iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

No. Dr John Campbell was a full on lockdown, mask, vaccine, remdesvir idiot

I watched him from almost the beginning. Initially you are right, he was aligned with the mainstream thinking at the time. But he was willing to question the data and he was one of the first to have a couple of big revelations about the pandemic bullshit. I have always thought his positions were honest and open minded and he was one of the few serious people on this topic that came around. Was he the earliest? No.

I wouldn't characterize him as a limited hangout though.

iloveturtles 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not following this report. This centrist party wants Israel to return the hostages that Hamas has by June?

How does that work exactly?

iloveturtles 7 points ago +7 / -0

I also have a crush on this woman. She's amazing.

iloveturtles -1 points ago +2 / -3

Sad story. Dr John Campbell was an early voice of truth on covid and he got a lot of flack early on.
I hope Brianna is taking nattokinase and serrapeptase to help with her condition.

iloveturtles 3 points ago +3 / -0

Benjamin Polun

CEO and Founder at Exton Edge

Washington, District of Columbia, United States

Georgetown University McDonough School of Business

iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah the whole list is pretty much discernible, although I didn't see the Obamas on there which was interesting.

iloveturtles 1 point ago +1 / -0

You could be right, maybe I took it too literally.

iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

I dont have any more transcript but here is a link to the deep state target list Ivan references.


iloveturtles 3 points ago +3 / -0

(Part 2)

Ivan Raiklin This is going to take place at the hands of the american people, with or without an election and with or without whoever wins the election, I guarantee you that that will take place at the county and state level, because right now the federal government is not in a position because of its capture and its corruption. So imagine this when you take a look at the direct messages and the geotagged location data of the 350 plus members on that deep state target list.

Ivan Raiklin And then you curate that Elon Musk, and then do geotagging of the communications. And then you present those communications to name the county of the 3143 county and county equivalents in our nation, the 50 states and the six federal districts. Right.

Ivan Raiklin And then you identify where a treasonous communication took place. And then you present that to the local DA, similar to good old Alvin Bragg. That then will create the nexus to showcase this criminal conspirator, seditious conspiracy and treason charge. And that local DC, the local sheriff will then be deputizing folks like Ivan Raikland and those of us that were thrown out of the military because we did not comply with the illegal DNA mutilation injection.

Ivan Raiklin The forced DNA mutilation injection.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) Do you mean the COVID vaccine?

Ivan Raiklin I'm talking about the CCP 19 lab incident, money making scheme by Pfizer.

Ivan Raiklin The Pfizer fail, the murder and mutilation.

Ivan Raiklin Or whether it was just the myocarditis making, heart exploding j and jab. So those of us that were either thrown out or left because we would not participate in the DNA mutilation of our own physiological beings, there's 80,000 of us that are already willing and able, in order to be deputized by appropriate shoes, sheriffs throughout the country, to be participants as lawful deputies to conduct the live stream swatting raids of every single person that we can identify that conducted the necessary

Ivan Raiklin unlawful activity by county on my deep state target list.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) Two questions. Where did you get the 80,000 number? My first question.

Ivan Raiklin Yeah. So 8600. About 8500, approximately, were thrown out of.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) The military because they wouldn't do the vaccine.

Ivan Raiklin Because it wasn't a vaccine. The name of vaccine, the definition changed before the rollout and it was never approved by the FDA. There was never a product that was approved by the FDA to then be able to coerce and manipulate into other people's bodies. Don't believe me? Look at the footnote. On FDA's own, quote unquote, approval of Pfizer's legally distinct. And the product was never created. Uh, the Pfizer BioNTech was created, but that one was never approved.

Ivan Raiklin That was only under emergency use authorization. So I need to correct you on that one. You need to do some more studying. Okay, next. 80,000. Okay. As far as the 80,000 goes, that's the minimum that I see of folks that left the military early through retirement, ended. Ended their careers early because of the illegal mandate that was promulgated by and enforced by the entire chain of command. Those are also going to be many of the members on the deep state target list.

Ivan Raiklin Are, uh, those military leaders, quote unquote leaders, I call them failures within the Department of Defense and at the Pentagon that will face similar consequences for forcing and coercing unlawfully the mutilation of another person's body, and thus minimizing and destroying our personal, uh, uh, readiness within the dodge.

Ivan Raiklin Come on. Are you going to ask that question? That level of ignorance? 2016 crossfire hurricane.


(there's more but that was the entirety of what the tool used to create the transcription provided)

iloveturtles 3 points ago +3 / -0

He asked to caption this, so I did.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) I just. I guess I just, like. I didn't know. I didn't know who would be here. But can I just ask if. What brought you here today?

