XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exposing a paid shill is exactly what you have done. Thanks for letting us know.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're a fed, because all you do is sow division. Classic divide and conquer tactic.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is not flat, but you're still a fed.

XharlesDucken 0 points ago +1 / -1

Watch your blood pressure! That vax is going to make your heart explode if you get too excited.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +3 / -2

That fed isn't going to give you an answer. He's basically an insult bot.

by DrLeaks
XharlesDucken 2 points ago +2 / -0

1 balloon and 3 ufo"s. I wonder what they are up to...

Blue beam time?

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +3 / -2

I can say with a fair degree of confidence that you wouldn't be missed. We can swing by the local field office to check on you if we get nostalgic.

XharlesDucken 6 points ago +6 / -0

I don't think the earth is flat, but I've seen their model enough to understand how they think the earth works. One thing that has always puzzled me is why they think the horizon would be a flat line?

There are two reasons it wouldn't be.

First, if the sun is shining down on the flat earth like a spotlight, you are going to see a curve where the light is at due to that spotlight shape.

Second, if the flat earth is disc shaped, you are still going to see curvature where it curves around the disk.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +6 / -5

The irony here is delicious.

While the earth may or may not be flat, flat earthers have exposed numerous conspiracies, including the fake space missions and NASA falsifying video via green screens and CGI.

The concerted effort to ban the group supplying fresh evidence of worldwide conspiracies is indicative of the threat they present. I was on the fence about whether this place was being gatekept for a while, but you've finally shown your colors. This place is just as controlled as reddit.

XharlesDucken 7 points ago +10 / -3

That was honestly kind of shocking. Comparing them to pedophiles was so over the top that I couldn't believe what I was reading. It felt like reddit in the height of the vax rollout. Dragging them through the mud in every way possible. This is clearly something personal.

Seeing how many supporters for censorship are here was also dismaying. Then again, it's probably state actors finally asserting authority. I remember a story about reddit mods going on power trips and driving people here. It looks like they have finally followed us over here. I'm confident the topic banning won't stop there.

The funniest part to me is how so many claimed it was detracting from important conversations. As if any action occurs as a result of these forums. This place is 99% entertainment and socializing on conspiracy theories.

Oh well, time to find a new forum.

XharlesDucken 0 points ago +1 / -1

My take is that Terrain isn't much of a theory so much as a deposition of viruses. They postulate several possibilities, but from what I can see they are still trying to find what causes sickness to be contagious for some people while ignoring others. Clearly the terrain of an individual will play a role, but there seems to be more to it that is still unknown.

I think they've given enough evidence to put virology into question. More untainted research needs to be done. If we really have been mistaking exosomes for viral matter, there is a need for better technology for viewing things at the nano scale. Being able to observe these nano particles in real-time without affecting them would be ideal.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gets a bit pedantic, but if you skip to the end there are occasionally interesting snippets. I tend to just skip straight past the vocabulary lessons automatically now.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are the flashy lights supposed to hypnotize or trigger us?

XharlesDucken 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's really hard to look into FE due to the toxic attitudes and bombastic assertions made by many FE's. I'm 100% supportive of questioning everything, but making claims as if they were fact and ridiculing anyone who questions it does not lead to constructive research. The name-calling is so juvenile that it is hard to take either side seriously.

There are exceptions to this toxic behavior, but it's rare. It seems like the same cult-like behavior that afflicts covidians has also taken hold of many FE's. They saw their YouTube teachers talk shit about everyone, so they do the same.

They have some great questions, and even some great evidence. They need to remember that what they are working with is a theory, and it is okay to be wrong about something and go back to the drawing board.

XharlesDucken 2 points ago +2 / -0

Manning is an example of how they'll break you if you cross them.

XharlesDucken 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's amazing how many politicians start out as actors.

XharlesDucken 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's some interesting info about weather balloons. I was really into the MUFON thing about 15 years ago, and I remember people getting video footage of what they thought were shape-shifting alien craft up in the sky. They looked like silver dollars and looked like they were merging and dancing around. In hindsight, it's obvious that they were a fleet of weather balloons. The problem was that the military and NASA were denying that they had any weather balloons at those locations when the media would ask them for comments. More than likely, the military encouraged the alien theory as a cover for these kinds of projects.

It's always interesting to hear about declassified projects 70 years later. Makes you wonder what they are doing now.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've always hated zombie movies and games. It's really going to suck if we end up in a zombie apocalypse.

XharlesDucken 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow. Funny and illuminating.

by qclick
XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

That was my first thought when I heard about the balloons.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's definitely BS, but a ballistic missile could shoot one down.

I wonder what they have in the next scene. Accusing China of spraying pathogens in the air when everyone starts dying? The EMP narrative? Or maybe they'll just stick with the spying story.

XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wonder if they'll ever get around to playing that alien card. It will be interesting to see how they spin it.

"Super advanced interstellar aliens have trouble wiping out those scrappy humans."

If space was what they claimed it is, any aliens coming here from another star system would view humans as a roach infestation and wipe us out in short order. Any sign that we somehow fight back and hold our own will just be evidence that the whole thing is staged.

I don't really think they need an alien invasion though. They already have this world by the balls.

by pkvi
XharlesDucken 1 point ago +1 / -0

So now we know when to expect the vax fallout to strike.

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