Yes, that and Destruction of Democratic Party by taking house / senate and congress looks like the plan.
Please educate yourself, and don't ask others to do it for you, before making an arse out of yourself.
Mike Benz Gives the 101 on the current Censorship Industrial Complex
Why? What is it in preparation for?
When was the original issue?
It is curious that Danish Politiken gave out the last confirmation , now 2 years later (they knew for 2 years ). Why now ? Why Denmark? Sweden and Norway are still covering up for US Navy as they've kept their investigations secret. All of them are in NATO, incl. Denmark.
People believe, worship and do crazy things in the name of their beliefs.
Satanism and woodoo and hoodoo and many occult ritual magick practices are real.
That doesn't mean that the imaginary beings they worship or try to conjure are.
I do. It's an old known fact, several old books written about it.
He was one of those shepardic jews who fake converted to Christianism, stole and cheated with multiple identities and was financed by the wealth of his time to do his plunder.
Several old Spanish books written about Cristóbal Colón ages ago.
And no, they are not pretty reading. He's not the mythical founder of Amreica taught in school.
So far the Mozilla foundation is not (yet) doing similar moves, but it is also easily taken over and controlled.
That leaves us with true open source options, of which there are still plenty of options, although most of them based on Blink, WebKIt or Gecko.
Yes, documented since 70s. but not a conspiracy. Go to r/paranormal_proven_true
Everything/Anything coming now from MSNBC/CNN/Fox is basically just propaganda for the elections.
I'll resume browsing MSM "news" after the whoever gets "elected" has sworn in.
By then, at least the propaganda narrative has shifted.
DigitalID and CBDC are both being sold with inclusion and will be used for exclusion.
Embrace, extend, exclude and exterminate.
That's the goal.
The test of theory is always repeatable, observable, testable empirical facts.
That's any theory, whether scientific or conspiratorial or other.
The problem is weeding the wheat from the chaff when it comes to facts.
It's a probabilistic bayesian chain of dependencies with sometimes way too wide uncertainty brackets.
That's what makes it hard.
Yet, one single fact that is known should always be enough to disprove at least a part of a theory.
Therefor, the heuristic is always:
- try to DISprove (not prove) your own shit first
- always keep looking and welcome countering potential evidence
- but don't blindly believe them either, but put them to the test as well
- ... and never, ever hold any ideas, facts or theories too strongly, so that you can let go of them when disproven
The trouble is, we humans suck badly at actually applying these maxims in real ife.
So don't try to be right, try to be consistently, progressive, less wrong.
Let's face it:
In 2024 it is near impossible (unless you spend time) to quickly distinguish well done bots or paid Hasbara / CIA / other trolls from real people who are just a little jinxed.
So, JUST IGNORE the input/users who are NOT useful.
You do NOT have to engage with them.
Or if you engage, just give them garbage and make them spend extra CPU/GPU/NPU cycles.
But don't give them attention, your time or any worthiness.
Otherwise they are just living rent-free in your mind, taking your eye from what matters and succeeding in what they are programmed/paid to do.
So: IGNORE. Don't fight.
True, obvious , but first things first.
Trump will do no such thing, he's negged on all of his domestic promises before. He will do as his masters tell him.
Instead Trump will order a strategic attack on Iran and extra funding for Israel, and outlaw any kind of anti-semitism and make it punishable with prison time.
You do as your masters tell you.
Here is Drumpf doing a Qabbalistic prayer and placing a Qabbalistic rock on a jewish tombstone:
So, no Drumpf will do nothing except what his Chabad Lubavitch controllers tell him.
"But, but, you and your children should be dead!"
- Your government and the hypochondriac brainwashers on FoX/CNN/MSNBC
TY for the update!
Heh, even my students way back then gasped when I taught them this. Then they got into industry and had to start employing the tools. Then it wasn't a matter of believing, they realized how deep it all went.
Yeah, this is the first step, imho.
It just needs to be concrete enough.
Just saying it in the abstract doesn't seem to do the trick of opening minds, even if everybody agrees on greed, corruption, stealing and looting being the norm.
In hindsight this is obvious just from the official visual footage, but the lie is so close and so widely enforced, that I've noticed it is still quite challenging to most, esp. Americans of older age, to accept.
But yeah, it's a good one. Once you SEE IT WITH YOUR OWN EYES, you cannot unsee it. The spell is broken, regardless of whatever moronic proof others regurgitate.
My acid test is this:
- What do you think of the WTC-7?
If they don't know about it, or spew some NIST nonsense, I don't ever talk to them ever again about anything that matters. They are dust to me. Useless eaters. They will go to their grave most likely ignorant. Not my loss. Will not waste another second on those.
IF, they understand or are willing to visit basic elementary school level critical thinking on WTC-7, then I can introduce them to KNOWN conspiracy actualities, that are not mere theories.
