VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

The truth is you don't have any real proof that any of them had a wildly new mutation of the common cold virus. If they were given some wonky unreliable test and a hospital or other medical facility said, "Yep it's covid" you still don't know that they didn't have the flu, which magically disappeared during all this BS, and even if you actually could get a test that reliably confirms that someone is ill with A coronavirus, that still wouldn't prove it's this alleged super duper mutant cold virus that causes every possible symptom under the sun. Even your observation of how "russian roulette" the symptoms are should've tipped you off that it's people getting ill from totally different things including influenza, pneumonia, the same caliber of cold viruses that already existed, sinus infections, etc. Hell my friend had OBVIOUS food poisoning where his ONLY symptoms were diarrhea and chills, and he was also "diagnosed" with "covid". I still remember the initial propaganda train saying people in China were dropping dead in the streets while teams in hazmat suits were rounding up dead bodies like it was the black plague. Did anything REMOTELY close to that actually happen when "covid" became widespread in the U.S.? Get a goddamn grip.

VanillaBean 12 points ago +12 / -0

Psychopaths crave stimulation because they are spiritually dead inside. They love chaos to the extent of seeing what they can get away with, competing with each other and doing demented experiments just to see what happens. They are forever bored and restless, and so their destructive tendencies share the same psychology as a bored little kid creatively killing ants and destroying their hill. The kid doesn't hate the ants or want to control the ants or anything of the sort. The kid is just really bored and will completely forget about the ants the moment something more exciting comes along.

Narcissists desperately cling to self delusions which become increasingly fragile as more and more evidence against the delusions piles up over time. Therefore narcissists are extremely obsessive about control over everyone and everything. The self delusion is prioritized above all else, and the delusion is so fragile, that everything and everyone must support the delusion at all times in order for the narcissist to be psychologically comfortable.

Narcissists are the preferred puppet playthings of bored psychopaths. Psychopaths running a civilization will always encourage rampant narcissism in that culture so they can then just fuck with it with wild results, ie nonlinear warfare on steroids.

One of the differentiating tells between the two is that when psychopaths are totally busted or called out they tend to look smugly amused, after all this was all just a game to them to ease their dead-inside boredom. When narcissists are totally busted or called out they start slipping into psychotic rage.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not sure what else you would expect. A huge portion of jobs in the current economy do not pay a living wage/income. By default this means that a huge portion of workers can't make ends meet without various forms of welfare assistance and social programs. There are literally not enough living wage/income jobs to go around. Everyone going out and "hustling" for more money doesn't work longterm because actual wealth is finite, so if a small percentage of society is hoarding a majority of the wealth, the only way to generate "more" is artificial ie fiat currency which causes inevitably unsustainable inflation. If you don't see actual wealth as finite then you are simply too stupid to grasp economic concepts, period. If you are at least smart enough to understand that actual wealth is finite, and if you actually do your research into current wealth distribution across the population, then you would be able to grasp how asinine it is to expect many millions of low wage workers to simply go out and "create" wealth for themselves. It can't be emphasized enough for some of you smoothbrains so once again actual wealth is FINITE.

VanillaBean 6 points ago +6 / -0

Jones was just trying to make money and just so happened to wake some people up along the way by encouraging people to question things while making it entertaining. It was always basically masterful satire that occasionally highlighted serious things that very few people were willing to discuss, but while also being hilarious. He's no Ron Paul but he's alright.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

I love a lot of people who are simply retarded. Can't be helped.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +4 / -2

Nearly all of the people at the top running this pandemic hoax shitshow are men. Show me the female masterminds behind taking over the planet via the common cold and I will literally shit bricks. Women have always been and will always be secondary actors alongside male leaders, on both the good side and the evil side of any moral crisis. When you simultaneously paint women as inferior and yet also capable of taking over the world you only paint yourself as an absolute loser.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

