posted ago by Unknown-Anon01110 ago by Unknown-Anon01110 +17 / -9

r/conspiracy was basically the only political sub I used on reddit. All right wing subs were banned a long time ago and that was really the only real holdout left.

Like other subs on reddit, there's no more removals or warnings. The first reaction is to issue a ban, then another ban if the first one wasn't a permaban. I subbed to conspiracy for years and that was the one sub I never really got banned from. Now, I'm getting banned from that sub quicker than actual subs I'd expect to get banned from.

There's very little action taken towards people who come to harass others. Namecalling and insults used to be removed there, now they seem to rarely ever get policed. There's also a lot more downvoting than there used to be with things that would be front page material now never making it past 0.

You are also simply not allowed to notice things anymore regarding White people. Any mentioning of White people being treated unfairly is an immediate ban for race baiting. The mods cite reddit overall rules that don't exist and don't seem to count for any other group.

Sad to say, but I think I'm done trying there.