XharlesDucken 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cause nobody will ever hack those. It's totally unhackable. All of the hackers will just give up and find honorable work because this is too secure to hack.

XharlesDucken 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thanks for the info. It's always good to see info from someone who has spent a lot of time studying a subject vs a quick meme share. Antibiotics should only be used as a last resort.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe the expiration date for the vax is coming up soon and there are going to be a lot more suddenly's. If so, they need a big distraction to keep people focused on something else.

XharlesDucken 2 points ago +2 / -0

The known plasma and shockwave instability types, when scaled from experimental to space plasma dimensions, suggests an intense auroral event lasting at least a few centuries

That would be pretty awesome to see an event like that lasting centuries.

XharlesDucken 5 points ago +6 / -1

Q is a pretty good cover for people asking why they are using masks for people like the president. Now anyone that notices such a thing will just be dismissed as a Qtard. It's a great strategy.

In the mean time, they can use any actor they want to play president using a mask, knowing anyone who notices will just be lumped in with the Qult.

by DrLeaks
XharlesDucken 5 points ago +5 / -0

Do you hear that sound? That's the sound of war drums.

XharlesDucken 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, this is the missing piece AI needs to actually work. It needs to be able to recode itself. Without the ability to develop it's own functions and routines, it is just a good dog playing fetch.

XharlesDucken 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've been interested in hypnosis for the last 35 years. I read some books about the history and scope of hypnosis, as well as the efficacy. A lot of the book focused on the CIA's experiments. There were a few points regarding hypnosis that are fairly interesting.

  1. When in a hypnotic state, you don't hear negatives. So when I say, "I do not want to be hypnotized", the hypnotized subject hears, "I do want to be hypnotized". You have to phrase all of your programming using only positives.

  2. You can make a person do anything. Even if they would never kill a person in real life, you can trick them into doing it anyway. You tell them they are holding a banana and to point it at a person and squeeze.

  3. Hypnosis is like programming a pc. You can program a person to react to post-hypnotic suggestions or stimuli. This means that even when they are no longer in a state of hypnosis, a trigger word or other cue will put them back in a hypnotic state to fulfill their programming. You can layer the programming with great complexity, using many post-hypnotic triggers to engage the subject's programming at different times. A hypnotized subject also has an eidetic memory, so they can be used to pass coded messages that will only be delivered after the correct trigger is applied.

I learned the basics about hypnosis when I was a kid, and it made me paranoid enough that I attempted to use self-hypnosis to shield myself from other people attempting to hypnotize me. I would write out a detailed script and then record it (on cassette tapes in the early days). I would play it at night on repeat so that I heard it while I was falling asleep as well as throughout the whole night while I was asleep. I was careful to cover all of the delivery methods, using phrases like, "You will ignore any suggestions, commands, or requests made by any other entity that contain any manner of subterfuge." I used the word entity to account for devices or aliens (cause who knows?).

When the world became digital and mp3 players became a thing, I moved my scripts to mp3 players. One night around 2005 I was listening to my script as I was falling asleep and I suddenly heard a female voice clearly say, "riiiiight," in a very dry and amused tone. This was right after that part of the script where I had told myself to ignore any commands from other entities. I woke up all of the way and jumped back 10 seconds and listened again. That same voice was there, just as dry and amused. I listened to it a 3rd time in growing concern and finally reaching over to wake my wife up. As I listened to it the 4th time, the voice was gone.

The voice had seemed very amused, as if my attempts at blocking outside input was utterly futile. To this day I am not convinced that it wasn't just someone on the other side of our simulation having fun pranking me.

Anyway, I definitely think most of our minds are like Windows 95 computers just waiting for the nearest hacker to break through our non-existent security and rummage around in our minds. I have no idea if my attempt at self-programming works at all, but it makes me feel better about my chances of not being hacked so easily.

I have also spent time hypnotizing friends while we were experimenting with the process. One of the most important things for a successful session is that the person doing the hypnosis is seen as a strong authority figure. We think part of this process is also dependent on the hypnotist having the will power to push these commands out, but we never found a way to show any evidence of that.

