TallestSkil 3 points ago +4 / -1

Oh, slander.

Didn’t happen. Cry, coward.

responses only from bots and shills.

Oh, so you admit you run these?

EVERYONE IN HERE HAS BLOCKED HIM. Everyone, who is not a shill ofc.

Thanks for admitting you have no evidence for your claims.

He got muted for making death threats like "go k*ll yourself" to anyone in the comments.

No, subhuman. Not anyone. Just people who refuse to provide any evidence for their claims and expect us to take them seriously.

Slander doesn't really work in a forum with many researchers that will actually check the facts.

Right. So stop slandering me for checking your facts.

[direct links to me proving people wrong, them exposing themselves as shills, and being rightfully called out for it since they’re only here to post lies in response and cannot hold a conversation]

Thanks for absolving me of the “crimes” you claimed I committed!

Your disagreement with objective facts proves the following:

  1. You personally support the proven jewish hoax known as Q-LARP
  2. You personally support the end of all discourse and allowing bot accounts to reply randomly to strawmen no one said.
  3. You personally support the proven and admitted hoax that elections exist and that the parties’ candidates differ on any actual policies.

You have nothing, you pathetic coward. I’m glad you’ve blocked me. It means you won’t fill up comment sections with endless paid shilling in response to my POSTS THAT EXPOSE YOUR HOAXES AS LIES, and you won’t even see that you’re being humiliated.

TallestSkil 3 points ago +4 / -1

not more likely

  • Compared to the population at large, they’re less likely.
  • Compared to rabbis, they’re 18x less likely.

That statement is correct. So your point is what.

Be careful in your response; don’t claim things about me you don’t know.

TallestSkil 3 points ago +3 / -0

At least that many are operationally dead already.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +3 / -2

Thanks for admitting you’re physically incapable of disproving anything I’ve said on any topic.

TallestSkil 4 points ago +4 / -0

No one said this. You’re physically incapable of replying to actual content.

TallestSkil 4 points ago +4 / -0

The sun is moving

Neat. Not that fast.

you can watch the sky go from blue to purple, then to black

Educate yourself.

as no more visible light is reaching us, as the angular diameter from us to the sun is to small

Literally not how it works.

and only ultraviolet light is able to reach us.

Which is why you get a sunburn at night, right.

The smaller the angular diameter is between us and the sun, the lower the frequency of light reaching us will be.

Not even remotely close to how light works. Never post here again.

TallestSkil 3 points ago +3 / -0


I’m not talking about you. Are you really just a troll account like your secret communications suggest?

Again, I

I’m not talking about you. If you want to pretend to be one of us, at least learn how site formatting works.

The Rothschilds who are luciferian "CRYPTO-JEWS"

Except they are and have always been overtly and publicly jewish. Learn what a “crypto-jew” is before spouting buzzwords you don’t understand.

you are mentally unable to see the bigger picture

I already said that it’s all jews. It’s not just some tiny cabal; they’re all the Kabbal.

Have you ever heard of the Black Nobility

The jews? Yes, I have heard of them. George Washington himself talked about them.

, and the luciferian gray Pope

The jews? Yes, I have heard of them.

Pls fix your brain rot

Said the paid jewish shill.

it's literally the Synagogue of Satan that runs the show!

Yes, the jews. I said that. I said it’s the jews. All jews. Because they are jewish. The synagogue of Satan. That’s the jews. The Bible explicitly says so. I said that. Already. You are a troll account.

But you still worship satanic/luciferian fucking IDOLS and dead ROTHSCHILD PUPPETS in 2024!

Reported for libel. No one has done this and your spam is irrelevant.

You are a devil worshiping

Prove it or be reported again.


You made a 4 hour video of nothing but deflecting.

zero IQ retard

Thanks for admitting everything I said is objectively true.

who hates Slavic

Nope. All whites are white.

"WHITE" people

Only a jew says this.

and Christian Palestinians


Shame on you

No one cares about your personal opinions, Greta.

GOD will Judge you too!

At least I won’t end up in the lake of fire with every single jew.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +6 / -4





You didn’t say a SINGLE FUCKING WORD against the flat earth spam and you have the gall to whine about me?

Prove me wrong, you pathetic coward. Any topic. Any field. Here and now.

TallestSkil 3 points ago +5 / -2

you’re a communist because you want all communists dead

you’re a communist because everything you support is the opposite of communism

watch as I spam buzzwords only jews have ever spammed and invoke names only jews have ever invoked

that’ll make people believe it’s not the jews!

You’re a fucking embarrassment to your cubicle farm.

TallestSkil 3 points ago +5 / -2

Fuck off, yid. No one will ever believe your kike bullshit. Nothing you say is true.

TallestSkil 3 points ago +6 / -3

It’s the jews.

I’m not going to be lied to for four hours. It’s the jews. Three words. More powerful than any psy-op or disinformation campaign. Jews. All jews. Because they are jews. Get it through your head.

TallestSkil 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh well. Doesn’t matter.

TallestSkil 5 points ago +5 / -0

Does anyone actually believe that. They’re pissing on us without the courtesy of calling it rain. This is a script from literally 20 years ago they’re trotting out because they think people don’t remember.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

lol, oh well. Humanity’s dead already. You think anyone’s going to stop using plastic without killing every single government official on Earth?

Well, they will involuntarily once all whites are dead since no one else can manage to make it once all infrastructure collapses.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

Aha. Note:

they've obviously decreased in frequency

…as jews slowly consolidated power throughout the world.

and the next time

And… this will be when? They own the entire world now. Contemporary conditions have never been mirrored at any point in history, nor has technology ever before afforded them the power they have now. If jews so chose, 100,000 soldiers could easily be deployed anywhere in the world within 24 hours, and 1,000,000 within 72 hours. With the ability to project force like that, engagements don't have to be long (so as to prevent uncomfortable questions); they just have to be decisive. And they will be, when any fledgling breakaway group or state will be noticed before they're able to defend against an army of this kind.

That’s my point. The appearance of “circular” motion he’s claiming is really just a downward spiral.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

lashed out

Don’t lie and you won’t be told to fuck off.

went away

I have never posted anything except directly on the topic. You have never posted on the topic at all. You’re fooling no one.

wall of text

Take your entire pill bottle’s worth of ADHD medication immediately.

being offended

Project your own failures somewhere else.

you project

Which is why you’re

physically incapable

of providing even a single piece of evidence to support your claim that history is “cyclical,” and why every single reply you’ve made has just been personal attacks against me, right?

0 self awareness

Thank you for admitting that history is not cyclical and that everything I said is objectively correct.

Reply again. Your contract of employment demands it.

TallestSkil 5 points ago +5 / -0

There’s no tension or violence. They gave up already.

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