cultureofcritique 2 points ago +2 / -0

TL:DR; Ray Epps was inciting people to storm the capital, was there speaking to (directing?) the very first person to break down a barricade (10 min before Trump's speech was over), and used his veteran status to try to convince people that the plan was to go into the capital. He was mysteriously removed from the list of wanted suspects despite doing more to instigate the "riot" than many people who were charged, which indicates in all likelihood he is an FBI asset. The whole event was an FBI operation to smear Trump supporters and create a "domestic terrorist threat" justifying the expansion of police state abuses against US citizens.

cultureofcritique 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'd like to think you're right. But there's one problem I see with this reasoning: the vaccines don't seem to be harmless placebos. The case reports on VAERS have gone up exponentially, and there's been many articles about adverse reactions to the spike proteins. There's also worrying evidence that the vaccine may cause infertility down the road (spikes concentrating in ovaries and being similar to placenta-forming proteins).

It seems to me that an equally plausible narrative is that the entire Covid-19 scare was aimed at getting us to accept a new "vaccine technology," which is actually gene manipulation, without questioning it. Under normal times people would be more scared of the gene therapy than the disease, so they had to hype of the fear level until people were willing (or forced) to accept their "cure."

This doesn't necessarily mean Trump was in on the whole reason behind the Covid scare-- he could've seen what was going on, knew it was over-hyped, and turned to the solution that seemed most reasonable-- vaccines. He may have been totally unaware that him initiating Operation Warp Speed was exactly what the powers that be needed to make their mass-vaxx plan work.

cultureofcritique 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why would you assume I like the Palestinians? Just because I don't like your pilpul, doesn't mean I like sand people either. But they have more right than you to the land their ancestors lived on, so you can take your bad-faith arguments and go try to convince some other goyim. This one ain't buying your shit.

cultureofcritique 3 points ago +3 / -0

"I am not Jewish"

  • proceeds to argue with massive long paragraphs of pilpul about how Palestine isn't a real state but the country founded by Zionists who invaded in the 1900s and were given a state by European "colonizers" is a real state *

X to doubt

cultureofcritique 3 points ago +3 / -0

They would if they specifically hate and fear white people... and given that the elites were kicked out of 109 white countries over the years, they kinda have a grudge against white people.

by pkvi
cultureofcritique 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah I agree with you there. The idea that we should welcome the end times because "it means Jesus is coming back and we can get raptured!" is absolutely retarded. We are supposed to fight against the evil of the Antichrist and the beast system, not welcome it.

by pkvi
cultureofcritique 6 points ago +6 / -0

It doesn't matter if it's true, what matters is whether the elites are acting according to their own beliefs that it's true. If they want to form one world government because they believe they are destined to rule over the goyim and unite the broken shards of humanity, then we should act in ways that acknowledge their crazy motivations.

cultureofcritique 1 point ago +1 / -0

Strawman much? I've never said the earth is flat. You're assuming I believe that because I know that space exploration is fake and gay, but as far as I can tell the Earth is mostly round-- we just can't leave it.

Go shill somewhere else.

cultureofcritique 5 points ago +5 / -0

If two groups both contain high-performers and slackers, but group A has 75% high-performers and 25% slackers, while group B has 75% slackers and 25% high-performers, doesn't that mean something?

It doesn't mean all members of group B are slackers, but they are much more likely to be, and if you use the law of large numbers then they will be more of a net drain on society than group A.

This is the reason why people don't get on board with race realism-- they don't understand statistics or probability. They think when we say things like "despite being 13% of the population, blacks commit over 50% of violent crime" we mean that all blacks are criminals. That's not what we're saying at all; we're simply saying blacks are much more likely to be criminals than whites. They're also much more likely to be a net drain on society (in terms of taxes vs. benefits like welfare or food stamps.

I don't deny there is an agenda to divide us along race. But we whites didn't start that war, and we're merely pushing back against the claims of "systemic oppression" that the elites use to manipulate their golem (blacks) against whites.

cultureofcritique 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's pretty simple really. Mass immigration is a tool used by globalist elites to dilute the white populations of European countries and countries settled by European descendants (America, Australia, New Zealand, etc.).

The problem for the elites is that when looking at population averages, whites are too intelligent and demanding of freedoms to be easily turned into a slave class. They need to replace our populations with people who aren't as high-IQ and who aren't as used to living with democratic freedoms since they come from the third world. Once they achieve enough population replacement, they can enact policies that lead to global one-world government. These policies include destroying our ability to fight back (gun control), restricting our ability to speak freely or associate (big tech censorship and cancel culture), and ultimately implementing draconian control so we will "own nothing and be happy".

They are also accomplishing this agenda with ideological subversion through the media and schools, but immigration is one key part of their plan to destroy the West. In pushing mass immigration, the elites have allies among business owners who want cheap and easily exploitable labor, since immigrants (especially illegals) are willing to work for much less and under worse conditions.

Ultimately, us native-born citizens (of all races) are the losers since our wages are being driven down by an unlimited labor pool of immigrants. We also lose in that our votes get diluted a little more each year, and policies like gun confiscation become a little closer to reality.

cultureofcritique 3 points ago +3 / -0

Keeping public attention on the space program (even if negative) is one possibility since it was declining in public interest.