Ivan Raiklin Why you decided to come, what's your name and what organization are you with?

Zoe Chase (This American Life) Zoe Chase.

Ivan Raiklin Zoe Chase.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) And the show is called this American Life. It's a radio show.

Ivan Raiklin And what radio program is it on?

Zoe Chase (This American Life) It's its own show. It airs all over the country.

Ivan Raiklin Who sponsors it? Uh, is it on what program?

Zoe Chase (This American Life) A for profit company. It's its own independent company. It airs on public radio stations.

Ivan Raiklin So it's on NPR?

Zoe Chase (This American Life) Well, yeah, it's on public radio, but it's not an NPR program.

Ivan Raiklin Okay, so what is your question? Have you talked to me before?

Zoe Chase (This American Life) Yeah, we met. I mean, it was like two.

Ivan Raiklin Are you sure?

Zoe Chase (This American Life) Yeah.

Ivan Raiklin Which reawakened?

Zoe Chase (This American Life) It was. The first one I went to was in Nashville.

Ivan Raiklin Nashville?

Zoe Chase (This American Life) Yeah.

Ivan Raiklin I'm not sure if I was in Nashville. And that was not the first one?

Zoe Chase (This American Life) No, it was my first one. The first one.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) But there was like a hotel meet and greet afterwards with flyover.

Ivan Raiklin And you're based out of where?

Zoe Chase (This American Life) New York.

Ivan Raiklin What brings you down here when you have that trial up there that you should cover?

Zoe Chase (This American Life) The trial.

Ivan Raiklin How do they allocate that? Well, do you get tasked to come down here?

Zoe Chase (This American Life) Not really. I gotta get to being my own choices. But our show is like a documentary show. More. It's like a magazine.

Ivan Raiklin Okay.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) And so we don't do breaking news.

Ivan Raiklin So do you want to do a sit down, long form interview with me?

Zoe Chase (This American Life) Well, actually, I was just going to ask you kind of like, what brought you here, why you were here, and what you made of it.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) But we could.

Ivan Raiklin I'll put a post up about it.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) Uh-huh.

Ivan Raiklin With that question.

Ivan Raiklin And then you can follow that on x telegram, truth getter, my rumble channel.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) Right.

Ivan Raiklin And all the other ones. And I can provide you that.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) I just followed you on Twitter.

Ivan Raiklin Okay, which one?

Ivan Raiklin Ivan Raiklin?

Zoe Chase (This American Life) Yes.

Ivan Raiklin Okay. Yeah. Cuz the other one's still censored by Brian Orton at the FBI.

Ivan Raiklin Okay, sorry. Okay, so my rake went account is still being censored by M. The FBI's Brian Otten, Laura Demlo, Joe Pianca, and Elvis chan. Whoa.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) So you started a new account?

Ivan Raiklin No, that still exists because it was reinstated. Those are the individuals that are at the FBI that run the censorship industrial complex on behalf of this illegitimate regime. Do you know those names?

Zoe Chase (This American Life) No.

Ivan Raiklin I can provide you much detail on, um. They were the ones also involved in the original illegal crossfire hurricane spying operation on General Flynn, Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, and Paul Manafort.

Ivan Raiklin I have receipts on every single individual. That's why they haven't really come after me yet, because if they bring me in, the entire regime comes crumbling down.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) Okay, exactly.

Ivan Raiklin They are scared of me, not the other way around.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) That makes more sense. You, on your Twitter bio, I noticed today it said Secretary of retribution.

Ivan Raiklin Yep, I will. Yeah. That means that I will guarantee consequences for a list of at least 350 individuals that are on my deep state target list.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) Okay.

Ivan Raiklin And when you read that deep state target list, remember I'm an attorney and a, uh, retired Green beret. Okay.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) M. That I might be interested in talking with you more about is your deep state target list.

Ivan Raiklin Elon, uh, Musk has it. Michael Schellenberger has it. Matt Taibbi has it. The Judiciary committee has it. The weaponization committee has it. The oversight subcommittee, that is part of the House administration committee has it. The House Freedom Caucus has it. The speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, likely has it. And it's just a matter of time for a joint, um, press conference to take place between Speaker Johnson and Elon Musk to go ahead and disclose and release the Twitter direct messages of

Ivan Raiklin those individuals on my deep state target list proving the seditious conspiracy going back to 2016, the illegal spying operation on the Trump campaign.

Ivan Raiklin You're also going to find the involvement of Mike Pence and his chief of staff, Joshua Pitcock, in that conspiracy, along with Josh Pickock's wife, Kathryn Seaman, who was the senior Russia analyst for Peter Strzok, who was one of the two individuals that was deployed by Jim Comey and Andrew McCabe to get.

