*************&format=pdf&redirect=1) by replacing the ******** with your identifier code.

6.then simply put the new link into a browser and it will automatically download a file.

  1. take that file and drop it in Adobe Digital Editions (which will automatically download it and place it in a folder called My Digital Additions)

  2. Now open that new pdf in Calibre (Calibre will take the DRM protection off it and automatically save it in another folder called Calibre library)

now its yours forever.