cant_even 10 points ago +10 / -0

I'd hardly heard of the platform before: If (((they're))) upset about it, maybe it's time for a visit.

cant_even 2 points ago +3 / -1

Hey; where's "early life" in that article?

cant_even 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah yes; the easily "forge-able" cardboard cards...

Next time you're "Googling", do a search for "Honey Pot computing".

Here in the US the "federal crime to spoof" Covid Vaccine Cards® have been featured all over the internet in .pdf form including government sites as early as March of 2021.

It's almost as though someone was dangling them in front of the, shall we say, more impulsive in an effort to set up dupes for later 'sting' operations.

Of course the up-coming 24/7 Media campaign of covering the 'flagrant falsifications' will most certainly "necessitate" a biometric, 'secure verification' immune to "tampering"...

...which was the objective all along.

by pkvi
cant_even 1 point ago +1 / -0

Either trust my desktop browser for online transactions or send me a paper bill. I will not accept possession and use of a "smartphone" as a condition of service.

cant_even 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm similarly unfamiliar with TV after the '90s or so, but it sounded interesting...


cant_even 1 point ago +1 / -0

So; when/if this were to actually happen, who does everyone think will end up at the top of this mountain?

cant_even 1 point ago +1 / -0

Twitter yanked it... Got a capture or ?

by pkvi
cant_even 2 points ago +2 / -0

"PCR" - just recycle until it's 'positive'.

cant_even 2 points ago +2 / -0

If that occurs, then the "normie-con 'right'" deserves to be jettisoned the way the Vax-Karens were.

"Red-Flag Laws" are the most anti-Constitutional weapon in the 'woke' arsenal. As with their predecessor the "No-Fly List", they lack due-process protections, the right to confront accusers, and the 'rules of evidence' descend to anonymous gossip.

The only correct response is "I will never surrender my rights because of what someone else did. There will be no negotiation on this."

by DrLeaks
cant_even 1 point ago +1 / -0


He's a holder of a public office.

cant_even 6 points ago +6 / -0

The French knew 300 years ago New Orleans was going to be periodically washed away, and some elements proposed an upstream location that would endure for centuries. But what the hell, it was just 2-story buildings, and they had lots of slaves to rebuild them, so they went with it.

cant_even 3 points ago +5 / -2

The "decentralized" mantra isn't only unworkable, but it's been fundamentally dishonest since forever.

How are you going to move your 'blockchain' without the government-monopoly "internet"? That looks pretty 'centralized' to me.

Once you're locked out of 1984.net, the only alternative is schlepping your 'blockchain' around on USB-sticks between air-gapped laptops in BarterTowns.

cant_even 4 points ago +4 / -0

coming soon to a police precinct near you.

It's first use in Dallas was in 2016. I'm sure they've advanced the tech they had at the time.

cant_even 4 points ago +4 / -0

You'd think the Chinese would have learned after the humiliations they suffered at the hands of the (((you-know-who)))-financed "British Empire".

I thought the Asians were supposed to have "long memories". Guess not in this case.

cant_even 2 points ago +3 / -1

The last time this was mentioned, there was a sarcastic comment about how "skilled" the remote-control camera operator was at precision real-time panning, considering the 240K-mile time-delay.

That "skill" should have been the tipoff to the 2+ Billion gamers who' struggle with laggy controller-drivers and ground-based internet connections fifty years later, and "TV professionals" who can't track a punt or foul-ball..

cant_even 1 point ago +2 / -1

Just pay 'em off in full when you get the bill. In the old days, that was known as a "Charge-Card". Milk the benefits:

  1. Charge-Backs
  2. Fraud protection
  3. Some card companies have "cash-back" percentages.
  4. Turbocharges your credit-rating.
cant_even 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Cloud" = Muh Beep-Boop Futurez!!

The 'cloud' is the anti-Future: It's the return of 1960 "Time-Sharing", before there were "Personal Computers". The only things lacking are punch-cards and big reels of magnetic tape.

The real 'future' is exactly the way it was in 1960. Your dumb terminal running rented software, your 'data' held hostage for monthly ransom payments to some GloboHomo conglomerate. The only 'new features' are more:

  1. Batteries
  2. Radios
  3. DRM
cant_even 6 points ago +6 / -0

Nothing on the android "OS" belongs to the 'user'.

Smartphone = Telescreen

cant_even 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's been 'serving our country' since 1968. LBJ sent him to Paris to 'negotiate' seven more years of war in Vietnam.

cant_even 4 points ago +4 / -0

There's not enough testosterone in the whole supply-chain to even call them "action-figures" any more.

Are these 'apes' going to be like Funko Pops, where the owners just stack the things on a shelf and not even open the boxes?

cant_even 1 point ago +1 / -0

What I've told people since they came out with [face | fingerprint] unlocking. "If it's offered, don't buy it, and if you already have it, don't use it".

cant_even 1 point ago +1 / -0

...and it'll be forced on the proles, the same way as the US legal system permits police to force 'biometric unlocking' of phones.

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