R_Hak 0 points ago +1 / -1

I have seen this movie years ago, but don't remember it very well.

Do you care to remind me in a few words what it says...

I remember one of the themes was futurism? or some appeal to good human nature...?

I remember this was recommended to me from a anti-global warming leftist. He was deep into conspiracy theories, on the peak oil pov etc... But I remember not believing everything he said at the time. This was around 10 years ago... He was Swedish.

R_Hak 1 point ago +2 / -1

I consider 99% of ppl who put "awaken" in their title either as idiots or paid agents.

They always say something real, like "we breathe air", or some limited hangout... but these titles, like "great awakening" etc seem made intentionally to pander to simple minded people and manipulate them.

R_Hak 1 point ago +2 / -1

J Brockman appears in this documentary. He is a well knows associate of J Epstein.

R_Hak 2 points ago +3 / -1

No way crypto wasnt a test by the elites...

R_Hak 1 point ago +2 / -1

I suspect all billionaires are also tied tightly to intelligence agencies

Not only them, but intellectuals too. See this for an excellent illustration. Ted Kaczynski knew more about these people than what we are told... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yn9BvNAUvcU

R_Hak 0 points ago +1 / -1

Opinions on this? Had it bookmarked but only started watching it today..

by pkvi
R_Hak 2 points ago +3 / -1

or controlled demolition (not the first time they've used that trick) which would explain their large controlling share percentage.

Or transfer of power to other puppets, like Musk now for example.

by pkvi
R_Hak 0 points ago +1 / -1

Haven't checked this, but I'm sure if you go look up the shareholders of these companies here, Blackrock and Vanguard are the shareholders, with a few other companies that get recycled from time to time depending on the economic and technological trends.

R_Hak 0 points ago +2 / -2

Gullible people believe in unicorns. Twitter was sinking. It was losing allies and influence. Along comes what? Another narrative. Why?

People need a little hope to get on with the job they are assigned in the plantation.

by pkvi
R_Hak 0 points ago +1 / -1

If you, mostly cuckservatives, want to get to the truth, first you need to abandon all hope.

False hope, makes you same as these degenerate leftoids you dont like...

Jumping for that small particle of hope like a trained dog.

by DrLeaks
R_Hak 1 point ago +3 / -2

You are stupid. The war is ongoing.

You think the enemy will choose a tactic that benefits you, aka direct open war, instead of the tactics that benefit him, like a silent war?

by pkvi
R_Hak 0 points ago +1 / -1

This is to subvert the right from blowing their top.


All the banninfg of dissident movements and thinkers were strategically done.

They probably had AI do a plan on how to ban those reddit communities for example, in such a way that those communities could never reorganize effectively in another platform. That way they don't risk creating a strong competition for themselves. At the same time they probably has total control of most of the FAKE alt sites, while actively subverting and trying to shut down others in order to not let dissident voices organise.

This twatter thing, together with the Joe Rogan thing, are all orchestrated to give FALSE hope to the sheeple.

The target of any elite, is not to kill the sheeple, but to make them do their bidding. And hope, is always necessary to keep the sheeple in the system. Because outside of the system you lose control of the sheep.

So, at the most critical moment, when a critical mass of normies was realizing and accepting that social media is fully controlled and manipulated, they give this bone to retarded cuckservatives.

by pkvi
R_Hak 0 points ago +1 / -1

The sheep always need hope, to produce more sheep so that the butcher keeps the meat factory open.

Enough hope will always be a requisite of any system that controls humanity.

by pkvi
R_Hak 0 points ago +1 / -1

I have an account since 2012 but used it 2 times. Once to set it up for my blog, and once more to delete the profile picture.

Wont be using twatter no matter what.

R_Hak 0 points ago +1 / -1

what are you claiming that they manipulate the true nr displayed followers?

or that the bots who once followed leftists are now being sent to follow cuckservatives??

by pkvi
R_Hak -1 points ago +1 / -2

0 chance the NSA could collect our data with the direct, complicit help of Google.

R_Hak 3 points ago +6 / -3

No God would love this sort of creation. These types are an abomination. Purge them.

R_Hak -1 points ago +1 / -2

Shut up degenerate jew.... Jews want your daughters and women to not marry young but go and waste their most fertile years whoring themselves in university... That's why groomers want...

The groomer doesnt want the women to get married young because that way they would be guarded by their husbands as was once upon a time.

Also, funny how all the jewish degenerates have funny nicks referencing a fake historical event like Holobunga just to get sympathy from low IQ nazis who cant look past the nickname.

Obligatory kys.

R_Hak 1 point ago +3 / -2

His part was created purposefully to take power... because the elites didn't like the other alternatives...

the same thing has happened in Italy in the last 10 years with the only exception that in Italy they don't even create a new party as a facade...

R_Hak 0 points ago +2 / -2

its all theatrics for the sheeple. so they can jump from despair to hope... the sheep need hope so they can work, get in debt, pay debt make new babies for the next generation of slaves...

Remember that Joe Rogan fake fight.... Joe Rogan was a YT puppet. You don't become the top podcaster without YT manipulating the algorithm and putting you on top.

R_Hak 2 points ago +3 / -1

He's a genius, and the explosive growth of Tesla, Space x is proof of that

nigger tier IQ. his companies receive huge gov subsidies.

Also believing the markets aren't manipulated if for children. Grow up.

R_Hak 5 points ago +8 / -3

The most informative and relevant comments get downvoted in here...

R_Hak -2 points ago +1 / -3

Most people are ignorant.

You dont need to read the news daily or wait for the future to know that most of the ppl Trump surrounded himself are fake.

Just take Giuliani for example...

Most people forget of don't fucking know that this guy was MAJOR of NYC during the 9/11 false flag attacks. And there is like 0 ZERO chance he didnt know the truth, then of shortly after, when the evidence was being compiled.

by pkvi
R_Hak 1 point ago +4 / -3

the internet doubled with useless content .. why

Correct. Useless content.

I have a blog in my own native language. Small language compared to English.

My stats went drastically down in the same time period you mentioned, despite me publishing more articles than ever. And mine was a technical scientific blog, so not influenced by mode.

My interpretation is that something, someone had the power and resources to create through that GPL3something bot that creates content out of nothing and put it online...

To dilute true human interaction with each other? To dilute true human content into a sea of fake bot AI content?

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