posted ago by demonman64 ago by demonman64 +6 / -1

I've not only been studying reddit for a long time, but also run into the censorship problems on totally nonpolitical things several times which has given me an idea as to how censorship is actually happening on reddit.

from my view, it appears people high up in whatever subculture the subreddit is about, are in charge of the respective subreddit and use the restrictive rules, moderators and automods to gatekeep information for various reasons. some hiding criminal activity, some hiding activity that is technically criminally but actually not criminal just weird, and some just hiding their profit motive.

one example I personally have is the /r/suboxone community. the entire community feeds the party line that "suboxone is not injectible" which was fraud committed by reckett and benickiser to pass FDA approval but I can scientifically prove this is false multiple ways (ask a cop how many orange needles they find anecdotally) but scientifically buprenorphine has higher binding affinity than narcan does -- so the bupe knocks the narcan off the receptors and you can still inject.

the entire subculture knows this as I was an addict in person and everyone is injecting so they can make the script last longer and sell it. however, bringing up this point on the subreddit will get you brigaded out similar to censorship -- and the reason is that most of the people responsible for the subreddit are corrupt suboxone doctors and patients selling scripts therefore they profit off the lie.

another example is the BDSM subreddits. while there is no rule against it because generally not everyone is like in on it. but you know how there are open BDSM clubs in some places? well there happen to be secret ones in MOST places way more than the open swingers clubs.

a lot of people on these subs, basically most of the real lifestyle people, totally know about this but its verboten "we dont talk about that. stop talking about it and never speak of it again." and "more secret than drugs" -- got the first one from reddit in a DM, the second was a person in person I called out that got shocked I knew they were part of that by reading body language.

but yeah you speak of this people wont answer any questions -- maybe one guy in the comments will offer a very limited comment on what its about before it gets blocked and you get banned. most will say "you're crazy idk what you're talking about. red flag. you are dangerous"

but if you put in on blast someone will eventually DM you and talk about it like they did with me. to tell you to stop putting it on blast.

and again, the reason for this clearly and OBVIOUSLY is that the people running the subreddit are OFFICIALLY IN ON IT and have probably sworn secrecy. therefore they are gatekeeping. so obviously there are rules about talking about verboten subjects -- unwritten rules not even on the rules themselves

this banning and blocking was done in exactly the same way as political censorship, however, since I caught them off guard the automoderator wasnt set to key in on my keywords and it was left up long enough to get some comments and a DM.

now lets talk about the THC subreddits. those of you who smoke who have seen them know these subreddits show people gorging on like 1 month worth of marijuana in one hit. the kind of hit that goes beyond the max amount you can even get high and even a rich movie star wouldnt do it cuz its a waste you choke your dick off on.

the reason they are doing this is not because they are rich potheads. it is in fact, part of the legal weed business advertising!!!!! the owners of these subreddits are most likely legal recreational weed dispensaries and these videos of taking massive dab hits are actually on there to look cool and advertise the type of oil being smoked in the video to increase sales.

the video game subreddits are controlled mostly by the publisher of that game -- therefore negative reviews and bad talk about business practices and models is not tolerated.

the piercing subreddit instabans you for talking about self piercings -- yes partly dangerous, but also because if you do it yourself thats like $120-240 a piercing artist isnt going to get -- and if you're just doing your lobes you can do that ez with a safety pin its just hard to be accurate.

so all in all, I believe what is going on and why reddit is so totally censored on literally every subreddit ever is... that the people in charge of, or alternatively profiting off of, the subject matter of the subreddit are in charge of the respective subreddit. they gatekeep, ensuring only insiders like themselves have the full information and dont allow people to ask questions about verboten secrets, political topics, or DIY information that could lose them profit from sales.

its actually a brilliant plan to control the internet and speech and prevent information from spreading by centralizing all independent forums into one place.

say I ran my own weird sex forum, I could allow people to violate whatever rules I wanted. I could post shit on the front fucking page. I could simply NOT moderate when my members speak of a verboten topic.

but thats because im not profiting off of it, a true insider of it who actually has sworn secrecy, or anything like that. by centralizing everything they have made it effectively impossible to discuss certain topics on the internet. even pretty normal ones.

like I spend weeks trying to find a discord or a forum I can speak on a subject or ask a question -- and this is the only site that really allows it left.

I dont agree with most of you on the wider political topics of who is responsible for all world evil. but I did want to speak about my experiences being censored on nonpolitical topics which I believe has given me a glimpse at the cogs of the machine.

im pretty positive people with vested interests in the subjects the subreddit discusses are gatekeeping or manipulating people with advertising. and the political ones, you know how those are censored with automod and bots,

but what im saying shows that potentially a lot more secrets and other shit are censored off reddit and basically any real important topic is not allowed to talk about.

the way it works is, if you have to ask you aint allowed to know. that is why anytime we post anything on reddit we are banned and blocked. because we are talking about subject matter we arent supposed to know -- and if we do know then clearly we are traitors.