This kind of digital currency is a dictators wet dream, (83000 more of em). Your trying to buy food? Denied, you must pay your taxes first. Bought your friend a beer for helping you with your car? Thats a business transaction and will be properly taxed.
I appreciate the perspective on investastalking. Thanks.
I am sure things have changed for several reasons. I remember my ABC's Where I live, which car is mine, etc. Other things flash in and out and distort. For sure.
I recently came across this guy on the podcast higherside chats. Jason Breshears. His research resonates with me. Quick and dirty hes about simulation theory he found in very old texts he had access too. The only sense I can make of this place is as a magic realm or a simulation. Either one, changes to history fit. Why they change? I can only guess.
I wondered why I had not heared anything about the Mandela effect lately. So I did a search in Conspiracy for Mandela. Dolly is one of the effects that I feel very sure about. And a video showing the braces?? I know it was silly to reply but I then though it would be fun to get a reply on a message from 4 month old comment.
No stalking involved.
Well said. To add to that, to really understand them you would have to know intent. Intent is the most important part. But to my knowledge there is no way to know intent without being told. But we should know how disconnected we are from the "real" world. (I am not sure how real this place is.) For example why is the calendar the way it is. Each month should be a lunar cycle. But they are not. Our year used to start on the first day of spring. When life renews. But not anymore. Its during winter. The time of death. Our holidays are when they are for a deeper reason than "Christmas". (not knocking Christmas). When you can see the timings many things get clearer. This is just the start.