Start with something undeniable and historical that is "meh" to most, like: the conspiracy to kill Caesar. Even an uneducated geriatric would deem this possible, and it's far enough in geography and time to be palatable. It doesn't even matter if we don't know all the details correctly, it's just to soften the receiver.
A "good" conspiracy old enough: Manhattan Project (think about it: 300 000 employed, strict secrecy, compartmentalization, black budget, drew 1/3 of the power of the state at one time, everybody conspired to build a thing to kill the enemy, NOBODY blew the whistle, although all the media knew). So well and widely documented and so "patriotic" "good" conspiracy that 99% of the brainwashed would would brag about it
The tobacco industry lies for decades after they knew (so well documented and mainstream, that only a fucking moron would deny it)
Tuskegee experiments (this works very well with people of colour)
CIA Drug Trafficking in LA (Iran-Contra, Gary Webb)
MK-Ultra (so much proven data, it's hard to deny, if you're willing to read)
Operation Mockingbird (as above)
NSA wiretapping (and Echelon) - US Gov spies, has spied and will continue to spy unconstitutionally on all of it's citizens and almost most of the rest of the world (Thomas Drake, William Binney, Edward Snowden) and lie about it in congress, senate, via press, via president 100% of the time, until caught, and even after that.
Gulf of Tonkin
Jeffrey Epstein sex blackmail ring (if need helping: 'One Nation Under Blackmail vol 1 & 2', Whitney Webb)
Fluoride poisoning (many people still refuse to believe that the government would intentionally, in long term and with malice intent to harm its citizens)
CHALLENGING BONUS for the advanced learner: 11. How the Washington consensus via CIA+IMF+World Bank and independent contractors influence, topple over, select, prop up, install, take down, assassinate and suicide world leaders in FRIENDLY foreign governments all over the world and have done so ever since 1910s (Smedley Butler, John Perkins to start with)
. . . . . .
After a few years of de-programming I could try:
Swine Flu, MERS , Covid-19, M-Pox as a 100% engineered total scam
From there the whole Rockefeller medicine, vaccination industry, big pharma, population control, etc.
Jewish control of media, central banks, mafia, drug trade, porn industry, politicians, lobbying, think tanks, etc.
The role of secret societies and orders (Fabians, Rhodes, CFR, Bilderberg, Davos ..... Knights of Malta, Masons, Jesuits, etc.)
Then after 20 years, when person reads several languages, knows and reads source texts himself, is intellectually curious, motivated and has a hunger for truth and holds NO truth too tightly AND DOESN'T FUCKING USE "AI" or "wikipedia" TO EDUCATE HIMSELF, I'd give them:
- The bible in all of it's modern widely available is a fucking psyop, a control too, censored, rewritten, copy/paste, judaic control tool with Roman overtones. It lies about our origins, our past, it has ZERO predictive prophecy (originally) and it is only meant to keep you docile, subservient and NOT question authority. All this can be proven with original source texts that are thousands of years older than ANY hebrew text from which the old testament was collated by the lying jews,. This and how the new testament is just a glue-on with 99% of the non-conforming material censored and rewritten to fit the rulers. Hundreds of academic, deeply researched and cross-referencing religion study, historical analysis, textual analysis and even genetic analysis to back this all up.
Most people in this forum would not pass the last test and would just throw a childish emotional tantrum, accuse me of satanism (although this is 100% pure historical/science research and does not deny GOD, just the worship of false god YHWH) and REFUSE to look at any of the more profound/original/older/less edited source texts than the current bible, proving that their foundational bible-brainwashing is complete and they are unable to de-program themselves.
Either a high up jew or a royal.
Either way, protected get protected.
We, the plebes (99.999%) are the prey/goyim.
Second rate standard theoretical physicist with a meager h-index=27.
I don't understand why anyone wastes time watching her.
She can't even get solar forcing and climate change models right.
A propped up jewish (?) pseudo-scholar who babbles materialistic-pseudo-philosophical babble like:
- there's no free will
- consciousness is a byproduct of complexity of neural substrate
- artificial intelligence will become conscious
- Musk is a great genius
- generic Yuval Harari pseudo-intellectual bullshit
She's just another tool, propped up by the algorithms, telling the usual propaganda.
I can guarantee you will be misinformed, if you follow her stuff. Both in physics and in philosophy.
So thanks for pointing this jew hangout out, pkvi.
Not if Israel lapdog US stealth/drone/missile bombs all your radar, missile battery and command posts first.
Israel is already coordinating the attack patterns with US CENTCOM and US State dept Jews.
They only have 3-4 months left.
Expect fireworks.
Synagogue of Satan will go all the way.
Personally this reeka of another Op to me. All the players, timing, gatekeepers pushing it and the jerking release drip by drip.
Smells 100% like another diversion / distraction / narrative building Op.