We have the same faith as the early Christians. Turns out it was all documented... and look no pope! No nuns. No purgatory. No indulgences. And no conquest by the sword.
That's highly speculative with little evidence other than creepy CERN opening ceremonies. Meanwhile these people are directly injecting others with strange substances and setting up new arrays of towers on every street corner.
That is something clear and present in people's lives. CERN is a joke IMHO (ok maybe not humble about it today).
The idea that smashing atoms together releases or summons a "demonic army" may be the dumbest crap I've ever heard. You really think God made the study of subatomic particles release a "demonic army"?
Any frequencies that would effect humans would be via cell towers that they insist on placing everywhere, or the radiation from the wifi in your home. Any effect from a particle accelerator thousands of km away would be small and short lived, even if it was somehow meant to be demonic.
You don't have salvation or understand the true gospel. Therefore you are incapable of seeing the issue being raised.
That's absolutely retarded.
Based comment
How is this an answer to the fear porn merchants?
He was for a time associated with the Church of Satan, until eventually he realized it was more than just a hedonistic club and it spooked him.
Wishful thinking, but it couldn't hurt to try.
According to Maria Farmer, her and Epstein were Jewish supremacists.
Thanks man, I'm glad you can hear some criticism of Jew theories and not think I'm a frickin Jew. I'm born again Christian and not a fan of organized Jewry.
For sure they are involved in every vice. The Synagogue of Satan has its home among them.
At least conservatives know about personal responsibility. Wignats are more like leftists in that you must blame everyone else at all the times. So your problems are all external, you're always perfect in your fake storyline and you never have to repent. Must be fun.
No, you don't get to blame Jews for your alcoholism. It just doesn't work that way.
Lee Harvey Oswald, that famous right wing nutter! lol.
Babylon has fallen, and become the habitation of demons and every unclean and hateful bird.
But seriously there is some real dirt on Vivek. Supplanting Trump isn't a bad thing though.
Oh noooo, Vivek is going to steal the election from based warp speed Trump :(
I never saw any hard evidence he died. He simply stopped posting anything and rumor had it he was dead. Seems likely considering how dedicated he was to exposing this stuff and how good a job he was doing.
You may not like them, but they are human beings created in the image of God. If you don't repent you'll share the same hell together.
Sounds like a half baked idea you came up with stoned.
They clearly own his @ss through blackmail.
No? The Bible isn't clear about the Mark of the Beast? Then either show me the earliest manuscript of the Book of Revelation that somehow doesn't mention the Mark of the Beast, or admit you're making absurd arguments to rationalize indulgence in your own sins.
You can be a hard line patriot who loves his country. You can detest homosexuals. You can hate Jews. You can do all these things and still not be saved, because you refused to accept the one true Lord in your life.
You're free to over-analyze and draw whatever conclusions you like. Enjoy arguing with yourself though.
These are just made up strawman arguments. I didn't say everybody got it wrong. I'm showing you there was a tradition of what we believe now from the very beginning, because we're using original source material.
And for 1,500 years there were people reading scripture and preaching the gospel. Sometimes they were murdered by your beloved Roman Church. That is biblical proof positive they were true Christians and the murderers weren't.