Another possibility is that the shuttle launches never actually had the "astronauts" on board and they were sending up dummy shuttles (then the real shuttle would be flown up on a 747 to land later with the crew). On this launch, the dummy shuttle exploded due to a genuine technical problem, so they had to play it off as though everyone died.

cultureofcritique 3 points ago +3 / -0

I haven't looked into the Dylann Roof shooting enough to know whether it matches the FF criteria... it could've been real or not, I don't know. I think there are occasional "white nationalist shootings" that are real, they're just massively outnumbered by the shootings caused by minorities.

But the video of the Tarrant shooting in NZ definitely had elements that suggest a FF to me, and the way it was used to confiscate guns suggest it was.

cultureofcritique 12 points ago +12 / -0

The more you look into Sandy Hook, the weirder it gets. I don't think Lanza even existed, or at the least he didn't do what they said he did. The school showed a lot of signs that it wasn't even actively used at the time and was scheduled for demolition. The medical examiner's testimony to the media was bizarre and lacking in details. The parents of the victims were caught on camera smiling and laughing before crying in their testimonies. All of it screams of a false flag, and I keep seeing similar patterns in recent "mass shootings".

cultureofcritique 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is this a transcript of? Who's saying this and in what context?

cultureofcritique 2 points ago +2 / -0

Perhaps it could be a highly advanced mask that an actor is wearing in order to appear to be Joe Biden? I don't see the other signs of a deep fake in the facial movements etc.

cultureofcritique 2 points ago +3 / -1

Looks more like "eye bags" from lack of sleep than a "black eye"... it's possible though. I don't think she's high up enough to be in whatever club requires the black eyes.

cultureofcritique 3 points ago +4 / -1

How do you know that humans have been into space just because satellites exist? First, satellites could be brought or held up by balloons rather than rockets. However, even if they do get up there and orbit in the way we're told, that doesn't mean that humans can do the same. Robots/computers can survive many conditions that humans can't, including radiation, lack of atmosphere, etc.

cultureofcritique 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've seen enough evidence to know that "space is fake", at least in the sense that everything NASA or other space agencies shows us is fake. That doesn't necessarily mean we're not on a spinning ball orbiting the sun, but it does mean we either don't have the technology to get past our atmosphere or it isn't possible for some other reason they don't want to tell us.

I'm personally torn about the idea of UFOs and aliens-- there's definitely some good evidence out there of craft that don't behave like normal airplanes or drones. But a lot of the aliens conspiracies feel like psy-ops to me-- they're too popular and too allowed on mainstream media to be true. Real consipiracies like the fake moon landing get you banned, de-platformed, etc., but aliens aren't taboo to discuss... really makes you think.

Perhaps, as some have theorized, the craft are highly advanced human technology that the elites don't want to share with us. Perhaps they're from a branch of humanity that left to go live underground or in Antartica or something. But the idea of "little grey men" etc. seems like a psy-op designed to unite humanity into one big global community in order to install the New World Order.

cultureofcritique 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nope. I've seen evidence of fraud in pretty much everything NASA does, so I don't really believe anything they day anymore. If they could bring back some Mars rock that could be proven to not come from Earth, then maybe I'd consider that they went there.

by pkvi
cultureofcritique -1 points ago +2 / -3

Eye culd stahrt tieping lyke thys but eye thynk it wuld just mayke owr cultchur worce ovyr tyme. It wuld alsow mayke mi seem less entelijent so no won wuld lystin to mi.

Language does change over time, but there's no reason to forcibly degenerate it's common usage-- it will change enough naturally without forcing it.

Consider this for a moment: You're just doing this to feel like you're unique and special, and then you can condemn those who don't follow or like your "trend" as "close-minded." If I was close-minded I wouldn't be on this site and open to ideas about some very deep-seated lies in our world, including the fakeness of NASA as this post covers.

by pkvi
cultureofcritique -2 points ago +1 / -3

Just curious-- do you look at what you just wrote and think that looks normal and correct? Why do you keep using "ayh" instead of "I"? It's just bizarre.

cultureofcritique 2 points ago +2 / -0

The audacity of these fuckers will never cease to astound me. This blog post, while interesting, is just full of all this self-congratulatory "we figured it out, we are Gods now!" rhetoric.

What if this goes horribly awry, and vaxxed peoples' bodies start producing the spike protein indefinitely? Or it causes them to become sterile since it might be homologous to a spike protein involved in the formation of the uterus? Nope, zero chance of that happening, because they FIGURED IT ALL OUT and KNOW EXACTLY HOW IT ALL WORKS. Yeah, right. Anyone who thinks science is that perfect is completely naive about the scientific process.

cultureofcritique 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know he was in a rough patch with the job situation, but he always seemed so full of energy and upbeat in the face of evil that I thought taking his own life seemed really unlikely. I've heard from another channel that his death was confirmed but no info on how it happened. Personally without more info I suspect his messaging was too on point and his reach was too big, and certain groups took him out.

cultureofcritique 2 points ago +3 / -1

A big F for Jeff C, he was the most entertaining truther I've ever listened to. Did you ever hear why he died? I never heard why it happened and it seemed so sudden and unexpected.

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