VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Predators will infiltrate any group that will more effectively provide cover for them, the catholic church is very much about secrecy and protecting 'their own' so it's an ideal target group to infiltrate and use for cover, the lgbt demographic was also chosen because they are hypersensitive to any perceived criticism and have a knee jerk defensive reaction when anyone claiming to be lgbt is accused, excellent cover for predators since a pedo simply has to put on a dress and claim he's trans/gay/drag, same reason it's mostly jews running the bourgeoisie trafficking rings, any suspicion and they just start screeching about antisemitism, predators exist in all demographics but some have much higher rates because they allow it

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you're trying to make the point that they're not effective and he knows it, you're preaching to the choir here, we know, this would be more profound to people who don't actively seek out counter arguments in their free time

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Variety is the key to dietary health, getting all the nutrients in a variety of their forms, such as the different forms of vitamin A for example, basically eating a wide variety of foods, truly a little bit of everything, but most people prefer the most simplistic approach possible so narrow diets easily reach fad hype status, keto fruitarian carnivore paleo etc and it also plays into identity psychology like oh I'm an lactovegetarian or I'm a raw vegan, high fat low carb or high carb low fat is just more stupid bs for people who have nothing better to do to feel they are improving themselves or their lives, a decent amount of all the macros is best but even that's just too complicated for a lot of people these days, even the concept of whole foods is fucking stupid, as though food somehow becomes unhealthy if it has been prepared by someone else or a machine, it's added chemicals people should be concerned about not food being whole vs processed, tomatoes are whole foods but are these covered in pesticides, because if so that frozen egg cheese burrito is probably the safer bet

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Q thing started off great, anons would go digging like mad based on the drops and I loved looking through everything they'd find, even if Q turned out to be nothing more than a random word/phrase generator used as a social experiment by a bored troll, it was still amazing how it resulted in a frenzy of digging and revelations that wouldn't have happened otherwise, not without the excitement that Q brought, almost none of those anons would have ever done the same digging without the Q prompts, then the prompts stopped and most of the digging stopped too, now it's mostly just anons trying to keep the faith alive, I wish "Q" would start dropping random words and phrases again, and always with some kind of hype line, just to get anons digging again

Where do mangoes come from? 5 x 5 = ? Remember who told you about the sky VICTORY OR DEATH

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

Reddit is very much so about drama, even the different diet subs are constantly at war with each other, I once posted a picture of an unusual rock in a sub dedicated to identifying rocks and gave my best guess in my own post to see if I was right while asking for the rock experts to tell me what they think, and within 10 minutes I had someone in the comments desperately trying to start a fight with me for daring to have the audacity to try to guess what type of rock I had and accusing me of nefarious intentions, I recently stumbled upon a word I hadn't seen before "cryptid" iirc a term for animals like big foot where scientists say it's not a real creature but there are people who think it is, I go to the cryptidzoology sub to see if there are any interesting posts and instead find a bunch of heated snarky flame wars about what counts as a cryptid and what doesn't including a huge passionate argument about wendigos, still popcorn material when I'm up late and bored but reddit is definitely where people go to have insane arguments over nothing

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

What's weird is that white people are the least threatening people to tptb type jews, other races still have real revolts and still violently overthrow their governments, white people seem to spend forever trying to succeed within a failed system even when it's obvious that they can't, the other races are far more straightforward ie when things get too much worse they get really violent and all together not some lone wolf shit, other races are in a permanent low key fight/flight mode and give no fucks about rocking the boat, white people don't even flinch at their kids dicks getting chopped off and not being able to afford heat because white people ironically hate confrontation

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

As a boomer I've just gotta point out that while collectively boomers hold more wealth than millennials the disparity between the 1% and everyone else also applies to us, most boomers were not and are not eating lobster dinners, there are way more boomers in the 1% than millennials but a significant majority of boomers are struggling to keep their heads above the water just like with millenials, those boomers though of course don't get to publish msm articles about avocado toast to fan the flames of intergenerational fighting, boomers are the generation that seriously dropped the fucking ball but most of us are suffering the consequences as well, not eating lobster dinners

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

So each pharmaceutical company gets its own zombie army then, but what about the people who got say a j&j and then a moderna followed by pfizer boosters, which company owns those zombies, not poking fun it's a serious question, like legally who owns them

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

Whoever you define as your people, unless you're just a deranged serial killer in the making then to hold such views you must consider him to be a participant in a serious threat against people you would want to protect, if you're just a deranged psychopath that's okay too but I'm assuming the best for the case of discussion, and so far it seems your view that anyone involved in DC is intrinsically guilty of being a major threat, is that correct

VanillaBean 7 points ago +7 / -0

Something about gaetz that I can't yet put my finger on is just very off to me, there's something uncanny about him that makes him stand out from usual rank and file controlled opposition clowns like ted, plus notice how the whole country just suddenly forgot that desantis even exists and trump has embarrassed the shit out of maga multiple times over a short recent period, then out of nowhere comes gaetz and pdw is going so far as to shill him for presidency, and the dude looks like animatronic nightmare fuel when he's talking

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Does this mean your current perception of him is that he has harmful intentions towards the people?