Ivan Raiklin To get General Flynn to lie or to get him fired, as per Bill Priestap's notes, which was the deputy assistant director of counterintelligence at the FBI.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) That's a long list.

Ivan Raiklin I can go in much more detail, but that's generally the crux of it.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) Do you, like, do you get to meet with Jim Jordan and talk about this stuff?

Ivan Raiklin I meet with everybody.

Ivan Raiklin Um, all these guys.

Ivan Raiklin Every single member that you think I talk to or may talk to, I talk to them.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) And what do you guys talk about? Like, what's the reason that you talk to them?

Ivan Raiklin Everything that I put out publicly, I also provide that to them.

Uh hm. Huh.

Ivan Raiklin And I guess I don't do anything behind the. Behind machines, like, behind closed doors.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) What are you hoping to get out of talking to them? Like, why do you do it?

Ivan Raiklin I want to guarantee Elon Musk discloses the direct messages for the mother of all Twitter files, so that the entire country can see what just occurred to them. From. Starting from the illegal spying operation, the corrupt DOJ, and FBI. The raid on Mar a Lago was to seize the evidence that was declassified by Donald Trump in the last few hours of his first term, which involved the crossfire hurricane.

Ivan Raiklin Details which would list all the names that I've mentioned so far, whether it was Lisa Page, who was Andy McCabe's chief counsel at the time, along with Peter Strzok, a guy by the name of Joseph Pietka III, who is currently the number three, uh, individual at the Sanford City field office. So you have a chief, you have the special agent in charge, you have ASAC, assistant special agents in charge, and then you have the ASAC for counterintelligence.

Ivan Raiklin That guy is a guy by the name of Joseph Piantka III, who was the second agent that was deployed to interview General Flynn on January 24, 2017, in order to get General Flynn fired or to get him to lie. That was an entrapment. And that's the same agent that was deployed in August of 2016 to the Trump campaign to do what they call a counterintelligence briefing, a defensive one, but with the secondary purpose in order to.

Ivan Raiklin And this was him, Pianka, along with Trump, Chris Christie. You know that Chris Christie's attorney during his Bridgegate scandal was Christopher Wray.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) I didn't know that.

Ivan Raiklin Well, now you know. And then the third person in that meeting was a guy by the name of General Flynn. Joe Pientka was deployed by the crossfire hurricane leadership, authorized by the general counsel at the time, Jim Baker, who then later became the Twitter 1.0 number two lawyer to coordinate the censorship industrial complex, to cover up and censor and suspend those individuals that exposed their corruption.

Ivan Raiklin And it just keeps mounting and mounting and mounting the COVID ups. This is just yet they're trying to take out, um, Trump now because they were able to take out their first existential threat, which was General Flint, because he would have been the first one to go ahead and expose this level of corruption, because he knows the system. Now that Trump knows the system, after being four years in it, he is now an existential threat to that very DOJ, the national security apparatus.

Ivan Raiklin Remember, 39 individuals unmasked General Flynn, okay? One of them was Jamie Raskin's wife, Sarah Raskin. Totally unlawful unmasking. Look that up.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) Okay?

Ivan Raiklin The 51 individuals that said the Biden laptop had all the earmarks of a Russian information campaign, where your colleagues over at Politico published that on their website. One of those 51 individuals is John Brennan. Another one is a guy by the name of David Buckley. David Buckley ended up becoming the staff director for Liz Cheney's and Benny Thompson and Nancy Pelosi's January 6 cover up committee.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) So it's a pretty small world, it sounds like.

Ivan Raiklin So David Buckley was tasked to create a list and do his deep state target list of political targets. So now it's my turn. I have a deep state target list, and I'm coming for all of them. And what does that mean when I say coming for all of them? It means the most legal, moral, and ethical consequences to the maximum to include the maximum punishment for treason. We're going to. I personally guarantee that they're going to face those consequences.

Ivan Raiklin And you can take a look at.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) That list, like, are you going to sue them? Is that what you would do?

Ivan Raiklin Just wait for it. You will see it. It will be so visible for the entire world to see and hear. I'll give you some examples. I'm going to incorporate the precedence that's already been set. So we're going to incorporate what was done to General Flynn. We're going to incorporate what was done to Steve Bannon, what was done to Peter Navarro, what was done to Mike Lindell, what was done to Scott Perry.

Ivan Raiklin Translation, expect to see live streams, raids of every single individual on that deep state target list because the precedence has already been set.

