by B1-66ER
carnold03 10 points ago +11 / -1

Nazi's didn't kill the Jewish in concentration camps, though. There's no logic in using delousing chemicals on people you plan to kill, and there's no need to move people you're going to kill away from the cities with facilities already capable of slaughtering them quickly.

carnold03 3 points ago +3 / -0

That covers the mothers side of the family, now do his Chinese father.

carnold03 5 points ago +5 / -0

Like I said, "This wasn't an accident. The local government knew this was a problem for years, if not decades. They deliberately sat back and took no action on the matter while making sure the locals where too distracted by other petty issues, because keeping the Spanish divided enabled them to kill as many locals as possible, and use it as a justification to ban cars and replace them with foreigners."

carnold03 3 points ago +3 / -0

MKUltra wind up toys tend to do interesting things, but I can't say I fully expected this scenario.