Onedude123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Eastern Orthodox thats interesting Ive been wanting to get the apocrypha and my friend was looking for another study Bible version Ill look into getting one .Ill do better and try and visit the christianity.win more havent in a year Ill be looking for when you post your findings.

God Bless

by pkvi
Onedude123 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember Guyver (we're probably in same age range) I thought the costume looked cool but the story made no sense. My first introduction to anime was speed racer the car was cool. Attack on TItan does go full anime crazy haha i preferred the first season first 5 episodes the most when it was contained to the small city. They are very busy probably why most ADD kids like them . I never watched the final fantasy movie didnt like the cgi I miss hand drawn animation movies.

by pkvi
Onedude123 2 points ago +2 / -0

haha whats your issue with them? i havent watched many but that one stays pretty grounded.

mine they either keep going with no end so they have alot of pointless episode filler

they go weird especially when its near the ending like introduce aliens out of nowhere or giant monster with 1000 eyes legs.

have some corny moral , the monsters that are eating us arent all bad.

by pkvi
Onedude123 6 points ago +6 / -0

Its jokes now but thats exactly what we were saying seriously in 2021

by pkvi
Onedude123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ever watch fullmetal alchemist the anime? thats what I feels been going on in the world its all contrived for some ultimate moment where evil tries to steal the win

Onedude123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Appreciate it Ill look them up

Onedude123 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah that sites works a good amount translates to english thank you. Years ago when I was looking into Church history I found it more appealing than modern western christianity. was thinking of seeing what I could glean from it. If I had to label i would consider myself of Natsarim understanding now.

Onedude123 2 points ago +2 / -0

hoping it helps you

Onedude123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry for misunderstanding no he was not he was from the manichean gnostics. Natsarim is what the movement of the Messiah was called it was not considered a new religion as christianity is now it was just a sect of Israel with Gentiles grafted in .

Christian is the hellenized word for messianic


The natsarim were ostracized from Israel after the Bar Kokhba revolt they didnt join the fight because he called himself the messiah. If he wouldve said just lets fight they wouldve joined and won possibly , Israel lost the revolt narrowly.

Marcion compiled what we now call the New Testament. The original assembly even in europe was reading the "old testament"in light of Jesus with the gospels. He said no we have our own books the "new". He was the originator of the separation or replacement mindset. He was labelled a heretic but his ideals still continued on.

You ever read Maccabees? If you do 1-2 for sure 3 no 4 is nice but when you see rationality and reason replace with integrity and steadfastness (faith).

It shows the battle they had over the greek mind frame before jesus time and it was still causing tensions in Jesus times. This is Why Jesus said I have not come to do away with the law (torah)

Torah means instructions from the root ya-rah meaning the way pointing towards, the direction to walk, or as sin is a missing the mark torah is a throwing towards the mark. Which is the fulfillment completed in Jesus the goal it.

sorry for long post just wanted to explain a lil of what Ive come upon.

Onedude123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Any people you like listening to or sites with teachings you like?

Onedude123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Heres mine Have you looked into the two world views that were competing around Jesus time Hebrew (Concrete -action) vs Greek Gnostic (Abstract- thought). I believe the Hellenism won out in the 300s . Augustine was a Manichean and many came from Gnostic backgrounds and brought the understanding separating the original assembly of Natsarim.

Onedude123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Raised orthodox?

Onedude123 4 points ago +4 / -0

Israelite - Consists of all twelve tribes that shared inheritance to the land , ones in rebellion was meant to lose the inheritance sadly there was no follow through

Hebrew- means move/across over, Abraham as he left Ur or the crossing over and out of Egypt.

Interestingly Arab means mixed multitude or people that live in tents its not a race or ethnic signifier .

Semite-People that speak semetic language aramaic, hebrew ,arab, some ethiopian dialects.

Judaist- never heard the term

Pharisee- originally were a sect means separatist that formed after Macabees to preserve them from the Greek Hellenism; in contrast to the Sadducees the political elite When Israel was under control of Romans

Jew- term originally comes from Judah the tribe

we can also add




Synagogue of Satan

Onedude123 1 point ago +1 / -0

type white couples on google

then black

then asian

Onedude123 3 points ago +3 / -0

good t know I believe ginger works also i drink everyday havent been bitten by mosquitos in years . I also limit my sugar dont know if that has effect i think so.

Onedude123 5 points ago +5 / -0

I wont accept non whites being called minorities they are the majority. White people (Europeans since there are many caucasoids in middle east ,North Africa and Americas) make up about 11-7 percent of the global population. White Europeans are a minority compared to Asians and Blacks population who are Majority in their home regions. White people you are a minority being invaded by the majority.

Onedude123 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not a civil war until its white on white they are fighting an army that invaded them.

by DrLeaks
Onedude123 3 points ago +3 / -0

they couldnt , the trans men would be offended

Onedude123 4 points ago +4 / -0

Amish are of German descent they are secret nazis

Onedude123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hahaha probably was the same dude

Onedude123 3 points ago +3 / -0

they been brainwashing them since the Danzig pre ww2 event. This one pole on thedonald back on reddit wanted to argue over it he said our govt said it didnt happen, all i could do was laugh.

Onedude123 2 points ago +2 / -0

I only thought of birth control on the lower conception viability after they are off it. that could make sense that even if the embryo is received that the messed with hormonal system of the mom could cause problem in development.

Onedude123 8 points ago +8 / -0

from reverse transcription of the mrna shot?? . probably from the women getting the shot while pregnant went through umbilical cord. I dont think its the eggs theyre there at birth could be from men getting the shot too since sperm is made continually.

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