VanillaBean 0 points ago +2 / -2

On what level, like he's a deep state mkultra sock puppet or like he's just a mundane con artist hoping to eventually scam people out of campaign donations or something else / in between

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

But do you think he is a willing participant in a conspiracy to produce bread and circuses or do you think he is genuine in his views but being used as a puppet on strings

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

If so that's still utterly incoherent which is what irks me, like where do they think "karma" comes from, a higher power? And they think they can pull a gotcha on such a powerful and pervasive cosmic being? Or they think "karma" is some non sentient magic system like a harry potter larp? Seriously imagine if the world is being ruled by a bunch of evil autistic retards, that's even worse than being ruled by intelligent psychopaths, at least we have an excuse being conquered by intelligent psychopaths, how fucking pathetic are we if we're being ruled by a bunch of narcissistic bronies

VanillaBean 10 points ago +10 / -0

It's such an incoherent belief system, they believe in "karma" based on ethics but think that willfully deceiving people by leaking out highly disguised warnings that they know damn well the masses don't recognize as warnings, which is intentional, is somehow ethical enough to dodge "karma" consequences, it's the same type of childish bullshit mental gymnastics used by dysfunctional cluster B people in their everyday mundane lives, so the only 2 possibilities here are that either tptb don't actually believe in this nonsense or tptb are a bunch of cluster B nutters on the same psychological level as a karen ranting on facebook about how tEcHnIcAlLy her yorkshire terrier is an emotional support animal so she should be allowed to bring it into olive garden

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Would a bunch of bot profiles cranking out scripted posts actually be that much of an investment though, seems like something that could be knocked out in an afternoon these days, the only potentially challenging part would be making the bot profiles convincing but even that doesn't seem that difficult all things considered, and even if it was an actual person puppeting the accounts and typing everything, that's still only like 1 full time job

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

My theory is that humans instinctively desire a higher power figure ie a god or gods, there have been some studies and theories on this for a while, like how many people without any religion will start displaying weird religious behaviors and attitudes towards a corporation or a product brand, or they will latch very aggressively onto an ideological group that winds up operating like a religious cult, so anyway most humans consciously or subconsciously have this intrinsic compulsion or psychological need, and the psychopathic "powers that be" are always trying to position themselves as that god figure, in this particular case in the form of AI that they can then puppet from behind the scenes like the wizard of oz, the npcs that gravitate towards it tend to see advanced AI as having a sort of "purity" without any of the "messy" or "irrational" pitfalls of human emotional and moral reasoning, thus the advanced AI qualifies as a potential god figure to them

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't necessarily believe this but I consider it an interesting plot, the idea that the nuclear arms race was actually about defending the planet against an alien invasion, that this is why the US and soviets never really physically beefed with each other and both countries pushed a bunch of propaganda on their people to make sure everyone sees it as a human war, but secretly humans needed the ability to annihilate all life on earth within seconds and make it uninhabitable, to discourage an invasion, ie "if you try to take us over we will wipe out everything and ruin the planet so you can't have it" so at this point any hypothetical aliens would have to successfully sabotage the nuclear defense system of countries all over the world and in quick order, it very loosely lines up with some predictive programming like superman, who is technically an alien, getting rid of all the nukes in the world by throwing them into the far reaches of space, anyway just an interesting plot idea

VanillaBean 11 points ago +11 / -0

Tbh I don't even know how many boosters there are anymore, I recently tried asking my cousin how many she's had so far when she brought up that she'd just gotten another one, and she didn't even want to say or has lost count herself, she just said "all of them" instead of giving a straight answer, we grew up together and she's a sweet person overall even if she's a total npc so I still care for her, had to ask if she's getting her heart health checked after each one to be safe and she deadass just said "it's important to me to get them" instead of answering the heart health question like wtf

VanillaBean 2 points ago +3 / -1

Most of his cult pre-twitter consisted of sci-fi nerds who had a poor understanding of human nature and a poor understanding of the sciences involved in their fantasies, it's a soft delusion of sorts fantasizing about star trek, star wars, futuristic video games, futuristic animes, futuristic movies and shows, and so on, and wanting it to be real soooooo bad that when a rich guy comes along and makes a bunch of outlandish promises and claims based on those fantasies, telling people they can live on a mars colony within x years and so on, they believe it because they desperately want to believe it, they see the tesla cars as a gateway into making it all possible, getting the sci-fi movie experience in real life and in their lifetime, they were willing to overlook anything and turn a blind eye to anything and make all the excuses in the world just on the off chance that it could be real if only people like musk are supported, so now you got the ones who have a social excuse to cut their losses and jump ship because the msm now says abandoning musk and his work is a virtue signal, so now they can save face and never admit they were suckers but rather claim they altruistically sacrificed to take a stand against the.. evil twitter man, I guess, but there will still be some desperately clinging to the fantasy of some futuristic synthwave space utopia

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you had met a bunch of feds before they became feds you would estimate the probability as very high, I have personally known people who decided to join the CIA or FBI, and it was wild to process that those people, being as mentally fragile as they were, would become feds, the people we tend to perceive as doing all the hands on dirty work, and if you look at photos of actual rank and file feds they are not the suited up john wicks that movies make them out to be, they are like what the youth these days calls neckbeards and purplehairs, the higher ups in the alphabets are mkultra-ing the retards, it is absolutely wild

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

The people constructing their own realities are the vast majority of people who took this wild experiment into their own bodies, they are too psychologically compromised to coherently participate in discussions on the matter at this point, they were psychologically weak enough in the first place to accept being injected with it, for many of them multiple times, and so obviously they are too psychologically weak to tolerate the possibility that there could be severe consequences, they are trapped in permanent cognitive dissonance, you can show these people data from sources they actually trust and for numerous different countries and they will shortly be right back to demanding the same sources like they never saw them the first time, over and over, I would say you can go witness it for yourself but that's the thing, if you received those injections you can't witness it, your mind won't allow it as it is too overwhelming to process

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

You'd think a civilization already heading towards dire straits with their population numbers would have hesitated to inject their people with a highly experimental concoction from a super shady pharmaceutical company funded by creepers who want to depopulate the planet in the first place BUT good on them if they step up to the plate now

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm just a little gmo pod person on the matrix farm, but on that note l was reading some convincing theories about the matrix that agent smith was actually "the one" and I must say I like that version better as I'm convinced that tptb can only be defeated by one of their own from within

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