...and I'll tell them the same thing I tell their other division that keeps bugging me about '2FA setup':
If you're going to make possession and use of a 'smartphone' a condition of service, you can issue me one, and pay for all the "data-plans" necessary for it to workforever.
I pretty much told one of my old bosses this when they tried making me download an app for scheduling and clocking in.
I refuse to download onto my phone and use any application for work purposes unless you also supply me with a work phone, which I will leave on the premises and will not take it home. I will not do any type of work related communication if I am not getting paid for it.
...and I'll tell them the same thing I tell their other division that keeps bugging me about '2FA setup':
I pretty much told one of my old bosses this when they tried making me download an app for scheduling and clocking in. I refuse to download onto my phone and use any application for work purposes unless you also supply me with a work phone, which I will leave on the premises and will not take it home. I will not do any type of work related communication if I am not getting paid for it.
Until I'm on vacation overseas, or with my rural relatives where my 'smartphone' doesn't fucking work.
I've had to pay those shits at AT&T up to three months in advance because of their 'protection' over the last eleven years.