TTComix 1 point ago +1 / -0

Im saying they will kill us all. Enslave us. I'm defending my own enslavement? I AM SAYING THEY R LUNATICS.

TTComix 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm 8200? No. I just don't see how this ends other than Genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and nothing happens. Business as a usual.

And if there is a huge outcry from Americans to the point of revolt the r extensive protest of violence vs state property then here comes IDF trained police to kill you.

TTComix 2 points ago +2 / -0

Israel going nowhere. I'm literally in Brooklyn, Israel right now. You r in Buttfuck, Idaho, Israel. This is Israel. They are coming now. Or Samson.

TTComix 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nah. America's fall will be brutal though.

TTComix 3 points ago +3 / -0

Believe me, I know. I'm not at your level of distaste for them. But believe me, I know. Unz does a great job. Do does research and this site as well. It just hard to acknowledge, because it's painful. Harder to talk about w others because it's so taboo. But trust me, everyone understands that they r sick. The next fact to understand is that practically everything they've been accused of, they r guilty. After that..... God bless. Cuz it's not a nice realization. I hope one day a reason is found why they are the way they are. I can't believe it's from being a sand fucker for 3000 years.

TTComix 1 point ago +1 / -0


list of Jews who were Masons from 1910... looking for Abraham Frarnland.

so the LaRouche article from 1994.... this is suggesting the Jews killed Abraham Lincoln.... did I know this and chose to forget it?

does anyone else feel like u see this and its like the worst news you have ever gotten except now, you are immune to it? the Jews owned all the slave ships, Zionism and Masonry are practically married, the 13 Colonies were full of Jewish Masons.... Guislaine Maxwell was rediit user maxwellhill and ran the place..... Maxwell’s daughters.... Sadam Hussein.... 9/11..... now Gaza....

TTComix 2 points ago +3 / -1

bullshit artist. also wow.... also... fuck Biden. and Stren jew p.o.s. was a total perverted p.o.s. and then switched on a dime. p.o.s.

TTComix 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jews r crazy? yeah no shit. Its in their DNA? Yeah we knew this forever. Gimme a break. Oh well, I guess its hard to swallow for some people. thankfully a good woman here I think.

TTComix 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know Im the OP, sorry, not a sophisticated poster like many here.

I am going to watch videos on this figure, I found some YT vids on him, but I wanted to post that if the Sabbateans are a real thing, then why no one has ever reported on it in modern times as a possible source of what’s going on in society?

Do you think the Sabbateans will ever come up in current news?

am I being paranoid or too singular? Serious as a mother fucker... if they are operating right now its them doing all this shit. Its THEM running Israel.

David Sheen on YT seems to be a righteous man and has TONS of vids on Israel’s crimes. INCREDIBLE AMOUNTS.

is this the end times? this cant end any other way!!!! this doesn’t end any other way!!!!This does NOT END WELL!

TTComix -4 points ago +1 / -5

Jesus would be the chillest guy you know until someone stepped out of line or disrespected shit. He would not care if someone was having gender identity issues, and would welcome everyone. Very accepting person. Definitely woke in all the right ways. Chillest dude ever.

TTComix 5 points ago +5 / -0

is there anywhere in America where its predominately white that teens aren’t allowed in a mall? and this is really not a mall its what u might call a mall on Flatbush & Atlantic Ave farthest thing from what I remember being a mall.

Kings Plaza Mall might be next, on the other side of Brooklyn. Im sorry black folk, its you. same with the KC super bowl parade. Its you guys.

TTComix 2 points ago +2 / -0

ADL AIPAC make mucho money doing this. Everyone knows it. There are scumbags in every community

TTComix 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's all about money. I think it's good for people who believe in the Jewish problem.

TTComix 5 points ago +5 / -0

Where's the conspiracy? I feel like there is one here. Hidden knowledge? Otherwise it's just religious mumbo jumbo

TTComix 2 points ago +2 / -0

U could argue that someone had to sell it, and use it. "Too bad ur people were too stupid to be the wrong side of this don't blame us."

TTComix 4 points ago +4 / -0

That right there is like gold.

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