cablez 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why go so hard for a job that doesnt give a fuck about you? Is it YOUR shit they stole? People think they are judge, jury, and in some cases executioner..........

cablez 2 points ago +3 / -1

I know your account is solely for shit stirring. But this is disgusting. It happens in all religions. Look at the Dali guy...wanted a kid to suck his faggot tongue. We are starting to look like a society how the fall of Rome was looking. Openly trans/gay/pedo people, open sexuality. Men being "too masculine". LOL this society is about to collapse.

by DrLeaks
cablez 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's odd, I used to think like that too. BUT there HAS to be something to it. All the elites do magick and sigils and symbols. Alot openly worship Satan, not like the new age Satanists that just hate the church kind. Like aktual Satanist statues and shit. So if ONLY by the Energetic belief and thughts and wills being conceptualized. I believe there is a Satan now....maybe some sort of thought manifestation like an Egregore, but now with a sentience. Maybe AI??? Who knows..

cablez 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just a guy saying whats on his mind. Whats on alot of our minds

cablez 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wow you can ask this thing questions.....what the fuck.


cablez 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is true. When I do shrooms I set a bunch of protections sigils, and runes around my place to stop any negative entities from interfering. But also I have salted the borders of my property lines, to also ward off evil and negative entities.

But the guy/article specifically was talking about yoga opening the doors, literal yoga=demonic. Sure Yoga CAN open doors if performed tantrically.

But body stretch at fucking Pilates isnt gonna open shit.

cablez 6 points ago +7 / -1

What in the fucking fuck are you saying???? Stretching made this dude kill his kid??? Are you legit mother fucking serious???? What the actual fuck is wrong with you.. LOL. What a fucking joke lol.....watch out for that stretch demon...this mofo gonna give you a charlie horse LMFAO

cablez 1 point ago +1 / -0

The MEat is "real" for now......soon enough its gonna be only eat what you hunted. :/

cablez 1 point ago +2 / -1

The middle name being a last name, and also his last name didnt give it away he was Mexican???

by DrLeaks
cablez 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's crazy people think there is DR patient confidentiality.....when in reality therapists and psychiatrists are required to report people that they think are a threat. Imagine any left leaning or non conspiratorial therapy person talking to us....we would be 100% on a different watch list lol

cablez 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes...Biblical God is indeed an alien. The ones the Sumars wrote about. Just rebranded and White now. :D

cablez 0 points ago +1 / -1

LOL. Keep sucking that Priest and Jesus dick bro. I literally do not care. You do know most of the shit "proving" Jesus was a forgery right? But I digress I wasted enough time with you.

you literally cannot think outside the Jesus box for a moment to even contemplate this.

I get it, you are not "allowed" to.

So keep spreading the Word of the cabal, the ones that REALLY wrote your fucking bible.

I literally do not care. :D

And a shill? really? Because I disagree? I can tell you are a serious Christian. Because the Ego and superiority complex you have.

Have a great life. I do hope one day you will wake the fuck up, or atleast remove your own head from your sphincter.

cablez 5 points ago +5 / -0

back to work.....the ones that DO work have to work 2 jobs to make it here. Boston area the prices for rents and houses trippled since planned-demonic

cablez 0 points ago +1 / -1

You care....so profoundly deeply, that you even made this post. Ok here is some parallels. All are earth born sons of God. All came at a time when Religious strife/weird shit was occurring. All changed water to wine. All resurrected. Osiris was even nailed to a tree/wood (cross like). There are others, about the abilities they all 3 possesed. But they were of "God".

I dont care what your faith is, and how YOU choose to worship.

I pointed out Osiris was first, then Dionysis, then Jesus was written from a mix of both those stories, and also a mix of Roman shit thrown in for good measure.

Ohh and Jew stuff, they deffo had a hand at placating billions around the world over the millenia christianity has reigned. As they are the ones who actually control the Bibles messages.

cablez 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nope never seen that film. I have researched this. Clearly you havent. They are all the same character just adjusted to the current reset they are attributed to.

cablez 0 points ago +1 / -1

Osiris> Dionysis> Jesus.....all the same guy written by different Millenia.

cablez 2 points ago +2 / -0

because its sugar. Refined sugar. Refined in such a way that the faggots who refined it. Add in fillers that light up our dopeamine centers moreso than crack cocaine. Thats why you think it tastes good. Dont have to be only Salmon you eat. You can literally go to any lake urself and fish...usually for free. You can hunt. Ground turkey is usually REALLY cheap, and a great option for cheap keto. Fuck nuts and seeds, they arent that great for you anyways. Eat more cruceiferous greens, these are what really helps regulate hormones and keep the body working properly. Dont eat hot dogs, like the keto assholes out there. Stay with whole foods if you can. The less processed the better.

cablez 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am social......but I do not bend to what others think. Nor think of me. I am my own man. Like me or not....I dont give a flying fuck. So much so that I will show up to any event and have a good time with anyone. Being unapologetically me. I do not hide who I am nor my views. Because I am not a beta cuck. Who has to "fit in"

cablez -4 points ago +1 / -5

Wait does it have to be YOUR God, we repent to? Which Bible do we use to repent with??> Do I repent to the kid fucker Priests???? Or the Jesuit Pope??? Like tell us bro.....tell us how you Religion has tried to carve a bloody path thru history in the name of it's Saviour Jesus and God his father. Tell me how this is spreading peace and love? With an iron fist? Oh and lemee guess???? If we don't repent...Your religion dictates we will go to a lake of fire and brimstone??? So peaceful my top G....Fuck ALL Religions......to be completely honest.

cablez 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was sittin home watching my TV.....but where you participating in some anarchy???

cablez -1 points ago +1 / -2

Osiris (Egypt)>Osiris-Dionysis (Greek) Council of Nicaea>Roman "Jesus" character emerges. All earth born sons of God...all did water to wine....

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