Traxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

You obviously never studied history...

Sorry, I obviously went directly into the "Otherwise, they fall in fruitless debates with the person sending you information..." scenario.

I shouldn't have sent you information in the first place. :D You seem to plain to grasp it anyway. :D

Talmudic Jews are the core. Are you born yesterday? :D All groups stem from them but you consider them "irrelevant". :D Some researcher you are... :D Waiting for your next post where you beg for obvious information, then bite the hand that feeds you... :D Textbook shill. :D

Traxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

In my experience, researchers should look for information on their own. Otherwise, they fall in fruitless debates with the person sending you information...

Try bitchute and write "satanic". You should find what you need there.

P.S.: You've heard of Isaac Kappy but not Cathy O'Brian? She's the emblem of MK Ultra survivors. "What have you got?" I've got over 200 GB of examples on the topic. Perhaps you need a bit of research to help you understand what exactly are you looking for.

"Satanic Practices" - Do you mean the Jesuits? The Opus Dei? The Golden Dawn? The Templars? The Rosicrucians? The Ordo Templi Orientis? The Masons? The Jesters? The Magicians? The Bnai Brith? The Order of the Nobles? The Bohemian Grove? The Club of Rome? The Church of Satan? The Temple of Set? The Disney club 33? The Illuminati? The Knights of Malta? The Knights of Columbus? The Ku Klux Klan? The Order of Assassins? The Skull and Bones? The Order of Apothecaries? The Thule Society? The Theosophical Society?

Sorry, I don't even know what you are looking for. Perhaps you need more digging to see the full picture, or better wording in your post. I don't know. Hope you find what you are looking for.

Traxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

Feels like you're spamming pointless memes from other groups... Perhaps you should take a little break.

Traxx 4 points ago +4 / -0

Do you cherry-pick quotes from the Bible without understanding the big picture? :D It seems like you are twisting the Word to adjust it to your own twisted view of the world. :D

I don't think you would collapse if your read the whole book. Your statements could even make sense one day. :D "Live by the sword die when another army has a victory, winning." - What. :D "War becomes religion becomes war." You truly are lost. :D That's an oversimplification of history... :D I guess you are missing some important steps but then it wouldn't fit your narrative of "simply a risk factor". :D What a joker. :D Well, made me laugh though.

Traxx 3 points ago +4 / -1

But child porn is also drawn... Who would come up with this idea if not for a pedophile?

Of course this should be banned... are you nuts?

Are you advocating for drawn child porn? Because this is disgusting...

You think people, who want to prevent drawn child porn are e-terrorists? How much is Biden paying to make these posts? Disgusting.


Traxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are 2 types of opinions on the topic:

  1. Educated research based on data and logic


  1. Mockery of uneducated people that feel superior for their 2 seconds of fame because they never achieved anything in life based on intellect.

You can be either 1) or 2). Either research the topic to gain knowledge, or remain ignorant as the other people who don't really matter.

Notice that I don't say "support flat Earth" or something like that. I just see the comments and can immediately say who is ignorant and who has researched the topic. :D Can you?

Traxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

Considering his real name is Moses Mordecai Levi and he wrote "My soul, once true to God, Is chosen for Hell.". https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1837-pre/verse/verse24.htm

I'd say there's a good chance he is a satanist.

Oh, he wrote the communist manifesto... The regime that denied the bible in schools and is responsible for probably the most deaths in modern history.

I think you can make a better documentary on the topics included and just reference those materials in the doc. I think the materials you've shared are too focused and take up more time than necessary on the topic. Just my opinion...

Traxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

To say the NWO's roots are in Sabbatai Zevi is really missing a lot of steps like:

  1. Masonry
  2. Occult practices before Zevi
  3. Aleister Crowley
  4. Templars / Rosicrucians
  5. Anything connected to NWO in the Eastern world

Sorry, but this guy just describes Sabbatai Zevi and concludes that Epstein was following his teachings... That's ignorant. Why not include Yohanan ben Zakkai, who is a major figure in rabbinic judaism, which is still taught to jews everywhere? I guess he only knew about Sabbatai Zevi and nothing else regarding the occult.

I recently posted a better documentary on Sabbatai Zevi without outrageous conclusions that the NWO was rooted in him... If this was just a presentation on Sabbatai Zevi - it is good. The conclusions and connections in the video - are not.

Traxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why do you reply to a bot? Xaviermgk is only replying to you to make you angry... It's clear he has nothing to say, but works overtime to insult you...

Just block him or you will have an endless insulting session with him. Choose wisely.

by DrLeaks
Traxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

Australia really is "down under"...

I like how this news channel got the comments turned off...

Traxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is impressive, no doubt. But I am saying that making a temple acoustic is far more impressive than the walls, wouldn't you agree?

Traxx 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good addition, I already did that on USBs and have sufficient copies. On the other hand, if researchers back down to preserve their own life, they don't really get the point of the struggle...

Traxx 3 points ago +3 / -0

I use USBs, if that helps you in any way.

Traxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why not both?

Also, you can't prevent the apocalypse but I know what you meant.

Traxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

petty (small, opening gaps in major laws) laws and useless (not following the NWO) officials - It means absolute control, no merci. Without the first, they all sound kinda good, just like a politician would've put them.

Traxx 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wow, you're really selling this alien business... Do you really buy the alien stories? :D

Traxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

Actually, this technique is not so hard to do. Just using sand while cutting the stone will make it extremely smooth + stone can grind another stone perfectly to fit them together.

The stones are not so important. The temples they built were acoustic marvels. Now, that is worthy to be explored in depth.

Just a side-note, copper can easily grind stone, actually most metals can. It's a question of density of the metal structure.

Traxx 1 point ago +2 / -1

Jordan Peterson obviously doesn't think so... :D

Traxx -6 points ago +2 / -8

It's summarized in the title. Also, if you don't have 2 hours to listen to it, why do you even comment?

Who would care about your comment, when they know you didn't watch it? :D If you find yourself again commenting under a post you know nothing about, it would be wise to delete your comment. Free advice in under 2 hours for you.

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