People that have disdain for authority figures of all types and don't hold anyone in high regard are less likely to be as suggestible (be able to by hypnotized).

by DrLeaks
XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

One of the most disgusting practices exploiting old people. We need to get back to multi-generational homes and stop dumping our parents off in shitholes. I can't imagine doing this kind of shit to my parents, but I definitely see it all of the time.

XharlesDucken 6 points ago +6 / -0

I used to kind of respect your opinion, even if you act like a dick sometimes. However, ever since the show the other day you have been shilling like your paycheck depends on it. I suppose you were just a sleeper cell, here to build trust until you were needed to influence people?

I'm pretty sure most people here know this has nothing to do with little terrorist cells and everything to do with preplanned events like 911. We are watching the dog get wagged.

I'm sorry if you aren't a shill, but man, you really sound like a shill.

XharlesDucken 3 points ago +3 / -0

They had to be pulling so many strings in so many places for everything to work as well as it did. They have clearly captured every government of note, every regulatory agency, and every MSM platform. We see the results of the operation, but it must have taken an insane level of sophistication and preparation to pull off. They must literally have a villain empire with key people in every government around the world, just waiting to push their influence where it needs to go at the right time. If this were chess, they would be the player with all of their pieces staged exactly where they want them in a play that would be almost impossible to defend against. You almost have to admire the level of genius required to pull a takeover like this off in less than a hundred years.

If we were in a super hero show, it would be the one where the evil empire won and all of the super heroes had been emasculated.

XharlesDucken 2 points ago +2 / -0

Simulation makes the most sense to me. I'm not sure if we are just NPC's and the big dogs are the player characters. Either way, I feel like we are reaching that point technologically where the idea of a semi-sentient simulated reality isn't out of reach.

I would love to think we are just bored eternal beings that pick out lives to try in the great game of mortality. With infinite time on our hands, trying out different types of mediocrity would eventually be interesting. Being the hero probably gets old after a few million iterations.

XharlesDucken 4 points ago +4 / -0

If loosh is really a thing, this would be a great farm.

For anyone new to Loosh, it is the idea that entities exist who can harvest intense human emotions for sustenance or as a drug. Creating areas throughout the world where terror, pain, and despair are rampant would be like a crack-house to such entities.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +2 / -1

I mean, I'm fine with you posting here, but I think it is a subject that is going to get shit on a lot. I wish there were good guys running the show, but so long as you think there are, you aren't going to take responsibility for making your own plans and trying to fix this world. Their most popular modo is to "wait and watch" and "sit back and watch the show".

There is literally nothing that could happen that would convince you that Q is a psyop if you already think white-hats are going around in masks, having toppled the evil regime. I guess I have to either question your sanity, or assume you are part of the psyop. I won't claim sanity for myself, so no big deal if you are off in la la land, but I don't see a 3rd option that has any chance of being real.

XharlesDucken 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wonder how many of these people are actually feds or just contractors. Most contractors don't get the same benefit of every holiday off and 9-5 jobs. Would contractors have WFH employees that just had to log the hours, or would they be during normal business hours?

That's a pretty interesting question. I think I'll compile a spreadsheet to see who the people are who post during work hours to compare with the people on weekends and nights. Of course, a lot of the posters are probably just posting while they are at their PC's at work, but they should still have the occasional off-hour post.

XharlesDucken 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wonder if he was nervous at all, hanging out on enemy turf.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nothing is out of the realm of possibility. When you look at some of the schemes they have hatched but not followed through with, things get pretty crazy. And that's just the ones we have discovered.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

When you get to be my age and the world has failed to end as many times as it has for me, you stop putting much stock in predictions.

XharlesDucken 2 points ago +2 / -0

confiscate sanctioned property of fentanyl traffickers

Not the fentanyl. Any cash or property seized.

XharlesDucken 6 points ago +6 / -0

Those two look nothing alike.

The idea that white hats are in charge is a fun fantasy, but it's time to grow up and realize you have real work to do. Nobody is saving us from this mess except ourselves, so stop trusting plans and start making them.

XharlesDucken 3 points ago +3 / -0

An existing population feels a sense of entitlement and will resist any sweeping changes in a power structure. Immigrants, however, are just happy to have a home and food, so they will agree to whatever the people in charge decide to do. Flooding the lands of entitled and contrary populations with immigrants is the perfect way to get rid of those pesky complaining citizens.

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