The overwhelming fear that one might have been mistaken is the by far the biggest hurdle for humanity in general. It is absurdly difficult for many people to admit that they made a mistake, that they didn't fully understand something, that they were tricked, etc. It really shouldn't be that hard. It's a perfectly normal part of the human experience. It doesn't mean that someone is stupid or otherwise inferior. What actually IS stupid and inferior is going your whole life without ever mentally evolving because the process is a threat to your ego.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hadn't considered it but what if that's the amazing miraculous thing it does, like claiming it made a vaccine that makes you immune to whatever, hailed as a hero by all the retards and anyone who won't take it isn't allowed to buy or trade, etc. The big flaw in nearly every mark of the beast theory is that the prophecy refers to humanity in general, not just the west and certainly not just the U.S. but the whole world. This covid madness is a definitely worldwide conspiracy.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's origins are in being knighted. It's a formal gesture conveying that one would be honored. Being a husband and father used to be similar in duty to knighthood and was an honored position in society.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh look another unironic critique of capitalism in a community that misguidedly thinks they're capitalists.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

What if specific acts like commerce or taxation were just that, specific acts, and words like socialism and capitalism were ideologies, such as valuing human life over maximizing profits vs valuing maximizing profits over human life, yet specific acts like commerce and taxation happened under both ideologies.

VanillaBean 0 points ago +1 / -1

So in all your life you've never encountered anyone who gripes about normal citizens being on welfare but never gripes about huge corporations getting billions. You've never seen anyone in the last 3 months alone whining about unemployment benefits ruining the economy but never whining about bezos getting millions. Either you live under a rock or you're a liar. Or both.

VanillaBean 0 points ago +1 / -1

So if the employees do all the work at a store while the franchise owner does none of the work, then the employees should get all the profit. And that's capitalism. According to your genius ass.

VanillaBean -8 points ago +3 / -11

What about self proclaimed capitalists that don't get mad over banks and billionaires collectively receiving billions from the government but do get mad over low wage workers getting $600? Are they evil or retarded?

by pkvi
VanillaBean 0 points ago +1 / -1


"What makes a viewpoint credible?"

"Academically approved writing skills!"

OP is right, so many here are just as brain damaged as the modern liberal.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Believe it or not there is no "us" in the conspiracy theory community. A diverse range of perspectives is a GOOD sign that we're not in an echo chamber. If you want an echo chamber go to patriots.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

He's more of an antihero than either an outright villain or a true hero.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 0 points ago +1 / -1

This is the same attitude as every person in this board who disparages everyone younger and/or poorer than themselves. Which is most of you. Which is a large part of why God isn't going to intervene on y'alls behalf. Jesus made it clear that hypocrisy is vile and hypocrites get their comeuppance.

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

The mark of the best will be very obvious when it arrives. Nobody will have to debate or guess what it is. For one you'll have to denounce God and declare loyalty to Satan (in essence) in exchange for the mark.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

A majority of Detroit is based. Maybe not a huge majority but definitely more than 50%. The elections are rigged.

VanillaBean 24 points ago +24 / -0

My nephew works in a super busy retail location and interacts with literally thousands of people per week. We're reportedly having the "worst numbers yet" but he says they still haven't had a single symptomatic customer. It's seriously not even real.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +2 / -1

What if you were inconvenienced by immense moral obligation? Is that seriously what you're asking?

VanillaBean 12 points ago +12 / -0

It's our fault in the sense that we (as a collective whole, special exceptions aside) didn't try to correct course even as the destructive and otherwise harmful effects we were perpetuating became readily obvious. My generation is definitely prideful and stubborn (again in general, special exceptions aside). However I do think it's important to acknowledge what happened to us. We are still 100% responsible for our choices, especially when we knew damn well the consequences but didn't bother to make a genuine effort to be better. It's sort of like how it's valuable to understand the nurture factor in sociopathy, yet that doesn't mean sociopaths aren't at "fault" when they so bad things (they still are).

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