#17: "...would have left a mountain of evidence"
That's always been the tripping point for me. The most "alles in ordung" society on Earth should have had world-class record keeping to support a literal industrial-scale undertaking.
So; where are the records?
The whole "Coin Scene®" was always a honey-trap.
For all the blather about "non-governmental, private, de-centralized", etc., 'Crypto™' is un-workable without the government-monopoly internet.
Go ahead, hype-masters: Tell us how you're going to implement "distributed ledgers" without government permission.
You'll be reduced to 'moving' your "blockchain" between BarterTowns on USB-sticks and SD-cards.
"History tells us" the Morgenthau Plan was shelved after FDR died.
Four generations of German cuck-ism causes me to question that 'history'.
Until I'm on vacation overseas, or with my rural relatives where my 'smartphone' doesn't fucking work.
I've had to pay those shits at AT&T up to three months in advance because of their 'protection' over the last eleven years.
The global Jewish poisoning of the "English Language"
"A bullet found its way..."
'Shots rang out'
"A car mowed down dozens in a Christmas parade."
BONUS: The (((Glossary)))
- A 'war': Jet Fighters and tanks vs. bottle-rockets and rocks.
- A 'brawl': 15-on-1 beat-down by diversity-enhancers.
- A "fight": Blind-side attack by a single asylum-seeker.
...and I'll tell them the same thing I tell their other division that keeps bugging me about '2FA setup':
If you're going to make possession and use of a 'smartphone' a condition of service, you can issue me one, and pay for all the "data-plans" necessary for it to work forever.
Another "switch" that'll be flipped once it's decided to implement Operation Death-by-Middleman™.
I still can't figure out who (((they're))) counting on to replace 'us', though. Do they really think Russia or China will take over Golem duties and provide material comforts for the Diaspora?
Fuck 'em: If possession and use of a "smartphone" is a condition of use for your site, you can damn well issue one to me and pay for all upkeep and access fees.
Besides; under the current US 'justice' system, passwords are the only safe form of access control. Police can force all other methods (face id, fingerprints, etc.)
That clown probably has a wall papered with 100 copies of this map, which is quite old, as shown in this article that illustrates really ancient versions of (((their))) catch-phrase "From the Nile to the Euphrates".
I've hated mozilla since they tossed their own CEO over his support of a successful ballot initiative against fag marriage. (Betcha didn't know that California's 'gay-marriage' was implemented by a judge, not by popular vote.)
Every "Dilbert's Boss" in municipal utility management fell for the "benefits of automation" hype without giving a single thought about what they were throwing away.
The same has applied to telecom and electric power infrastructure. These 19th-Century technologies were some of the most resiliant, in the past. Enemies had to go places and risk their lives to do things in order to inflict damage.
But now, some script-kiddy in Moldova can bring this country to its knees from his mother's basement, and the people who made it that way deserve a wood-chipper ride.