XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay, that worked wonders on my wife's congestion and my son's congestion a few days later. Now my son is hacking like crazy. Any more pearls of wisdom on how to kill or shorten the life of a cough?

Kinda sad that I have to come to these forums to get advice that actually works.

Another big thank you for the info on congestion!

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

My wife has been going crazy from a congested head. She was desperate enough to want to try some pharma options, but knew they didn't actually do anything to help. I sent her this link and she tried your advice. The effects were almost immediate. Her sinuses drained out and she could breathe through her nose again.

I can't believe it's this simple. I've been complaining for years that there is no cure for the common cold in the 21st century. The lack of viable treatments for the symptoms is a testament to the joke that modern medicine has become. I used to rage about modern medicine when I couldn't find anything to help the symptoms when my son was younger. I wish I would have known about this back then.

So thanks for the awesome post!!!

by pkvi
XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, but that wouldn't stop people from using them.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

People aren't going to risk their jobs, homes, and freedom so long as food is available. To me, it's that simple. Without a crystal ball people can't know for certain that if they don't act, their world is over.

Then there is the secret police. They have a net spread so far and tight that the moment any organized resistance appears, it is infiltrated and turned against them.

They have psychologically immasculated the population. Most people are overweight with multiple health problems. They are completely at the mercy of the system.

Using secret societies, they have infiltrated every level of government. Most people simply don't realize the iron grip they have on society.

People didn't really fight back the covid restrictions. They could have maintained those lockdowns indefinitely. If anything, lockdowns were a pilot program to find the weak spots. Next time, you won't have access to dissenting views. It will look like everyone is just accepting the lockdowns. With no voice, no organization, and no power, what are you going to do?

by pkvi
XharlesDucken 2 points ago +2 / -0

Until they get something way smaller and lighter than the headsets they use, nobody is going to touch these. They would need a Neuralink size breakthrough to get wide adoption. The only thing vr headsets get you is a headache.

by pkvi
XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think there is anything wrong with that, per se, but I remember them fact checking it back when it happened and saying he wasn't in his underwear.

XharlesDucken 3 points ago +3 / -0

The methods and tools they use to prevent people from seeing this doctor as anything but a quack will be very familiar to anyone who has paid attention for the last 3 years.

by pkvi
XharlesDucken 4 points ago +4 / -0

So he really was in his underwear, lol.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

I stopped watching movies about 10 years ago for this very reason. There are millions of books out there, tens of thousands which are actually great stories. How is it that they can't tap into the existing literature to make movies that are actually original?

Yes, I know; they butcher the books when they make movies out of them. They score 1 out of 20 though, which is better than their track record with endless serial movies.

by pkvi
XharlesDucken 3 points ago +3 / -0

God gave us two arms for a reason; the right for the covid shot, and the left for the flue shot.

I got a good laugh out of that, at least.

XharlesDucken 3 points ago +3 / -0

It could be related to the nature of opposition being necessary to experience anything. Without pain, can you experience pleasure? Happiness and sorrow?

All of these things exist on a sliding metric, rather than just being binary components. This thing makes me a little happy, while this thing makes me VERY happy. Perhaps the level of each component is actually limited more than it could have been. The most excruciating pain might be less than it could have been if reality had increased the thresholds for these sensors.

Could we appreciate the same sensations if we just had a memory of this duality? For instance, if you spend 10 years experiencing the full gamut of sensations and emotions, would it be possible to still feel great happiness if all of the pain was removed from that point on? If that were to happen, the varying levels of happiness would describe the new thresholds we become accustomed to. VERY happy would be regular happy, while a little happy would become depression.

The thing that seems to be lacking is an arbiter that can ensure everyone can experience a lot of the positives while only enduring some of the negatives. Instead, many people are miserable almost their entire lives while some people are happy all of the time.

I suppose a god should fulfill this role of bringing justice to the world to ensure everyone has an equal opportunity for positive experiences. That does not seem to be the case though.

XharlesDucken 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's less than I pay on income tax, lol.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

That makes sense. I can't imagine we would deplete decades of weapons in less than a year.

XharlesDucken 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good to know. So we don't have surplus now, or just old surplus? How old is old? I've noticed these definitions change depending on who's using them.

XharlesDucken 4 points ago +4 / -0

Didn't we send all of our weapons to Ukraine?

XharlesDucken 3 points ago +3 / -0

What's with the funky colors? Trying to hack my pea brain?

XharlesDucken 0 points ago +2 / -2

All I know is that the stars aren't sun's. At the distances they claim they are, we simply couldn't see them. The particles in our own atmosphere would block them, even if the space dust, comet debris, Oort cloud, rogue planets, and lots of other junk didn't eclipse them regularly.

Other than that, I have no idea. Pretty sure it's just a simulation at this point.

XharlesDucken 3 points ago +3 / -0

Clearly this judge didn't know how things work.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hate watching these hosts that constantly cut everybody off. Makes my teeth itch.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

93% of my company is vaxxed (50 people). So far, no deaths. One case of myocarditis, several people with blood issues, and a few heart arythmias. They are my canary in the coal mine. When/if they start dying (more than one or two), it's time to dump all of my funds into more food storage. I have a feeling people are going to get hungry when supply chains completely break down.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now they can sell everyone more treatments!

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