Ivan Raiklin Remember when Mike Lindell, in the Hardee's parking lot, the FBI went and conducted armed robbery of him in Minnesota? Remember when Peter Navarro was swatted in an airport? Remember when Steve Bannon, on multiple occasions within the US Capitol Police jurisdictional zone, conducted swattings and allowed for swattings to take place of Steve Bannon and his residence. Remember the armed robbery and burglary of Roger Stone?

Ivan Raiklin That was live streamed by your colleagues over at criminal news network that we're going to take in the collective and do that. Okay.

Zoe Chase (This American Life) Okay.

Ivan Raiklin It does not matter what happens in the election. It does not matter who wins the election.

iloveturtles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some guy on twitter posted 10 examples. https://twitter.com/shawnchauhan1/status/1778439470187970561

Not all of them are my kind of jam, but none of them sound artificially created.

iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

Checked it out. Maybe because it's a cam and not an hd rip.. but it seems like a shit movie, I couldn't really get into it. Thx for sharing btw.

iloveturtles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well firstly, I never said it didn't belong here, I didn't mean to imply that, my bad.

The media is secretly loving Trump? I don't think the mainstream media loves Trump at all. And yes it is weird they hate him so much.

iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0


I read it, rich lady buys a bunch of houses on a stretch of sandbar land in Michigan and people question her motives. Other than demolishing a bunch of the homes, nothing has come from it -- yet.

iloveturtles 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the Jews loved Trump so much, why are 99.9% of them hellbent on having him out of the picture?

The Jews that hate Trump are mostly secular American liberal Jews. But there is a faction of Jews that do support Trump, mostly zionists and AIPAC.

Trump's biggest donor in 2016 was zionist casino mogul Sheldon Adelson. The same guy who lent out his private jet to transport convicted spy Jonathan Pollard and his wife, Esther, to Israel.

Once elected Trump moved the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This was for the Zionists.

Anyway, this lunatic, along with the crazy Isreali's about to sacrifice a few cows to bring about end times is the kind of conspiracies that belong here.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UI7H6J3ZzEo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlFDFdX-zco

iloveturtles 4 points ago +4 / -0

Now this is the insane conspiracy content I'm here for!

He didn't make the bit about the silver crown up. Here's the video. https://twitter.com/realkinesis/status/1679153413312110594

Here is the dude's instagram account https://www.instagram.com/trump_played_you/

Do I think he's right? Who knows. But anyone with a Star of David tattooed on their chest and then talks shit about Zionists has my attention.

iloveturtles 3 points ago +3 / -0

The video is on twitter too, someone will link it. His name is Ian Carroll @Cancelcloco

iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

Then he set up a bank

This is the NYT being obtuse and over simplifying things to make their story more interesting. A shell company designed to manage one persons business and finances wouldn't be considered a bank in most circumstances.

I mean a bank usually services a group of people, as in a traditional bank that services the public, or even a private bank that has limited clientele -- which is generally more than 1 person.

iloveturtles 4 points ago +4 / -0

Right. Posts like this like this diminishes the credibility of this site. Jet injectors quickly blasted vaccines in to a large number of recipients quickly and effectively. No DNA was taken.

iloveturtles 1 point ago +2 / -1

Tucker is mostly right but Jon questioning the covid origin narrative on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert was a time he said something deeply contrary to the mainstream narrative. Colbert was visibly uncomfortable.


iloveturtles 4 points ago +4 / -0

Signal is end to end encrypted, meaning even with warrants and access to Signal's servers, the government can't see much.

You could argue that the government has a backdoor to whatever encryption algorithm Signal uses, however Signal is open source and if you wanted to you check that for yourself.

I think the most likely explanation is that either Tucker or the other guy's laptop or phone was hacked and the messages were intercepted that way.

iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have a little perspective here. I can't speak to the origin of Bitcoin, it came out of nowhere by a mysterious inventor who disappeared not too long after it started to get traction. Maybe it was NSA behind it, maybe it was a libertarian cypherpunk who wanted to uproot the current financial model. Who knows.

This is what I do know, Bitcoin fundamentally broke in late 2018 when it was subverted during the block size wars. Merchants including steam and Microsoft stopped accepting it because its hobbled evolution was no longer usable. Bitcoin isn't terribly useful today except for a narrow set of use cases and if anyone cared I could step through piece by piece why that is.

The real conspiracy is how Bitcoin got screwed over and hobbled -- likely on purpose through a well orchestrated and coordinated set of events. At the time Bitcoin was a real threat to the current banking system. Now Bitcoin is no different than any commodity, and is not a threat to monetary hegemony.

iloveturtles 1 point ago +1 / -0

No fault divorce has played a huge part in the unravelling of US society. If you can get divorced at any time for any reason, what's the point of getting married?

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