Undernourish 3 points ago +3 / -0

Everyone should try to be their best selves!

Wait.... am I in a bot conversation?

Undernourish 2 points ago +2 / -0

Example: School shooting. Did they do a drill at the school one to two months before for the eerily exact same scenario?



K. Moving on...

by pkvi
Undernourish 2 points ago +2 / -0

I heard that one again just the other day. I let it go now with a silent, "Stupid Normie Fucktard."

Undernourish 1 point ago +1 / -0

The entire town (90% or so) burned to the ground. That being said, Lytton has always been one of the hottest spots in Canada (50 degrees C at the time of the fire).

There wasn't really the same signature as when energy weapons seem to be used. There were no trees and vegetation left standing while buildings were razed.

There was also a wildfire reported south of the village the day before. I guess that fire could have been started by energy weapons, but we'll never know.

Regardless, this was one of the first doctors to stand up to the bullshit and he deserves a lot better treatment then he got.

Undernourish 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or committing suicide by shooting yourself twice in the back of the head with a shotgun and hanging yourself from a tree.

Undernourish 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed, hiding under furniture is part of the fun.

Undernourish 2 points ago +2 / -0

So much information in one picture.

by qbqb
Undernourish 1 point ago +1 / -0


(Note: I'm trying to get this word into my vocabulary)

Undernourish 3 points ago +3 / -0


Note: It being San Francisco, you can still go #2 there, or pretty much wherever you want. I'm thinking it would be time to visit City Hall.

Undernourish 6 points ago +6 / -0

Some people are slightly less NPC-ish when it comes to the hysteria the news media has been pushing the past two years.

So when you mention that it's just a minor cold now for most people, and that you don't watch the news anymore because of the fear peddling, you do get some agreement.

A victory though?


A start?




A tiny little bit less disgust for humanity?

Ok fine but I'm not gonna throw a party.

Undernourish 6 points ago +6 / -0

Which can all be boiled down to one word:


The people at the top are monsters (and narcs of course) but they are supported by a large group of narcs below them. I'd say 30 percent of "the West" is composed of high functioning narcissists.

The greatest weapon against any narc is the truth. (Amber Heard, for example. Is she lying? If so, she's really good at it.)

Truth machine application on your phone (97% accuracy) would solve a lot of problems.

Undernourish 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fair question. Aliens could take over if they wanted to at any time due to technological disparity. So Eisenhower allegedly made a deal with the greys. Wonder what was so bad about what the Nordic aliens offered? I'm willing to bet something something worldwide full disclosure something something.

Anyways what I was inferring is that why would a giant race and/or other races in the center of the sphere not take over at some point?

They are not above reproach. No one is. Gilgamesh was a dick.

Maybe the outside of the sphere, while nice, is a fucking deathtrap.

Undernourish 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can we just agree that NASA is bullshit? Then go from there.

This issue can't really be proven until the average person can go to space. It's the same reason that, as a child, you had to touch something in order to believe in it.

Look up Eugene Podkletnov.

Undernourish 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hollow Earth is fun until you realize they (the giants) are probably able to take over the outside of the sphere without any problems. Like zero problems.

So why don't they?

When I think about the possibility of hollow earth, that question makes me nervous.

Undernourish 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is fair.

Undernourish 4 points ago +4 / -0

"To swerve and project."

Undernourish 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yup I meant God. e.g. You go super religious death cult-y.

The shack is more the feeling you get right now above and beyond your typical fear of death, which you get over, usually, in your teens. In addition, we've been hearing the world is ending since the late 90s so we're kind of jaded to the concept. There's just this weird feeling in my gut that something is up. I'm always on the lookout for anyone using the term "the Event".

A cursory search will inform you that the Event is the awakening of mankind. But it could also be a pole shift/deluge.

Do I think an archon/demiurge is fucking with people?

Someone is. There is a lot of bullshit being shoveled by the people in power right now. What surprises/sickens me is how many people I know are willfully oblivious to the manipulation. Purposefully blind, if you will.

Undernourish 12 points ago +12 / -0

The thing that makes me nervous is that this constant memory "erasure" feels a lot like I would imagine a semi-intelligent farm animal would feel about the "shack out back". We know it's there. We know whoever goes in the shack doesn't come back. We can't do anything about it. We try to ignore its existence. And yet the same thing happens every time. And we know somewhere down the line we're on that list. Do we play victim? Do we fight? Do we suck up to the farmer? Does it matter?

Are we human? Or are we dancers?

(lol yes I hate that song)

Undernourish 5 points ago +5 / -0

So the truth she speaks is inconvenient and total factual misinformation?

This is correct.

(One of us... one of us... one of us...)

Undernourish 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yup. The only problem with Robert Bruce is there is a focus on raising energy without focus on the TYPE of energy.

We're getting new age-y here, but if you increase your yang (hot, angry, sith, red) energy, you create problems. If you maintain everything calm and good feeling (yin, cool, calm, jedi, blue, healing), it alleviates the bad burny stuff from happening.

Regardless, meditation yes, good yay! Also Robert Bruce; raise your energy hand off the bed and tell me it doesn't fuck up your worldview.

Undernourish 5 points ago +5 / -0

If you go into a deeper meditation, you will learn to turn everything off. Your body, you'll lose track of your breathing, your organs etc. etc.

Eventually you will enter a quasi dreamlike state. Halfway between waking and sleeping. Robert Monroe called this focus 10 or 11 ( I never was ever able to accurately determine the difference). Some other methods refer to this is being at level, which is a state where you have direct contact with your higher self.

If you meditate lower then this, you may reach a state where everything, including your monkey mind (the narrator, the place where your thoughts come from) is turned off. A very comfortable darkness.

In this state you will realize that all you are is a dot of awareness (seemingly attached to some sort of umbilical). The base you just observes. That's it. No emotion, no personality, no judgement, no narration. Just observation. What to do with it I have no clue, but it was nice.

If you have the time, and can separate from your family (disturbances when you are meditating knock you for a loop), you might want to try meditation tapes that create an interference pattern in the center of your brain where your pineal gland is. This allows you to stay aware/awake while you gradually relax your body to sleep.

Right now, I'm using the complete remote influencing training system by Gerald O'Donnell. But there are others, including the Monroe Institute.

You can even meditate more effectively by raising your secondary body energy levels as this will also increase your focus while in trance. Robert Bruce New Energy Ways is pretty easy to learn. You're looking for the high pitched sound at the center of your brain (at least to start, it fades over time).

Undernourish 5 points ago +5 / -0

Shhhhh.... He just needs six or seven more boosters and he'll be totally ok.

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